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‘The most non-invasive testing will be chosen’ for schools- Dr Georges

- said frequency of testing yet to be determined
The most non-invasive testing will be done on students when the Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Development, introduces rapid testing for the coronavirus in schools. Photo: Internet Source/File
Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronald E. Georges said the most non-invasive testing will be chosen. Photo: GIS/File
Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronald E. Georges said the most non-invasive testing will be chosen. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The most non-invasive testing will be done on students when the Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Development, introduces rapid testing for the coronavirus in schools.

This is according to Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronald E. Georges.

Noting that the territory is in the midst of the Omicron outbreak, “once things do settle down, I know the Ministry of Education does have plans to reopen schools as quickly as they can and also do have plans to review various strategies we can use to implement testing regimens in schools so that we can safely reopen schools safely in a face-to-face manner,” Dr Georges commented during a stakeholders meeting held virtually on January 13, 2022.

‘Non-invasive testing’

Dr Georges added that the most non-invasive testing will be chosen.

“And in most programmes, the children actually do it themselves and pass it [the sample] to the person who can then conduct the rapid test.”

The Acting CMO noted that countries around the world are dealing with the challenges of online schooling in different ways due to COVID-19 and the testing of students and teachers is being done to get students and teachers back in physical schools.

“So, for example, for different schools in the UK and the US you may see testing regimens with weekly rapid testing, you may see twice-weekly rapid testing, trice weekly rapid testing. They all have cost implications and there are different strategies.”

He said that one strategy is where they may test entire populations repeatedly or they may do more opportunistic testing.

“But essentially putting a testing regimen in place in schools is quite important in reducing the risks of infections in schools and allowing schools to open safely,” Dr Georges said.

Public schools are currently being done online in the Virgin Islands. Some private schools have been taking a blended approach where only some classes are conducted face to face.

28 Responses to “‘The most non-invasive testing will be chosen’ for schools- Dr Georges”

  • Third Eye (16/01/2022, 11:53) Like (49) Dislike (4) Reply
    There was a story a few years ago where people in power said it’ll only be two weeks. That two weeks turned into two years and with that people slowly gave up their rights for comfort of being safe. So the people in power just kept taking more and more liberties from the people and the people had to learn to live with the new rules to their lives. Moral of the story is, you give an inch today tomorrow you’ll be gagging
  • Really (16/01/2022, 12:19) Like (20) Dislike (8) Reply
    Testing for kids wow right when Biden signed the papers stating that people will have to start paying for test. This test is for two things check your DNA because they are looking for a certain blood type, number two the nanoparticles in the vaccine are also on the swab why push it up your brains when they can swab your mouth because that's where the virus is,
    • @Really (16/01/2022, 17:38) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
      The same laws that applies in America does not apply in the BVI. In the USVI yes but not in the BVI.
      • Really (16/01/2022, 20:08) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
        You can do the swab and all laws are the same and soon you will see for the Great reset New world order
  • Secret Bear (16/01/2022, 12:37) Like (50) Dislike (5) Reply
    Stop this nonsense. Anyone can see that the obsession with testing is prolonging the pandemic, not ending it. In children it’s a cold and should be treated as one. Stay home if you’re sick, the end.
  • Really (16/01/2022, 13:14) Like (24) Dislike (13) Reply
    so when will the rapid testing begins for the government workers? the taxi drivers? the frontline workers? Why are none of these people being tested , if they had there would not of been such a large outbreak and all the government offices shutting down or working with less staff???
  • @Really (16/01/2022, 14:10) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    And the virus is going to continue raging on.
  • anegada (16/01/2022, 14:17) Like (31) Dislike (1) Reply
    Can you all fix the other issues in school before throwing our kids back in the mouldy, screenless school house,? There is Covid and then there are other issues that can affect health so let us be proactive please
    • yes Anegad (16/01/2022, 18:46) Like (3) Dislike (19) Reply
      @agenda you’ll so small minded. You’ll so illiterate; The word Agenda or Karam don’t mean negative; As for Agenda; The Agenda is to get the youth in a safe schooling environment. The agenda is no not be distracted or intimidated by your type of mind set up people. The shards is do for everything possible to keep people safe including idiots like you….
  • Ok, Parent (16/01/2022, 14:27) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    So why not have public schools students attend in person sessions 2 days per week and 3 days per week online. The 3 days online, have the classrooms cleaned and sanitized. Or perhaps give out the testing kits to the parents and let them administer the test at home and have a place where the test results can be checked.
    • idea (16/01/2022, 20:06) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      Or maybe just send them to school normally because Covid isn’t dangerous for them and cleaning/sanitizing is useless because it doesn’t spread that way.
  • hmmm (16/01/2022, 15:32) Like (29) Dislike (1) Reply
    If the virus is way up the nose and has to travel down to the mouth where It then goes into the air as water droplets, why can't we then just swab the mouth?
    • resident (16/01/2022, 17:16) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      There are mouth swabs and even a saliva test now but the bvi being the bvi doesn't want to recognize any test other than the nose test
    • @hmmm (16/01/2022, 17:20) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
      It’s not about health. That’s just cover for this global agenda
    • Eeh (16/01/2022, 17:32) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
      With all these skeptics and anti-vaxxers how could they be trusted to 1. Do the test and 2. Give the correct information to the health dept?
  • Don’t (16/01/2022, 17:44) Like (1) Dislike (13) Reply
    don’t let self entitle C***y J**es making you’ll stop for doing what’s write. most of the students are actually more smarter then their parents. If C***y and her goons don’t want to deal with it; they can home schoo; but when it’s time to hit the sky or leave the BVI via boat they will follow all the steps to be sure them get on that airplane or ferry to STT
  • nonsense (16/01/2022, 17:54) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply

