‘The Pentateuch’ donated to schools
“I believe that biblical stories help young people,” said Ms Hull, adding that this is something that is evidently lacking among youths. Simple stories like Joseph's in the Bible were unknown by children. In one school only one child raised a hand when asked if they knew the story.
In observation of Literacy Day which was observed on Monday September 8, 2014 the books were placed in the hands of hundreds of students of schools across the Territory both public and private in a quest to promote reading among children and at the same time trying to rebuilding that fabric of society that seems to have been lost today: the spiritual foundation.
Former United Nations Secretary general Kofi Annan once said, “Literacy is the key lever of change and the practical tool of empowerment and each of the three main pillars of sustainable development, economic development, social development and environmental development.”
The theme for World Literacy Day is ‘Literacy and Sustainable Development’ and according to Ms Hull literacy and learning is the critical foundation for life. “I think what we need to do more is to introduce our young people more into liking to read, learning to read and as parents try to make sure that our children read a certain amount of books per year. It really increases their vocabulary, it increases their critical thinking skills and their knowledge of the world,” Ms Hull said.
“I think that it is important that we ensure that our children are prepared from a writing and speaking perspective when they come out into the work force. I know a lot of us don’t like to hear it but there are some really scary stories of resumes and job applications and letters that really don’t reflect what a high school graduate in the BVI should look like,” she pointed out, noting that the more books children are given the better are their abilities to read and write.
Getting The Pentateuch into the schools has had a very good support thus far with the Ministry of Education, LIME, Rotary Club of Road Town and many others supporting this push.
During the process of the books distribution to schools this news site caught up with Ms Hull, Honourables Archibald C. Christian, Delores Christopher (R5) and Alvera Maduro-Caines (R6) who were all being inspirational to students in the promotion of reading and biblical principles.
At one stop Hon Christian told the children that reading is important for their development. “Further, we cherish our faith in God in the BVI and the book is very important for building values and learning about God,” he said. He donated 50 books to the Joyce Samuel Primary School and the Alexandrina Maduro Primary School.
Hon Maduro-Caines said that the book really simplifies the Bible and it is a book that she wishes was around when she was a child. She encouraged the students not only to ensure that they read the book but that they took care of it. She donated 50 books to the same schools.
Althea Scatliffe Primary School received a donation of 94 books to grade 4 by the Education Minister. The Hon. Delores Christopher was on hand to deliver the books to the students of grade 4 there.
28 Responses to “‘The Pentateuch’ donated to schools”
How can people sit back and judge such a great endeavour. You do good people talk. You do bad, its on the news and they talk too. Keep pressing on the upward way. Hold your head high, but in humility and may the God of hope and mercy bless you as reflect a light that only comes from Him.
Not everybody believes this crap and not everyone wants their kids morals to be based on half truths. I have nothing against her teaching her kids with this or with parents who choose to purchase the book for their personal or family use but these misleading stories should not be imposed into our school systems.
I ask you, instead of using your political connections to get representatives and companies to buy your book en mass, why not appeal to them to help or subsidize the many children who cannot afford to purchase the required school texts, that are costly, and are infact a part of the curriculum. As a parent that is an initiative I can support.
In terms of subsidy, everybody should do their part in a progressive society. The Pentateuch was Ayana's. Perhaps, the subsidy movement is an initiative that you should lead with your passionate voice in this area and encourage others to follow. Be blessed.