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‘The people were bribed to vote NDP'- Edmund G. Maduro

- Donald E. de Castro believes the VIP lost heavily because of its Chairman Julian Fraser RA; Alred ‘AC’ Frett believes parties should have boycotted the elections like he had done
Independent At Large candidate at the general elections Edmund G. Maduro is not surprised at the outcome of the elections as he said it was clear that the National Democratic Party (NDP) had more to spend. Photo: VINO/File
Donald E. de Castro said that Hon Julian Fraser as Chairman of the VIP was the cause of the defeat that party suffered. Alred 'AC' Frett said that people should have heeded his calls for a boycott of the 2015 elections as a form of protest against the hurriedly called polls. Photo: VINO/File
Donald E. de Castro said that Hon Julian Fraser as Chairman of the VIP was the cause of the defeat that party suffered. Alred 'AC' Frett said that people should have heeded his calls for a boycott of the 2015 elections as a form of protest against the hurriedly called polls. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Independent At Large candidate at the 2015 general elections Edmund G. Maduro is not surprised at the outcome of the elections as he said it was clear that the National Democratic Party (NDP) had more to spend.

“I believe what made the big difference in the elections is the money,” Maduro said to this news site. “There was a big division between those who have and those who didn’t have and you could tell that from the size of the posters and billboards that were put up,” he added.

Maduro noted as well that a few things did not go right such as the elections being a snap election and the time that was so short for people to fully launch their campaign. Maduro garnered 86 votes as an Independent At Large candidate.

People were bribed?

According to Maduro, the larger billboard and posters weren’t the only result of the deeper pockets of some parties. “It is a known fact that [some parties] were [allegedly] giving out money to bribe people,” he said. “Thousands of dollars were [allegedly] given out and I hope that the Commonwealth Observers have made a note of that,” he said.

The outspoke Maduro said that in the final analysis it is the people who are responsible for returning the NDP to office. “They voted for them and for whatever reason they made their decision,” he said.

Maduro continues to be concerned about the NDP Government’s “mishandling” of funds on certain projects and their handling of the cruise ship pier which he believes warranted a Commission of Inquiry and is still concerned that Governor John S. Duncan OBE has not seen it fit to have one. “The Governor did wrong when he refused to name a Commission of Inquiry…he refused to carry out a Constitutional order,” said Maduro.

Fraser is the problem?

Speaking to this news site, social and political commentator Donald E. de Castro said he was not surprised at the outcome of the elections in terms of the Virgin Islands Party losing by such a wide margin – 11 – 2 seats in the House of Assembly.

“Fraser is the problem,” he said, referring to Chairman of the VIP Honourable Julian Fraser RA (R3). “The moment that the party elected Julian Fraser was the moment they lost the election as nobody wants Fraser as Premier,” said de Castro.

Hon Fraser did manage to hold on to his seat in the Third District, beating out NDP candidate Kevin C. Smith by one of the narrowest margins in the race, gaining 561 votes to Honourable Fraser’s 596.

de Castro is of the view that for the party to move forward they need to have a Chairman who isn’t named Julian Fraser.

Parties, candidates should have boycotted

Political commentator and the only person to go on record as boycotting the snap election, Alred ‘AC’ Frett, said that what he had predicted has happened.

Speaking to this news site, he said that the only way for the people to have made their voices heard loud and clear was to have boycotted the elections as he had advocated in his previous articles in the media.

He said, however, while he intends to continue his political advocacy and career he is not hungry for power. Frett reserved further comment saying that he intends to address the issue at length on his radio programme this weekend.

