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Teacher made a 'serious mistake'- Education Minister on Pine Sol incident

- apologises to parent of child involved; Said public will be informed of all actions taken
Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has assured the alleged incident of a teacher at the Ivan Dawson Primary School in Cane Garden Bay giving a student Pine Sol to gargle for using foul language will be investigated. Photo: VINO
Second District Representative and Opposition Member, Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull has described the situation as 'sickening'. Photo: VINO
Second District Representative and Opposition Member, Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull has described the situation as 'sickening'. Photo: VINO
As the Ministry of Education commences an investigation into reports of a teacher of the Ivan Dawson Primary School in Cane Garden Bay making a child to gargle Pine Sol, Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has admitted that something did take place. Photo: VINO
As the Ministry of Education commences an investigation into reports of a teacher of the Ivan Dawson Primary School in Cane Garden Bay making a child to gargle Pine Sol, Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has admitted that something did take place. Photo: VINO
CANE GARDEN BAY, Tortola, VI- As the Ministry of Education commences an investigation into reports of a teacher of the Ivan Dawson Primary School in Cane Garden Bay, making a child gargle Pine Sol, the subject Minister has admitted that something did take place.

Speaking on JTV News, Big Story, with Cathy O. Richards earlier today, January 30, 2020, Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) said that at the time of receiving word of the allegations yesterday, January 29, 2020, he was in Cabinet but immediately made contact with senior officials in the Ministry of Education, the Principal of the school, the accused teacher and, subsequently, the mother of the child.

'Something did take place'

"Because I wanted to understand exactly what took place and certainly we at the Ministry recognise that certainly, something did take place.

"This morning we are conducting interviews to make sure that we are apprised of all of the facts so there is an active process in place."

The Minister said the matter will be referred to the Teaching Service Commission, "who makes decisions about anything involving this type of activity and any potential disciplinary actions."

Hon Wheatley also said, after the investigation and the decision of the Teaching Service Commission, all parties involved, including the general community, will be duly informed.

"Everybody will be informed about what actions will take place."

Teacher made 'a serious mistake'

Pressed for details on the discussion he had with the teacher, Hon Wheatley said, "It is my understanding that the teacher made a mistake, its a young teacher, I would like to get the report from the Ministry from the interviews before I comment on the details on exactly what took place.

"I will ensure that [mistake] will not be repeated in the education system. It is something very serious  and we must all work together to ensure that our children's health is safeguarded and that is very important to me and that is at the forefront of my mind."

Since the matter came to light, many persons have been expressing their anger on social media. Dr Wheatley said he understands persons are upset about the incident but asked for their patience.

"I want to assure those persons that I am actively involved, engaged with the situation. We will allow the process to take place because we are civilised human beings and we have processes to deal with these type of matters."

Parent of child has been 'understanding'

On the part of the parent, the Education Minister said he believes she is a reasonable person "and I did apologise to the parent on behalf of the Ministry,' he said. 

The minister continued, "I know that the teacher as well apologised, I believe the principal apologised as well and I believe that the parent, while she is certainly hurt that something like this could take place, I believe that she is understanding."

He said, "Of course she has questions in her mind. She probably has some disbelief about the situation but I let her know very clearly that we are going to take steps in the Ministry to ensure that a situation like this doesn't repeat itself."

Hon Wheatley also confirmed that the errant teacher is currently not at school.

'Unfortunate incident' - Hon Turnbull

Like the Education Minister, who visited the school following reports that some parents were preparing to protest at the school, Representative for the Second District, Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) also visited the school this morning.

"It is a very unfortunate incident based on what I was told happened," Hon Turnbull said, adding, that he too spoke with the child's parent, the close family members and the principal of the school.

"I am of the mind that what happened should not have happened...Looking at this incident, hearing what I have heard so far, it is saddening, it is sickening because no child deserves that."

Reports reaching our newsroom is  that the child was allegedly made to wash their mouth with Pine Sol for using indecent language.

