Teachers' salaries determined solely on qualifications- Hon de Castro

Hon de Castro said there have been challenges as it relates to compensation for teachers and so in order to improve the quality of education, instructional quality needed improvement as well.
New requirements for teaching
The Education Minister explained that over the past two years, training and professional development have been prioritised.
Therefore a new standard was set for those who wish to engage in teaching in the Virgin Islands.
“So there’s a certain threshold that we want you to meet…that currently is a bachelor's Degree in Education or a bachelor's Degree in a content area with a Certificate in Teaching or in Education,” she explained.
Compensation based on qualifications only- Hon de Castro
Hon de Castro added that the main concern had to do with the ministry’s recruitment of teachers from the Caribbean.
Currently, the compensation scale for teachers in the VI goes from Teacher Grade One to Teacher Grade Four.
“When the Ministry of Education recruits from the region, we recruit qualified teachers, point, blank, period. Persons come in, they are qualified…so when you consider potential differences in salary in potential new hires from the region and local teachers it will be solely based on credentials,” she explained.
Hon de Castro said there may be local teachers who have not met the threshold to be a qualified teacher and hence would receive a lower compensation.
“They may have a content degree but they do not have a certificate in teaching, they would receive a lower compensation level than that of a qualified teacher whether locally or regionally,” Hon de Castro said adding, “Of course, because you are being recruited from the region, there are additional costs in terms of relocation, accommodation and those sort of things that have to be considered.”
Under the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) government, teachers' salaries are among the highest in the region, and even more than the USVI's.

20 Responses to “Teachers' salaries determined solely on qualifications- Hon de Castro ”
So you're telling me if my qualifications rate me at a salary of only 25-30K, that you'll pay me what you want and put heavy tax on it? That's not right, you need to check your damn qualifications minister because you're talking rubbish.
A bachelor's degree, always, qualifies one to be, a teacher!
In America, with a bachelor's in hand, all one have to do, is take courses for SIX months, and one is considered, qualifiable!
With soo many persons in the territory, with a bachelor's, y'all kyannnn offer courses for six months, and qualify them as a teacher?
I'm not against the skills of anyone, but, I think, on this one: BACK, TO, THE DRAWING BOARD!