The church & people of faith 'have failed' the VI-Pastor Skelton-Cliine

Pastor Skelton-Cline was speaking on his weekly show, Honestly Speaking on ZBVI 780 AM on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, when he inferred that there is a spiritual “deficit and deficiency” in the VI.
Alters built & covenants entered against VI
“The powers of darkness have reigned for far too long... alters have been built against this country, payments have been made, sacrifices have been made, covenants have been entered into against this country, against the people and the landmass of this place,” Pastor Skelton-Cline stated.
Though he named no names, he accused some in leadership in every sector of having made “sacrifices” that have proven to be detrimental to the VI’s development, growth and progress.
If something is not done to counter the wrongdoings, Pastor Skelton-Cline said, the VI and its people will always be a country of almost.
“Almost getting there, almost making it...almost getting that contract, almost getting that promotion...Haven’t you seen that we’ve been stuck for some decades now, haven’t you seen that no matter what [type] of government we get it’s more of the same,” he added.
‘We must do something’- Pastor Skelton-Cline
“We have a spiritual problem in this country, the church, the people of faith, we have failed the people of this country. We must own that and now we must be about doing something about it,” he stated.
The Pastor said that something serious must be done and it requires “180 repentance”, and the re-erecting of altars of righteousness, peace, joy, tranquillity, and progress.
“We’re going to offer sacrifices of righteousness, renew and enter new covenants of righteousness that counteract what has happened to us as a people spiritually in this country.”
A call for intercessors
Pastor Skelton-Cline made a call for prayers for the VI from everyone who knows God.
“I’m calling on intercessors, I’m calling on some people who know God far better than I do. I’m calling on some people who know God way better than me. I’m calling on some women who know how to travail and who have been travailing in this spirit.”
Pastor Skleton-Cline encouraged intercessors to not wait for the pastors, bishops, priests, or those with other religious titles, adding that there is something “radically wrong” with the VI and that the problem is a spiritual one in need of a spiritual resurrection.
“Yes, I’m preaching and I’m unapologetic and unashamedly doing so, because if this doesn’t turn in the spirit it can’t turn in the earth,” Pastor Skelton-Cline stated.

24 Responses to “The church & people of faith 'have failed' the VI-Pastor Skelton-Cliine”
It is past the time that you should stop pretending to be a christian pastor, your lust power and money have exposed you of genuine good intention for our spiritual, financial and social wellbeing.
We the people of the BVI, those that are living among us, and those of other countries do need prayers, but without genuine repentance and faith in the unseen God, more prayers will called by you is a useless exercise.
With this man. I liked when people.wasnt hearing from you for weeks. The most c***** pastor on the island is you sir. The nerve of this man.
Dis man don't like people he only wants hands out from the government he is a outside child of a skeleton , want to use the name to look important
such stuff would not happen back the days; church lost the power; to busy pulling down one another in Jesus Name
Pot meet kettle. It honestly do take nerve for this fr*** to open his mouth and spill such filth. The hypocrisy never ends.
Things can change however, WE must change.
You know the rest organize it. The hardest part to me was figuring out who the strongman is. Just yesterday I pondered who is the strongman. And just today I also remembered you invited the group Arlene spoke about today to your church. You’ve failed your flock and just repent go to Psalm 51 for help and seek deliverance, you need it