71 Responses to “Teacher made a 'serious mistake'- Education Minister on Pine Sol incident”

  • Go (30/01/2020, 17:42) Like (32) Dislike (4) Reply
    Why is the teacher been hidden?
    • tretretrete (31/01/2020, 10:16) Like (10) Dislike (17) Reply
      The same why you’re commenting and hiding who you are.
      • Steve (31/01/2020, 19:40) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
        @ Hmmm, but we did not try to poison a child dummy. And the same way you are hiding under the name Hmmm.
    • @ Go (01/02/2020, 09:58) Like (5) Dislike (17) Reply
      The teacher's name is being protected because she made a mistake. The child was swearing and as punishment she washed out his mouth. She wasn't trying to abuse him. She was trying to correct him. That's what people are missing. It was poor judgement, not deliberate abuse. This can be made into lessons for all.

      Children should not be using curse words
      Teachers must not get creative with their correction methods.
      • parent (01/02/2020, 15:23) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
        Dummy by you saying that is making family, friends , parents supporters and a lot of people angrier at this teacher if she is your friend or family try support her in a different way or shut the F up. Because what youbare saying if a child uses a bad word or misbehave in class get poison and poison them. Muders kill and the law does not give them poison to gaggle , SHAME ON YOU AND ALL THAT YOU STAND FOR
        • @parent (02/02/2020, 08:15) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
          You can't even write a sentence. I don't expect you to understand the concept of somebody other than yourself making a mistake. If they had suspended that rude child for a week people like you would cry foul. I am willing to bet he would think twice now about swearing at school.
    • Playing Bold (01/02/2020, 13:28) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply

      If she bold enough to do that s***, she should be bold enough to face the PUBLIC. Don’t hide her!

  • Hmmn (30/01/2020, 17:50) Like (49) Dislike (5) Reply
    A serious mistake?? She plan that . She had the mens rea, and acted accordingly.
    I hope she’s not allowed to teach kids again and she’s given some counseling.
    • Fran (31/01/2020, 19:36) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
      I would like for this teacher to stand up in front of the entire school, and rinse her mouth out with Pine Sol. No, she won't, because she knows it might burn her or poison her, but it was good enough for the child right? REMOVE HER, SUE HER, LET HER LOSE HER TEACHING LICENSE.
  • BA (30/01/2020, 17:59) Like (23) Dislike (7) Reply
    LORD have mercy so you tell me now it was a serious mistake by the TEACHER. TheTEACHER don't know PINE SOL from mouthwash damn it man what a thing with them up island people in the bvi I am PRAYING for you .
  • Ummm (30/01/2020, 18:14) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
    Mistake? Wow wow wow. He can't be serious?
  • Lucifer (30/01/2020, 18:14) Like (4) Dislike (45) Reply
    Sound like the teacher an NDP man. Exactly what the ndp would do.
  • WE READY!! (30/01/2020, 18:32) Like (35) Dislike (6) Reply
    The concerned CGB citizens are ready to demonstrate if the teacher is not removed from IDPS. We are waiting patiently for the teachers commission decision on the matter.
    • Really (30/01/2020, 20:21) Like (69) Dislike (4) Reply
      The Principal should be removed as well
      • No Name (31/01/2020, 07:31) Like (14) Dislike (5) Reply
        @ Really.