55 Responses to “‘The people were bribed to vote NDP'- Edmund G. Maduro”

  • Takers (12/06/2015, 09:12) Like (35) Dislike (12) Reply
    Aye Mongrel!! Go Siddung!!
  • Yes (12/06/2015, 09:20) Like (85) Dislike (18) Reply
    Edmund you should have been down sea cows bay to see who was giving out the money. The people didn't want you or VIP, the people wanted PROGRESS that's why we voted NDP. Billboards or not, we would have voted NDP. Stop the noise!
    • @ lol (12/06/2015, 10:28) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
      but the vip broke according to funny man
    • to LOL (12/06/2015, 14:58) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      Do you have proof or what people say you run with
      • yea (12/06/2015, 15:45) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
        I got proof though, pictures and audio recordings. I'm just waiting for the right time to release them.
        • @yea (14/06/2015, 09:04) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
          Lets bring out the proof from each side NDP and VIP and take it to the UK. NDP happening to have much more bribery money then VIP this election. So many people stated that they received money, contracts and promises from the NDP all over the districts not only the Third. Let it all be known. The UK need to come down here and take over for a bit until we can stop all this greed in this place and have a true election.
          • Really? (16/06/2015, 13:17) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
            @ @Yea: Sounds like you have all the evidence. Why not put it together and take your recommendation to the Governor? It's plain to see whose side you were on. Time to move on. With time, God's willing, the scale will be removed from your eyes and you would see much clearer.
  • wize up (12/06/2015, 09:21) Like (46) Dislike (38) Reply
    attention all political parties; another election is due in 2019, please don't sit in your @&& and loose then start harping about a nap election: begin to raise money from now(get some rich white friends) when you loose come 2019 don't cry about money: the voters of our country have spoken via the ballot box...stop bitching and face the facts, you just simply loose: we also trying to blame others for our own down fall....the better party won because the voters of this country wanted the NDP....come good in 2019 you set of deadbeats...
    • Arkam (12/06/2015, 10:42) Like (11) Dislike (11) Reply
      @ wise up....dude use spell check nuh mehn! It is 'lose' not "loose" did you manage to write all that and still not comprehend your misuse of the word! SMDH....drops mic.....walks off stage....
  • ccc (12/06/2015, 09:30) Like (32) Dislike (68) Reply
    Ndp thief the elections
  • east man who got $$$$ (12/06/2015, 10:28) Like (48) Dislike (36) Reply
    I anit no fan of edmund but he right on tis
  • jokes (12/06/2015, 10:30) Like (45) Dislike (2) Reply
    Anyone noticed that Maduros posters had a picture of him in his 40's? Time to give up!
    • SaintAugustine (12/06/2015, 10:45) Like (17) Dislike (12) Reply
      Did you notice how your own candidates have jet black hair and they over the hill.
  • .......... (12/06/2015, 11:01) Like (47) Dislike (28) Reply
    I will never believe that this election was fair
  • mih seh (12/06/2015, 11:33) Like (36) Dislike (13) Reply
    Only place not fair was district 3
    • @ mih seh (12/06/2015, 13:04) Like (8) Dislike (16) Reply
      Keep dreaming u will never get that seat until fraser retire like rto did in the 9th so oj better prepare to run three more times
    • concern (12/06/2015, 15:03) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
      NDP won and you are still bitter about the Hon Fraser. Please come out of the darkness.
    • wize up (12/06/2015, 15:07) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @mih seh; very true
  • 911 (12/06/2015, 11:57) Like (41) Dislike (16) Reply
    Money mek the ndp win
    • Lily Ann (12/06/2015, 15:08) Like (5) Dislike (9) Reply
      And constant derogatory comments made by the VIP is what makes VIP loose !!
  • vip ndp supporter (12/06/2015, 12:05) Like (10) Dislike (15) Reply
    It's high time for people to stop this negativity the ndp won and that is that get over it and go work because even if they gave out money which I didn't get everybody on both side those it. so just grow to hell up Edmond and others just get over it
  • Voter Too (12/06/2015, 12:32) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
    All government and opposition bribe for election more so the government has they tend to have the resources and finance (most of the time the people's money) to do as they like. The position may do so if they have the backing of sponsors who tend to give to get something. Fraser to me wasn't the problem don't blame him you may say the difference of 35 votes does mean a lot either much wasn't done to Gagner votes on his behalf or heavy bribing was done to over throw him,people may have had a change of mine,people felt giving Kevin a chance, or someone felt he no longer deem to be the the leader (traitor on board) and many more.
    However, it does need a set date for election to be passed in the HOA so all parties to be well prepared. Example 4 years on the 8th of June or second Monday in June. Two term for any premier so even if your party win for a third term with a different leader.No election results especially for a small country should be taken into a next day, electronic voting should be a good option . These and more should be put forward to take the country forward
  • Kermit (12/06/2015, 12:32) Like (26) Dislike (2) Reply
    Well to tell you the truth.. No one didn't bribe me.. I got no envelopes of any color shape or size, i got nothing.. I voted NDP Because, dispite what people may try to portray, NDP has done alot for the community, but they have ah real long way to go.. and quite frankly the VIP roster didn't really look to healthy, and PEP was a non factor to consider... But seriously speaking now wasn't the time to play monkey in the middle with the power balance, i am glad that Fraser and Andrew kept their seats tho cause you do need that opposing voice.. Let's just hope that NDP moves forward with the people in mind. Cause without the people gov. easily becomes a dictatorship.
  • dickson (12/06/2015, 12:46) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
    Edmund hall you $$ go rest yourself. Have you known an election to be not costly ? Therefore in the future if you don't have no money and your party don't intend to spend one stay all you a $$ out the race .. Tired of all you now.. Shana Brown
  • Kingfish (12/06/2015, 13:05) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    I believe edmund hands down
  • voter (12/06/2015, 13:08) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    No more air time for these jokers please. We have serious work to do and a Territory that needs to be run
  • Animal Team (12/06/2015, 13:25) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Bribe--nonsense--Horse-Pigs--Cows and Goats could have beaten VIP. Why would one waste money. If a Sheep was leading the shepherds.......Tell VIP get their act together.
  • dog (12/06/2015, 13:31) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    I agree on a number of points:
    election should be a set date so people can prepare.
    allowing government in power to set date is advantageous to that party and allows them time for big billboards and radio/ media spots before others have a chance.
    The size of billboards should be standardized so they are the same size. tourists don't want to see billboards either.
    There should be debates so people can hear who has ideas and understanding of the issues, who speaks well and can represent overseas.
    I would like to see a list of candidate bios like schooling, business, experience, who is qualified
    Transparency on Campaign finance contribution with a limit
    Electronic count for same-day results- but sometimes it happens in other countries like US too.
    I think who holds the strings has the advantage.

