The needs of the people are 'one & the same' - Julian Willock

Mr Willock was responding to a question posed by Dr Juan E. Rhymer on whether he will be running for political office. He was at the time a guest on the Health, Sickness and Restoration show on 100.9 FM ZKING on Monday March 27, 2017 with Mr Rhymer and co-host Sandra V. Phillip-Hodge.
Not ready to make announcement
“Dr Rhymer, what I will simply say is that we are not at this time ready to make any announcements. However, when we are ready to make an announcement and we are very close to making an announcement…It will be live, and it will be crystal clear but in the interim we all have a part to play in building [the territory],” he remarked.
Pressed on whether he intends to be part of any already established party or aims to form another party, was another card that he was keeping close to his chest.
“I am being as honest as I can,” he insisted.
Mr Willock; however, informed that in the last couple of months he has been making his rounds around the major islands and hearing what their needs are and they are one and the same.
Everybody wants the same thing
“Talking to people about the issues, on how we can change the conversation and how we can bring back what we had to the BVI, and how we can create a society where every man and woman living in the VI feels a part of the society.”
He added, “At the end of the day, everybody that I have talked to wants the same thing; they want good schools for their kids, they want jobs, they want livable wages, they want good roads, they want when granny goes out to church at night she is safe and the country is not crime ridden. Young people want jobs, opportunities, not to just to work for government but to run and earn their own business.”
He stated that the time is now to change the conversation on how the people can build that kind of society, void of a rich or poor class, one that everyone feels a part of.
The businessman said importantly those who are opposed to our views, must be given a listening ear and the church has a role to play in shaping the morale of the nation.
The political arena is not for all
Mr Willock said there are many ways to build a country and everyone does not have to run for office.
“I have also said, probably the only voice on this, there are so many ways to serve the country,” he pointed out.
“Everyone does not have to run for office; there are a lot of people out there doing a lot of meaningful work. You have teachers, you have doctors, you have counsellors, and you have coaches, the men and women who keep the lights on, keep the water running and sewage in check. It takes the whole everybody doing their stuff to build the country. So everyone does not have to run for office.”
FSN doing more than some politicians
The usually outspoken businessman remarked that the Family Support Network (FSN), a charitable organisation, does more than some who sit in high office.
“I will contend that there are a lot of non-governmental organisations and industries and I cite the Family Support Network doing a lot of meaningful, more meaningful work than some of these politicians running around talking nonsense,” the businessman said.

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