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Texas worker quarantined on cruise ship in Belize

- may have handled Thomas Eric Duncan's Ebola samples
CNN is reporting today October 17, 2014 that a Texas hospital health worker who may have handled Thomas Eric Duncan's fluid samples has been quarantined on a cruise ship in Belize -- another reminder of the widespread fears of the deadly virus. Photo: CNN

A Texas hospital health worker who may have handled Thomas Eric Duncan's fluid samples has been quarantined on a cruise ship in Belize -- another reminder of the widespread fears of the deadly virus.

Though the employee did not have direct contact with Duncan, he or she "may have had contact with his specimen," the U.S. State Department said Friday, according to the CNN article.

A doctor at the cruise ship has declared the worker symptom-free and in good health, but the worker will remain under isolation as a precaution, it said.

It's been 19 days since the worker handled Duncan's fluid samples -- two days shy of the 21-day incubation period for Ebola.

The Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital worker boarded the commercial cruise ship Sunday from Galveston, Texas.

At the time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had not updated its monitoring requirements, and required only self-monitoring, said Jen Psaki, a spokeswoman for the State Department.

"The hospital employee and traveling partner have voluntarily remained isolated in a cabin," Psaki said. "We are working with the cruise line to safely bring them back to the United States out of an abundance of caution."

The Belize government turned down a request by the United States to evacuate the worker through the international airport in Belize City.

"We remain in close contact with U.S. officials ... we have maintained the position that when even the smallest doubt remains, we will ensure the health and safety of the Belizean people," the government said in a statement.

Duncan, the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, died last week.

6 Responses to “Texas worker quarantined on cruise ship in Belize”

  • Ok Then! (17/10/2014, 10:43) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Cruise ship season is approaching.. to the Government, what will you do to protect the officers and the Taxi Men and anyone else who has to come in close contact with these foreigners? This Ebola is in the states now. The second nurse who contracted the disease traveled and came into contact with more than 200 people before being quarantined; those people are being tracked as we speak..

    • @ok (17/10/2014, 17:28) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
      Ebola also spread by bats. Bats emigrate to Caribbean in winter on the trade winds. Many Tola apartment blocks with bats in them. Its not just people who spread this curse. Maybe here already.
    • visitor (18/10/2014, 07:48) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      Too much hype and misinformation. The "foreigners" need protecting from the Taxi men, not the other way round. A little education can go a long way.
  • Unreal! (17/10/2014, 10:51) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    When are these stupid ignorant people going to learn that they are endangering the lives of others with their selfish attitudes! Mr. Duncan was an idiot, ignorant and selfish man as he knew he had been to Liberia, and lied to the authorities about it when asked. I have no sympathy for idiots who are aware of their situation and dismisses it, endangering the lives of other. Good going Belize!
  • Food for thought (17/10/2014, 12:56) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bvi look out yall
  • Vaccine (17/10/2014, 15:42) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    How many visitors expected on cruise ships? Its one big lottery.
    Man if EVD hits Tola 'all can stop moanin about NDP and VIP, no one left to moan about! For REAL.

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