    I am sorry to say that I also agree that Fraser helped lose some of the election bids of some very good candidates which would have added to a balanced discussion and debate in legislature.

    • shaw (12/06/2015, 23:17) Like (24) Dislike (0) Reply
      you should add that if there are many candidates running for a position then a primary should happen to choose the top THREE before the formal election. Imagine 8 candidates and one gets 30% and wins. That means there are 70% of the people DON'T want that candidate. That is not true representation. Those whose choices didn't make it will have to shift to look at the remaining people and vote accordingly. That is the TRUE measure.
  • gee (12/06/2015, 14:18) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    well, if they were bribed then they knew what they were doing. better that he had said they were drugged.
  • proud virginislander (12/06/2015, 14:28) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    It is time to stop blaming Fraser. The ND P has won.We know they did not get it fairly. They did a lot of mud slinging. In addition they must give account of the sixteen million. The people within the VIPcouncil helped to destroy Fraser with the negivity they leaked on the street. Mr. Fraser is a good man, but who cannot do the job will always find faults. We have people in our community who just want handout. Hope they will hold the government accountable.Sad to see how we behave.
    • YOUCANTFOOLMEIF (12/06/2015, 23:48) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      They planted the seed with Ralph and got rid of him. Now they finishing the job by planting the seed for Fraser, Fahie and Malone. Once the seed is planted they don't have to do a thing but sit back and watch the VIP eat there own. Pay attention people the ball is in play.
  • Listen (12/06/2015, 14:40) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    He just mad they didn't give him money lol
  • @ dog (12/06/2015, 15:46) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Elections are every 4 years, what more than that you need to know? Anybody seriously considering contesting the last elections should have known from January 2015 politics start. Stop with the stupid excuses. Elections are every 4 years, that's all they need to know to get prepared.
    • dog (12/06/2015, 23:11) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      not true. Any responsible citizen and candidate needs to know how the game works and to watch for irregularities and keep others honest. Moreso, to keep Government transparent. Pointing out potential problems and having a level playing field is paramount to fair elections in general. If you don't pay attention you are bound to make the same mistake again. And if you don't pay attention, you will become sheep.
  • The Deserving Virgin Islanders (12/06/2015, 15:56) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    We won't have long to wait, (the way time keeps slipping away), before we get a full report from the International Observers.
    True, the election is over; but political election is not that simple a thing as a domino game or game of darts, that we should simply move on and forget what happen, calling it fair and square. What happened on Monday may very well determine whether its necessary to hold another election, (4 years from now), or throw our hands up into the air, and saying: "S**it happens".