        Will never happen. First District Representative bossom buddy!!
      • yess (31/01/2020, 08:43) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
        AND the counselor as well
      • Definitely (01/02/2020, 15:33) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        Yes, send her to another school or give her an admin post we don't want her. We had a perfectly good principal in Mr John. No idea why they moved him
  • trrefdrfds (30/01/2020, 18:55) Like (22) Dislike (4) Reply
    Make no mistake. If given the chance this teacher if going to do it again. the only reason she did it in the first place was because she thought she would get away with it. Next time she will just be more careful.
  • Let me in (30/01/2020, 18:56) Like (34) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Mark (30/01/2020, 19:18) Like (44) Dislike (3) Reply
    You see that is the problem with some of these teachers. When they do not like the child for whatever reason they start doing all sort of things to that child even withold grades just to keep that child down. Let them keep playing these games with ppl children, they will learn.
  • Concerned (30/01/2020, 19:37) Like (39) Dislike (42) Reply
    The things that you all need to march about you don't.
    It was an unfortunate incident, (it should not have happened) but I do sympathize with the teacher ... having to suffer that level of disrespect - no doubt on more than one occasion.
    The level of disrespect and abuse teachers are subjected to five days a week is unbelievable! Students using indecent language at teachers, hitting teachers with rolled paper, name calling, threatening, and the list goes on.
    Society has a responsibility to raise children with respect for authority.
    • @Concerned (31/01/2020, 00:43) Like (45) Dislike (8) Reply
      WHAT A FOOLISH STATEMENT..Let her feed it to your child...This would be an "unfortunate incident" if the child picked up the pinesol and drank it by mistake. One has to be from another planet to think it is a mistake on the teachers part. Was this teacher raised in a cave to think it is acceptible to carryout this act? She needs to be fired and given prison time for abusing a minor. There are other ways to coorect the child, SHE IS A TEACHER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, COUNSEL THE CHILD ON WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE LANGUAGE HE OR SHE IS USING. SHE WOULD HAVE EARNED THE CHILD's RESPECT FOR THE REST OF THEIR NATURAL LIVES. If she lived any other country she would be locked up by now. Where are the BVI ambulence chasing lawyers. One of them need to help her sue the pants off the teacher, principle and government. Next they will concoct a story to say that the teacher thought it was that case she cannot read and is considered too illiterate to be in the profession and has no business being an educator. All around inexcusible.
    • Really (31/01/2020, 11:13) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
      I am here trying to understand if your focus is on a teacher. In case you did not understand what the action of the teacher means, here is it, the teacher punished a CHILD by making him consume something that could cause him internal damage for a life time. This in no way equates to the shame that the teacher is presently feeling. As a teacher myself for over 2 decades, when I first heard the news I honestly believed that it must be false. We enter this low to modest paying profession because of the love we have for children (well at least most of us do). For a teacher to commit such an act there could only be a few reasons. However, in my opinion the most plausible reason is that she has some sort of psychological problem. Those who are friends of the teacher should rally together in getting her some psychological help. However, the child's parents should take whatever legal steps necessary to fit the crime.
    • AL (31/01/2020, 20:21) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      @concerned if that was your child would you have been this understanding? I will tell you and all of you who think that you can get away with it. That child could not have been mine because the teacher's parents would be at her bedside in the hospital crying and praying all now.
  • So baf (30/01/2020, 19:39) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Not a mistake...she head need checking or it was this time and.age..mistake my a℅€.How take it on them self to put a Jose hold cleaner in a humans mouth.They would of stone she n some countries close by.Mental accessment may be needed..or complete re training.
  • A Parent (30/01/2020, 19:54) Like (33) Dislike (4) Reply
    Parents, we still should march and protest. An example have to be set. I don’t want to hear that the teacher is young and made a mistake, what she did was plain out wrong. She assaulted a child. If this teacher was in the US, she would have been taken out the classroom and placed in handcuffs. Mistake? Young? Suppose the child had suffered an allergic reaction and died. They would have drop the blame on the parents. Somehow I feel nothing is going to come out of this. We as parents should still march and protest the school.
  • sad story (30/01/2020, 20:24) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
    So sad something probably triggered all involved. The truth will come out.
  • Come on (30/01/2020, 20:26) Like (29) Dislike (3) Reply
    come on wheatly. dont sugar coat nothing hear, its not a mistake. you hear what you said the child used indecent language so there the teacher feel the child mouth dirty so look go and rinse your mouth with pine sol. wicked teacher. if it was mind child court we going, i dont want to hear nothing from you wheatly.
  • What mistake he taking??? (30/01/2020, 20:58) Like (36) Dislike (1) Reply
    A mistake??? Are you mad??? That teacher thought what she will do when she went about diluting the pine sol. She has the mens rea, malice aforethought. She has a crimnal mind. This child parent need to serious consider filing a civil suit against the teacher, school and/or ministry of education. This aint no mistake!! It is a criminal act.
  • wow (30/01/2020, 21:04) Like (24) Dislike (0) Reply
    MISTAKE?!??? That woman had more than enough time to think about what she was planning to do when she took her ass to the janitor’s closet or wherever she got that Pinesol from! She knew exactly what she was doing and something needs to be done!
  • PRO (30/01/2020, 21:13) Like (36) Dislike (0) Reply
    The minister should not have called this incident a 'mistake' as it was intentional. It was a serious 'error in judgement'.
    • Yes (30/01/2020, 23:07) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      Much more appropriate to had said serious error in judgment.
      • Really (03/02/2020, 01:19) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        This sad and a shame that men in power call it a mistake. Have any one thought about how this child is going to respond to hearing that it was call a mistake what happen to them . Shame on Mister and whom ever helped him write that statement. It's so sad the government change but the same save face game is played . Sad this place is in trouble for the is no governs for the people the poor children worst off cause them can't vote but they have a voice. It happen to him because of his mouth am sure that mouth got more to say . Parents please listen to your children and defend to the best of your abilities. For we in Tola only in Tola children crimes are hide to protect adults sick adults yes sick here in this BVI it have lots of mental sick people in the wrong jobs but as much as they are the problem here the problem the one that wrote this crime as a mistake . For does words alone you have a case on that foolish mister this more that foolishness it like what kind of people have we become am sure she did this in front of other children giving that child pears some thing else to tease them about for a live time I will pray for that child . Whom is crying out for attend or something else and was punished. Teacher need locking up asap should of done been charge . This corrupt place . Nice place is sad we need leader for real revolutionize come save us . Father lord help
    • Trendy (31/01/2020, 12:14) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Error in Judgement is the correct term here, but it does not automatically equal Intent. Her ability to correctly reason may have been impaired by emotion, which means she is not competent in that role. She could be transferred to a different role - maybe administrative.
  • ha (30/01/2020, 21:53) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
    Guess this the type of discipline her mother use to give her. I cant imagine how you can do something like this to a child even if the child used indecent language. Come on, you're the adult in this situation...act like it!
  • I’m so done (30/01/2020, 22:01) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    A mistake? She is young? The parents were understanding? I can’t see any parent being in a understand mood after a teacher make their child was out their child mouth with a floor and toilet cleaner. People is simmering over this.
  • Hmmn (30/01/2020, 23:45) Like (20) Dislike (3) Reply
    The child’s mother is a very quiet person and they’re taking this for granted. The CGB community loves both mother and child and we will not be quiet until this act is punished.
    • @Hmmn (01/02/2020, 00:22) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      Love the fact that the community is looking out for the parent and child. Especially if the parent is a mild mannered person. You all don't let them take advantage of her. If it happens to one it happened to all. Good to see the community spirit. Stay the course until you all get the correct resolution. Wish i was on island to support your position, but with you in spirit.
  • Let Us Protest (31/01/2020, 00:31) Like (24) Dislike (4) Reply
    We need to stand together.
    The Principal needs to be suspended as well for not reporting immediately. A principal is mandated to report.