    Leave the kids alone! Hundreds lf taxi drivers in close contact with cruisers and other tourists which are much higher risk are NOT subjected to this bull$***

  • Anegada resident (16/01/2022, 18:32) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Not my child. Before you do that consider mass testing of the adults here. They so laser focused on money and vaccine. If all the adults test negative in 2 weeks then maybe consider a blended approach and have no in person sports and music as these subjects are not core and requires teachers coming from a more populated, higher case load island
  • My only comment (16/01/2022, 19:44) Like (1) Dislike (9) Reply
    This little Island is filled with a bunch of sick narrow minded people. Instead of trying to help come up with a solution like the blogger OK, Parent, all I am seeing is a bunch of blame, shade throwing and accusing.
  • Young concerned citizen (16/01/2022, 20:13) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not without my consent and presence will you be imposing this on my child. You are not the master and I the slave to be following your orders without objection. I am one parent that does everything to minimize contact with most everyone unless I have to go grocery shopping.

    Based on a person's profession and demands from work due to being understaffed he or she may be asked to return to work immediately, nevermind he or she just returned from a high risk country. This is what is upsetting and happening now. I know of such cases. Another question is whether the employer is aware he or she was away. Once vaccinated, if you prove you are negative you are given the green light to come in to the country and go your merry way. What about monitoring such persons to ensure they minimize contact until a specified period has passed? Most of these cases arose from people entering the country first.
    Omnicron did not come here on its own via mutation alone I am sure.

    There are certain professions that require unlimited human contact. Random voluntary testing should happen here first and those re-entering the country and the persons they are in frequent contact with.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (16/01/2022, 21:40) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dr. Ronald Georges, this new idea or plan is just another tactics to get people to violate their own freedom of choice. Go, and come again with a better plan. This one is not lest thàn a "TUG-A-WAR.
    There must be a better ways better than this one.
    Stop acting like a political Doctor Rather than the medical Doctor that you are, Sir.
  • rushnot (17/01/2022, 01:06) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    wait awhile please. At least January and February see what is going on around here before taking that huge jump. Our children need to learn but they also need to live. And living with covid means adapting to new ways of doing things
    • Living? (17/01/2022, 16:21) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Shutting down schools indefinitely is not "living with covid." That's not living. It's panic.
  • poor thing (17/01/2022, 03:10) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    ‼️List of the 52 viruses that can cause a PCR test to give false positives:

    H1N1 (2009)
    Seasonal H1N1 Influenza Virus
    H3N2 Influenza Virus
    H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus
    H7N9 Avian Influenza Virus
    Influenza B Yamagata
    Influenza B Victoria
    RSV Type A
    RSV Type B
    Enterovirus A
    Enterovirus B
    Enterovirus C
    Enterovirus D
    Parainfluenza Virus Type 1
    Parainfluenza Virus Type 2
    Parainfluenza Virus Type 3
    Rhinovirus A
    Rhinovirus B
    Rhinovirus C
    Adenovirus Type 1
    Adenovirus Type 2
    Adenovirus Type 3
    Adenovirus Type 4
    Adenovirus Type 5
    Adenovirus Type 7
    Adenovirus Type 55
    Human Metapneumovirus
    Epstein-Barr Virus
    Measles Virus
    Human Cytomegalovirus
    Mumps Virus
    Varicella-Zoster Virus
    Bordetella Pertussis
    Haemophilus Influenzae
    Staphylococcus Aureus
    Streptococcus Pneumoniae
    Streptococcus Pyogenes
    Klebsiekka Pneumoniae
    Mycobacteruym Tuberculosis
    Mycoplasma Pneumoniae
    Chlamydia Pneumoniae
    Aspergillus Fumigatus
    Candida Albucabs
    Candida Glabrata
    Cryptococcus Neoformans
    Cryptococcus Gutti
    Pneumocystis Jirovecii (PJP)
    Coronavirus 229E
    Coronavirus OC43
    Coronavirus NL63
    Coronavirus HKU1
    Coronavirus MERS
    Coronavirus Sars
    Pooled Human Nasal Wash

    (This information is included in the PCR test instructions leaflet)
  • Private schools (17/01/2022, 07:15) Like (2) Dislike (11) Reply
    Private schools have already been doing this for weeks now. They are having in person classes and really people testing yourself is not that big of a deal. No different than when you want to travel. The ignorant piss some of you bloggers post here has me convinced there is a reason this place is so backwards. But sure go ahead keep your kids home and online where you can find more ridiculous conspiracy theories.
    • Secret Bear (17/01/2022, 16:19) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      It's still massively disruptive when an otherwise healthy child tests positive and is forced to stay home, or when his/her contacts are quarantined and forced to test in order to go back to school. Parents can't work when their kids are sent home so it disrupts the business community as well, and online learning does not work for many kids. Testing healthy people of any age is not the solution and must stop. We need to encourage people to stay home when they're sick, but otherwise live their lives.
  • i blame c**dy (17/01/2022, 08:32) Like (1) Dislike (10) Reply
    I blame C***y for being being very selfish and reckless. Her nasty negative minded ratchet behavior has been very irresponsible. The Government trying they best and because of her personal feelings for them she used her platform to creat despair then post online about her page being a private page etc bs…..

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