    It may be constitutionally right to shut down a country after just spending $60+-millions on the cruise pier expansion, $15 borrowed millions on road damage from 2010, and the borrowing of another $16-million from SS for more spending on roads and contracts, on the eve of an election, without giving account of those moneys to the legal opposition and the people of the country. Not to mention not having balanced or audited the country's books for the past several years.

    Who in their right mind can say that those actions, "were in the best interest of the country"?.

    The election Monitors might have been here and noticed a peaceful election process; but I'm sure they have no idea
    how those sponsored those massive billboards were paid for, who sponsored the campaigns, at how much it cost to dominate the airways and the blogs, nor know anything about the many contracts that were signed just prior to the election, nor the 60-plus promissory notes given out to supposedly land awardees.

    It is not democratic to simply say: "the elections are over; now suck it up".

    There were several good candidates; (great actually) that I am sure would have served us well, and with integrity, honesty, and "in the best interest of the country. Why aren't hey heading for the house of assembly?. With only weeks to campaign and get their message and vision before the electorate, without being able to access the predominant TV stations and other media houses, how could they?

    It is said that God takes care of Infants and fools. I pray that he consider the good people of the Virgin Islands as well.

    • @The Deserving Virgin Islanders (13/06/2015, 09:21) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      I agree totally with your comment however, what can truly be done? Write letters to the UK, talk to the governor about the election? What? Would you like to start a petition 'if so I will sign it? This is what I witnessed... The Friday before the election someone told me he received in excess of over $1000 from the NDP candidates for his vote and was awaiting an additional $1000 from another rep. He stated to me that he did not let the candidates know that he had received from another earlier, I heard of another voter receiving over $1000 for his vote as will. I heard of some votes being handed cash during election and told to vote for the NDP. Additionally, I saw people on contracts 'cleaning dirt of the streets ', and many cutting grass on the side of the road days before election. I heard that an NDP candidate stayed the night the weekend of the election in an area he felt would not vote for him and promised contracts to residence. Then there was this pastor pulling out a $500 check in his church and asking the members to match it for his son's campaign obligations calling it a special offering. What can we good citizens of the BVI truly do when respect for God Himself is not of concern to the electoral body, What? I am willing to do my part to help, if something can truly be done because I do love my country but I truly do not like what it has become.
  • Caramel Diva (12/06/2015, 16:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    British Virgin Islands general election, 1986

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    British Virgin Islands general election, 1986
    British Virgin Islands

    1983 ←
    17 November 1986 → 1990

    All seats in the British Virgin Islands Legislative Council
    5 seats needed for a majority


    First party

    Second party

    H.L. Stoutt Ralph T. O'Neal

    Virgin Islands Party BVI United Party

    Leader since
    1971 1986

    Leader's seat
    1st District 9th District

    Last election
    4 seats, 43.8% 4 seats, 42.3%

    Seats before
    4 4

    Seats won
    5 2

    Seat change
    +1 -2

    Popular vote
    1,838 977

    45.7% 24.3%

    +1.9% -18.0%

    Chief Minister before election

    Cyril Romney
    BVI United Party (Coalition)
    Elected Chief Minister

    Lavity Stoutt
    Virgin Islands Party

    The British Virgin Islands general election, 1986 was a "snap" election held in the British Virgin Islands on 17 November 1986. The result was a victory for the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) led by Chief Minister Lavity Stoutt over the United Party (UP). Subsequent to the election Ralph T. O'Neal became leader of the opposition despite not being head of the UP.

    The VIP won 5 of the available 9 seats giving it an absolute majority. Conrad Maduro and Ralph O'Neal were the only members of the UP to win a seat. Maduro only won by a single vote, and O'Neal would change allegiance to the Virgin Islands Party before the next general election. Two candidates running as independents, Walwyn Brewley and former Chief Minister Cyril Romney, were elected. The election victory would make the start of 17 consecutive years in power for the VIP, which would only end in the 2003 general election.

    Although Stoutt had lost the previous election, former Chief Minister Cyril Romney had been forced to step down on 1 October 1986 by Governor David Barwick, and so Stoutt had assumed Premiership by virtue of leadership of the largest party in the house prior to the election.

