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The BVI has for years suffered corruption & allegations of corruption- Ex-UK police officer

- Andy J. Cooke made the allegations in his report ‘A review of law enforcement & criminal justice bodies in the British Virgin Islands’
Although the Commission of Inquiry was not considered a criminal investigation and did not find hard core evidence of corruption in the Virgin Islands, a former police officer in the United Kingdom, Andy J. Cooke, has surprisingly stated that the [British] Virgin Islands suffered from corruption for years. Photo:
The Commission of Inquiry in the Virgin Islands was led by a lone Commissioner Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom (right), who was handpicked by controversial former VI Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert, left. The CoI was criticised as a witch hunt and with an objective to harm the Virgin Islands' constitutional and democratic advancements. Photo: VINO/File
The Commission of Inquiry in the Virgin Islands was led by a lone Commissioner Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom (right), who was handpicked by controversial former VI Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert, left. The CoI was criticised as a witch hunt and with an objective to harm the Virgin Islands' constitutional and democratic advancements. Photo: VINO/File
Another United Kingdom national has labelled the Virgin Islands as corrupt, even while no court or even inquiry has determined so. Photo: VINO
Another United Kingdom national has labelled the Virgin Islands as corrupt, even while no court or even inquiry has determined so. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Although the Commissioner of Inquiry was not considered a criminal investigation and did not find hard core evidence of corruption in the Virgin Islands, a former police officer in the United Kingdom, Andy J. Cooke, has surprisingly stated that the [British] Virgin Islands suffered from corruption for years.

Scathing review

Mr Cooke, His Majesty’s Chief Inspector, made the scathing allegations in his report, ‘The British Virgin Islands: volume one A review of law enforcement and criminal justice bodies in the British Virgin Islands’.

“The BVI has for years suffered corruption and allegations of corruption by, or directed towards, some who hold public office. The Commission of Inquiry, chaired by the Rt Hon Sir Gary Hickinbottom, was set up to examine whether there was evidence of such corruption or abuse of public office, Mr Cooke wrote.

Mr Cooke, a UK national, also said the CoI report outlined that: “Almost everywhere, the principles of good governance, such as openness and transparency and even the rule of law, are ignored… The elected officials are well aware of this chronic lack of governance.”

Many have argued such findings do not mean there was corruption, even though it could give way to corrupt practices.

Leadership needed to improve- Andy J. Cooke

According to Mr Cooke, the first of two volumes focuses on those immediate problems, which may be addressed quickly and have the greatest positive effect on outcomes for the public in the short term.

“Often it was the processes and procedures across the public sector and how they were applied that had a negative effect on law enforcement and criminal justice bodies. These included how funding and recruitment operated, how the most basic goods and service had to be procured and how decisions were reached and applied.

“We also found that leadership in some of the organisations we reviewed needed to improve.,” Mr Cooke stated.

He also said inefficient and ineffective practices, which lack any true accountability and meaningful measures to monitor how well an organisation is performing, undermine the quality of services provided to the public. “The lack of these basic governance principles also creates the conditions where corrupt practices can develop. We have little confidence in any of the performance management systems that we found, which should monitor and make sure individuals, teams and organisations are operating effectively and with integrity.”

‘Serious failings found’

Mr Cooke said during the review, serious failings in law enforcement and criminal justice bodies were found. He said in some cases, these were so serious as to endanger the lives of staff and the public.

“The problems we found weren’t simply the responsibility of current senior leaders. Often these failings had existed for many years, and the changes required are contingent on financial and political support, which we found to be lacking. The structures, systems and ethos across public services in the BVI need to change in order to achieve the sustainable improvements we believe are necessary.”

Mr Cooke added that the problems found weren’t the failings of a few but  were deep-rooted weaknesses across many aspects of public administration, including leadership at all levels.

He said conditions such as these don’t come about overnight; they take time to build, and they will take time to resolve.

“They will require an acceptance of the problems and an acceptance of responsibility to tackle them. And, if real change is to be brought about, it will need the highest levels of co-operation between leaders of these organisations, the Government and Governor’s Office,” Mr Cooke stated.