    The teacher needs to be charged and have a criminal record that follows her. She will no longer be able to teach or hold positions that has children enrolled.
  • As a parent (31/01/2020, 01:46) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    All I would say is if that was my child, I would have been locked up. I know who the teacher is and she will be getting the most nasty side looks when I see her. When you see her, give her that nasty side look shade as punishment because she is going to get away with what she did. Wheatley said it was a serious mistake and Turnbull said she is young.
  • Concerned Mom (31/01/2020, 01:52) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    It wasn’t a mistake, it was a clear, purposeful act! Yall dont know the meaning if mistake? Find proper ways to discipline those kids, dont put poison in their mouth. How is she not fired yet? How can she not have patience when she’s working with children? If you cant handle the job and cant work with the kids in a priper way, find another job! Get her away from out kids!
  • Outsider (31/01/2020, 07:44) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Well look here, this is the "village that raise a child" . This is the mentality we unthinkable give to our children quietly. Children live what they learn,home friends and any other environment. The action/behaviour of the teacher is unsympathetic but to what magnitude of disrespect did Mary/Harry displayed? Mr. Wheatley in taking office spoke to stiffer code of conduct (students/teachers) where is it?. Bet you see it come out the closet soon. Parents and students have NO RESPECT for teachers but let them parents go to school to teach for an hour. DEM CAN'T DO IT, who in the kitchen feel the heat. Schools, vacations programs even day cares have become "day cares" for parents to relief them selves of parental duties. These children are in disrespect mode from talking age in day care. The words and slangs sounds like music to their innocent ears.Do we as adults stop them, we laugh it off!! So sad
    • Not an excuse (31/01/2020, 09:32) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      Nothing gives a teacher the right to make a child gargle a harmful substance. If the child disrespect you report it, kick them out of class. If this doesn’t work escalate up to the Ministers and make the issue public until changes are made. But for a teacher to do what she did is unacceptable.
  • Consider (31/01/2020, 08:44) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    If you have children going to this school you should be pushing for this teacher’s removal. It wasn’t your children now but it could be next time. Just think about that
  • Hmm (31/01/2020, 09:01) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    I say that is straight BS. Hon. Wheatley you could call it a mistake if it was one of your precious children? Doubt that.....
  • Umm (31/01/2020, 09:13) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
    I noticed everyone bashing the minister for saying the teacher made a serious mistake, he did not mean in terms of a "mistake" itself, he means, she made a serious mistake with the law..I hope tha clears it up.
  • Will not back down (31/01/2020, 09:39) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply

    I agree, the mother of the child is a very nice quiet person. We as parents have to stand behind her. 

  • Very serious (31/01/2020, 10:31) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is a very serious event. If the child had died behind this, they would have accused the parent and the teacher, principal and other staff members who knew what happened would have let the parent take the lick for something she did not do. I am so glad this came to light. Parents, let us wait untill the Teacher Comission report comes in before we make our move. We no longer welcome the teacher to teach in our District. Better yet, send her to teach at the high school and let her try washing out one of the students mouth with poison.
  • Child Protected Service (31/01/2020, 10:55) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Shame on you! I am calling CPS and OSHA.
    Mistake with a chemical hazard... simple put the whole school needs investigating, regarding teacher misconduct.
  • apology (31/01/2020, 10:55) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    I watched the interview with the minister and it was shocking that it appeared the mother only received an apology from the school that morning. If the teacher and school were taking this incident seriously it would never have had to be raised at a public meeting. The apology should have happened the same day. The teacher should have been suspended the same day. The matter should have been reported to the ministry the same day. If the safety of the children in the school is a priority there should have been no other course of action. You're there to protect the children, not the adults.
  • tretretrete (31/01/2020, 11:32) Like (5) Dislike (13) Reply
    What would Jesus do in that situation she made a serious mistake we all make mistakes in life please forgive her she’s young
    • WHAT!!!! (31/01/2020, 12:43) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
      What would your imaginary friend who lives in the sky do NOTHING. Please educate yourself and look up the meaning of the word “mistake” this was no mistake it was an intentional act.
    • BA (31/01/2020, 14:36) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Hmmm you fully of ittttttttt I know the TEACHER would never give it to her child/ children if there's any that's poison what .... you talking about she's wicked
    • Exact Punishment befitting the crime (31/01/2020, 16:42) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Punish the teacher and his or her supporters. Remember...suffer the little children to come unto me?
  • Reality check (31/01/2020, 11:52) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    This is a very unfortunate incident and should never had happened. The teacher is outright wrong and I am sure she regretted ever doing this to a student and certainly will never do it again and she will pay very serious consequences for her action. But, the level of disrespect for teachers by student and parents is alarming. This general level of disrespect for others in this society is what needs to be address. We do not respect one another as fellow human beings at all. We see people as Belongers, Non-belonger,s down Islanders, white people, black people, foreigners, locals, but never just as another human being, and student mimics this to their teacher daily. There are many teachers who feels like this daily but are able to exercise self control and pull them selves back. This one just lost it.
    • Baloney (01/02/2020, 00:43) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      If this goes to court the judget would be out of order to take all the crap you just wrote into consider. It's the facts surrounding what happened at the school that cause the teacher to discipline the child in this manner. Regardless of what the circumstances are you don't give a child posion as punishment. What do you think would happen if the guards gave prisoners pinesol to drink or place it in their food? Those guards would be fired. This sounds like a teacher who grew up in a mean and dark spiritied household. Kinda folks who believe in washing down there home with Turpentine to get the spirits away...kinda thinking going on. Here in the US landlords are sued for children's slow development becuase they didn't disclose their apartment had lead based paint present. Yet in 2020 in the BVI a child is forced to drink pinesol willfully and some of you on here making excuses for the ADULT. This is nonsense.. children repeat learn behaviors. Maybe the school should have called social services to do an in home visit with the child and parent to determine what is going on. It could have been something as simple as maybe the child didnt have breakfast due to lack of sufficient income at home, or maybe abuse and the child cursing is how it presents itself. Children act out in different ways when they have alot coming at them. Remeber their brain in not fully developed until around age 26. If a child curse in my presence, I extend sympathy to them becuase there is more to the story than meets the eye. Its usually a call for help and an intervention.
    • BS (01/02/2020, 00:52) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      The Governor needs to get involved, social services and the police need to bring charges against the school and government officials who are out there making excusing.
  • CGB resident (31/01/2020, 12:19) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is child abuse and intention to harm. The teacher needs to be arrested and face criminal charges. The parents of the child need to press charges. The parents of the school children enrolled need to lobby for this. No excuses. This is a criminal act. Pine Sol is poison if swallowed. The child could have died. Parents...hold your ground. This can not happen again! Principal, you are also in the wrong for not reporting it immediately. What a terrible thing.
  • Ghost (31/01/2020, 13:43) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    “While a mistake is unintentional, and an error in judgment can be both with and without intent, an intentional misdirection is all about intent“.. this teacher’s “Intention” was clear.. him or her was trying to punish this child.. apart from what the Ministry decides I still say legal charges need to be brought against this teacher and those that covered it up.. If this was in the US those persons would have been in handcuffs long time.. here at times we’re too slack..
  • plain and simple (31/01/2020, 14:52) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    We as parents have the rights to demand the removal of said teacher and the removal of said principal. We as parents no longer require the above mentioned services, we are going to wait until the initial report from the Teachers Commission becomes available and hope soon, we don’t want the above mentioned around our children.
  • Well (31/01/2020, 14:52) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    The child had to swallow some of that cause it was already mixed with her saliva in her mouth and on her tongue. Pure rubbish
  • Shocked (31/01/2020, 16:48) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply

    They'll be calling the school Pinesol Primary from now on. Or maybe Poisoner 's Primary. Teacher should be sacked, and all the other staff who stood by laughing. 

  • Swift kick to curb (01/02/2020, 03:41) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Every time I see a bottle of pine sol, I think about what this teacher did. We do not want this teacher AKA MISS PINE SOL around our children.
  • No Mistake (01/02/2020, 16:07) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Many teachers are doing crap to students. There is one at ESHS hitting and cursing the students. Maybe she needs some lysol in her mouth. No L need to stop putting hands on the children before a situation gets out of hand. Children today are rude and ridiculous but swearing at them and hitting them will not solve the problem.
  • Oh lordy eh (03/02/2020, 14:09) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    if the teacher's action is so forgiving for committing a crime. Then somebody tell me why the police have men locked up for attempting a murder at least the individuals are still alive. FACTS!!!
  • Minister (03/02/2020, 14:14) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hon: wheatley i expected better by you, i hope if any teacher do the same to your child, you will call it a mistake.

    what you don't want for your child, do not give to another's child
  • Old head (03/02/2020, 18:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    See I miss the old day when when you got whopping in school. High school we had the yoyo. Certain teachers you feared even at at home but most of us that been the through it anybody from west or carrot bay knew you see that green Nissan or blue Volvo you hide. Manners and respect was taught back the now half of these youngsters dont have any.
  • Concerned Parent (04/02/2020, 12:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    A petition needs to be signed and justice served against this teacher, this is no mistake, in the US or any other Country, she would've been changed with child endangerment, she needs to be made an example of, this is a serious offense.

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