Territories Talk

This coming Sunday June 16, 2019 on Hott 107.5 FM, beginning at 8:00pm Bermuda time, we will once again have a Cross Caribbean Conversation/Territories Talk with guests from other British Overseas Territories or OTs.
Our line up of panelist this month consists of the following persons; Host Hubert E. Swan aka 'Kim' and Woodward Dacosta aka 'Woody' of Cayman Islands, Sutcliffe Hodge of Anguilla and Drexwell Seymour of Turks and Caicos Islands.
Each of our panelists bring a wealth of knowledge of local and regional affairs. Most importantly, they bring a passion to see the further sustainable development of the people of the OTs. They are all vociferous readers and researchers who will present facts for critical thought.
This month we will be discussing a wide range of topics affecting all Overseas Territories such as; the upcoming change of leadership in the United Kingdom and how it may affect the OTs, climate change, immigration, crime and health care.
As a prime example of similarities in the OTs, the Cayman Islands has now began discussing the merits of changing their health care system, whilst in the [British] Virgin Islands, they are now embarking on the road towards Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
Interestingly enough, Bermuda is the only OT in the region that has a public transportation system. All other islands have only private minibuses or taxis. The new government of the VI is exploring setting up a public transportation system and will be visiting our island to see how the concept works.
We should have a sense of pride that we are setting the example, in this regard, for other islands.
All of the above topics are subject matters of high importance here in Bermuda, therefore, it is important to hear how other jurisdictions are dealing with the same challenges that we face. We have a lot to learn from each other and to share with each other.
Within these small jurisdictions, with similar histories and present day realities, we are our own best experts on any given subject matter. For too long we have relied on “so called” experts from much larger countries, with no real familiarity of how small islands operate, to attempt to figure out our problems for us.
The reality is that we are our own best experts and the more we cross pollinate successful concepts or pitfalls to be avoided, the better off we will all be.
The format and logistics of the show allows for us to have up to 4 panelists speak via Whatsapp conference call, with the ability for listeners to call in to 441-297-1075 as they see fit.
Judging by previous shows, there is a large proportion of persons, from across the region, who wish to engage with our guests. We look forward to you tuning in and or calling in this Sunday at 8:00pm Bermuda time, 7:00pm in Anguilla, the Virgin Islands/Turks and Caicos Islands and 6:00pm in the Cayman Islands.
Here is a link for the Soundcloud page that has recordings of all of our previous shows.
On a final note, Happy Father’s Day to all and Happy Bermuda Heroes Weekend.

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