30 Responses to “The BVI has for years suffered corruption & allegations of corruption- Ex-UK police officer”

  • Citizen (28/06/2024, 14:00) Like (34) Dislike (32) Reply
    Yes, such as the AIDS Scandal, the COVID scandal and the Post Office Scandal in the UK and the list goes on and on. Pot calling the kettle black.
    • bvi (28/06/2024, 20:07) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      This is why the bvi ain't going no place fast. We still prehistoric Cause we have to much people with your mentality. Can't bring nothing positive out of true criticism and just do better. Alway got to confront with negative behaviors
  • ^^&&**%% (28/06/2024, 14:28) Like (31) Dislike (20) Reply
    Most people would be surprised at just how low an ex police officer can go.
    • l (28/06/2024, 16:39) Like (28) Dislike (1) Reply
      We would NOT be surprised how low they could go. Yes, he knew when he was fully employed that their hands were dirty, and full of corruption, but said nothing. Now that he is an ex-cop, he is singing like a canary, so we don't trust or want to hear from him now either.
  • hmm (28/06/2024, 14:33) Like (26) Dislike (34) Reply

    These evil colonizers have the nerve to speak on corruption? When your royal family's bu**er little boys. don't get me started on how yall killed Diana. Yall not ready for those conversations

  • onlooker (28/06/2024, 14:52) Like (48) Dislike (9) Reply
    We need to stop pointing fingers at the u.k. This is not u.k. problem. We are all very well aware of the corruption that has existed for years. The persons who have a problem with this report are the ones benefitting from the corruption. It is time we look at our leaders whether in govt or heads of departments and demand that they fix the problem areas.
  • tru dat (28/06/2024, 15:08) Like (26) Dislike (2) Reply
    So basically, he is saying what the public has known and had flaunted in their faces for 30 years.
  • Real Talk (28/06/2024, 15:09) Like (25) Dislike (20) Reply
  • oh well (28/06/2024, 15:25) Like (38) Dislike (5) Reply
    corrupt to the bone. things would never change unless we start to admit it exist.
  • Truth (28/06/2024, 15:38) Like (36) Dislike (13) Reply
    He ain lying. Them greedy and selfish bad all about self, not country...Britain should have taken over from the recommendation was made...Things are going from bad to worst.
  • rattie (28/06/2024, 16:05) Like (8) Dislike (20) Reply
    He needs to be chased out of the bvi just another racist
  • In the Parliament of Law (28/06/2024, 19:06) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sir Gary Hickinbottom in his executive report to the UK Parliament,dated 8th June,2022,said in pararagraph 16:- "While it is unneccessary,for me to make any findings in relation to corruption in the form of direct personal bribery,given the overwelming picture of the principles of good governance being ignored and worse,it would be frankly surprisinging if there were no such corruption.Further investigations by the approprpiate authorities,which I have recommended,will identify who and when."
    But now,in June,2024, [two years later]; Andy J cooke,is accusing the BVI elected officials,as being corrupt,after Sir Gary Hickinbottom,declared,that he found evidence of corruption??
  • WHAT!!! (28/06/2024, 19:12) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
    It is foolish saying that the UK or any other country is as bad or worse than us.
    We need fixing everyone knows the corruption here that has been going on for so long.
  • Josiahsbay (28/06/2024, 19:14) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    If corruption is a crime and the UK is in charge of law enforcement, it appears they are the negligent party.
    • Stealth (29/06/2024, 12:50) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      To Josiah Bay, you hit the nail on the head, for the UK in the power sharing structure is responsible for internal security, including the RVIPF. The Guv is also responsible for the judiciary, ie, the courts. The law enforcement areas are replete with problems..Nevertheless,,both Gary Hickinbottom and cook ignored the responsibilities falling under the Guv. It is like White is Right, might is right. Do as I say not look at what, how, when, where and how I do my business. We are the upperclasss and must not be challenged. These predetermined investigations are Trojan horses..They are a solution in charge of a problem.. Here is a news flash. You can’t declare that corruption exists without hard evidence. You can’t declare corruption exist based solely on its potential to shown. Findings in any investigation should be supported by concrete evidence.
  • jokes (28/06/2024, 20:21) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    The white guy says so, it must be true! Funny thing is the same thing can be said about the UK but you won't hear that.
  • Thanks UK (28/06/2024, 22:05) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    Thanks UK for pointing it out cuz some these people actually still believe our political parties are saints and have our best interests.