    Janice George-Creque served as the supervisor of elections.[1] The turnout was 67.6% across the Territory, although this masked regional variations in the individual district seats. Turnout was highest in the 9th District (81.3%) and lowest in the 2nd (60.3%) and 3rd (60.6%) Districts. The low turnout in the 2nd District proved ironic, as that seat was decided by a single vote.
  • Yes (12/06/2015, 17:31) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Money talk
  • tretretrete (12/06/2015, 20:32) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    instead of criticizing everything Edmon come up with solutions to progress the country forward and people will start listening to you all .
  • dfr (13/06/2015, 07:05) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    looks to me that he lost fair and square. How many votes did he get ? In addition what do you gain by boycotting the election ? Anyone in power can call an election as they wish as long as they do not violate the constitution . How does one bribe 90 percent of the electorate ? Please go back to the drawing boards .
  • reality (13/06/2015, 08:05) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is true. I know for a fact the young guys in Belle Vue were given money.
  • JVD holding (13/06/2015, 10:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    What I want to know is what dem boys from Jost going to do with theirs. Dem boys holding good.
  • got to got (13/06/2015, 10:32) Like (1) Dislike (9) Reply
    Ed if u had win we would have never heard your mouth. The bottom line is ndp won hands down. The people of the bvi have clearly spoken and as u can see the choice is and was crystal clear. If u can't see Chek the 9 district representing for ndp he can check your eyes
  • Chris (14/06/2015, 06:57) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    I know for a fact guys in the 5th and 2nd were given money i recied some
    • @Chris (14/06/2015, 08:52) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      I heard many people got cash money, contracts and promises of contracts.
  • voter (14/06/2015, 09:16) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Edmond Maduro, what do you wish that the good citizen do? Those that did not sell their votes and truly wish to have good governance in this nation. We will follow your leadership in this matter. If anything can be done about this pull the other candidates together and let's have a town meeting to discuss this matter. If the UK can do something about this bought election many of us are willing to voice our concerns on paper etc. Do you and the others want to fight for this cause or are you just writing an article? I for one would like to see this matter taken to another level for the good of this country.
  • It Isn't Over till the Fat Lady Sings (15/06/2015, 04:55) Like (39) Dislike (0) Reply
    To @The Deserving Virgin Islanders commentator and @Voter, I to, like many other Virgin Islanders and Mr. Maduro honestly believe that money, campaign contributions, huge money, specially from the investors, persons and businesses has played a major role in the elections resulting in the way it has. Here in the 9th. a staunch VIP supporter for many years, who owns a neighborhood bar, who normally wouldn't tolerate any political discussion in her establishment, especially against the VIP or Mr O'Neal, who would also have VIP flags and posters on display in her establishment was found wearing an Ndp T-shirt, when he visited the establishment just the day before the election. It is alleged that the 4 At-Large candidates of the winning party were seen at the neighborhood bar just the previous Saturday night.

    The International Election Observers in their "Preliminary Report" mentioned having heard of huge sums of moneys being donated to parties. They also talked about the need to know about campaign spending. The full report is due in August. Even the governor recognizes it apparently. Why would he make such a statement as the following at swearing in of the new government?:
    "The time for Backroom and Opaque Decisions are a thing of the past, “Particularly in this 21st century age, with social and online media, a number of territories are now ahead of us in this agenda".

    Elections are serious business, that can have far reaching consequences on the lives of yet unborn generations. No one has a right to interfere in the Democratic process of an election; whatever the method used.

    I am suggesting that buying votes is a serious matter; a matter that destabilizes democracies, causing them to crumble. Anyone with evidence of having received an offer of money or a contract, (the same thing), in order to get them to vote for a candidate should report it to the governor. Further, if this has happened to a number of persons, a petition could/should be sought to annul the election. ..

    • voter (15/06/2015, 23:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Can you go to the article entitled: Residents Want Campaign Financing Transparency. We are having a serious discussion about this subject.
  • Donald (16/06/2015, 15:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wish Donald de Castro would shut his trap. Town people always want to belittle country folks. He needs to be put in .............. He is no use to society. A instigator. I hope he is a happy. Fraser has good intentions. I heard him recommend certain canidates as viable. He should have done his homework before he runs his mouth. Some of them that he recommended would have been just as disasterous as the other side. A good thing people ignored him. He just a hateful person. People should not listen to his radio show.

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