    Could you believe they were planning a motorcade for when Andre fahie get released??? Crazy people in this place mehson
  • In the Parliament of Law (28/06/2024, 22:21) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    sir garry hickinbottom.said in his executive report,to the uk parliament, that, an investigation into corruption,was NOT one of his terms of reference.He did not conduct an inquiry into corruption.That's what he said: He found NO evidence of corruption!!
    He said that,he recommend to the governor,to investigate the citizens,to find out who is corrupt,and when the corruption,occurred..
  • dog man (28/06/2024, 23:27) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    This world can not work without a positive and negative. Pick your side
  • 2024 (29/06/2024, 01:09) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    don’t be shy because Mr Man forgot to tell our people how His-People whipped and chain our Fore Parents

    There are certain chapters that Great Britain not speaking about :
    After the so called emancipation they left This “The Bird Sanctuary” and Your Mother & Father developed what you see today

    It is okay to laugh off them old days of oppression under Buckingham but now our people are the worse people in this World

    run chat that
  • Female (29/06/2024, 06:25) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    The new cop will super cop ????‍♀️.
  • ... (29/06/2024, 07:57) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wow @ citizen they killed more people in healthcare that our most deranged policies could dream of.

    More recently the UK court said no to relocating (trafficking) illegal immigrants to Rawanda. Guess what, them push it through. "COME WHAT MAY" -Reishi Sunak. Isnt that corruption? After the slave trade you think they'd have enough recovered decency to not ship illegal aliens to Africa.
  • Native Tongue (29/06/2024, 08:01) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    There is corruption in every country in God's beloved earth. Every law enforcement Department, every government Don't make this look like its a virgin Islands thing only. Who is Cooke to Trust to speak the dam truth?
  • Maria Louisa Varlack (29/06/2024, 08:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    why don't bvi legislative council chamber building work together in collaboration with the uk parliament and avoid other governing bodies
  • Maria Louisa Varlack (29/06/2024, 08:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    did queen elizabeth the II and the duke of edinburgh prince phillip ever created any problems for the bvi since being a british dependent territory or a briitsh oversea territory, did they came to the british virgin islands to create problems
  • just wait (29/06/2024, 10:08) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    On 1st September the UK will have all the power to completely take over the entire BVI government.
  • Really? (30/06/2024, 16:50) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply

    We need to stop looking at the messenger and listen to the message. Stop worrying about what drama the UK got going on and focus on the SH** we have going on here. WE ARE WORST because the entire BVI can fit in a one UK parish, and yet we have all this drama. Yes drama is all over the world, but this is not how we operate. God is using everything and anyone to get our attention, and no matter how he tries we continue to be defiant, talking about “They kettle calling the pot black”, WHO CARES! The country is a mess mentally, physically and emotionally. We cannot fix it until we change ourselves. Heed God’s warning!! Irma was just a taste of how disappointed he is in us, and yet he was still merciful because you and I are STILL alive to visit this site today. Cindy is a radical, but she is a radical for change. The same change you and I said we wanted. If all of us used to call the politicians out on their dirt do you think we would have an exPremier in jail, do you think we would have SH** running in our atreets, and potholes the size of cruise ships. The BVI has strayed far from our humble beginnings, there is hardly any love in this place. Look at our children fighting in the streets like animals everywhere they go, we can’t even talk to each other no more. We are nothing but hypocrites. ONEBVI my @%$. Your own people cutting your throat and smiling why they do it. Repent. We all need to repent!!

  • Yeah Right (01/07/2024, 07:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Oh and let me guess only UK staff have the know how to come collect big salaries and fix this even though they can't fix shit where they are !!!!
  • Cogito, ergo sum (01/07/2024, 10:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is true that there is some level of corruption in the UK. There is also some level of corruption here, as there is jus about everywhere. We must stop defaulting to defensive mode every time there is criticism and instead examine what is being said to see if there is any truth in it and, if there is any, use it for our own improvement. We can be better and we can do better, but it won't happen while we keep wearing blinkers.
  • El Demonio Negro (02/07/2024, 08:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the UK and WHITE MAN telling BVI about corruption?! LAUGHABLE lol KETTLE calling the POT WHITE.

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