Task force to 'flush out' persons without proper immigration status- Hon Wheatley

Speaking on Sunday, September 13, 2020, on a live Zoom meeting on Facebook, Hon Wheatley said despite the leniency; there are still a number of persons not up to par with their immigration status.
“There are a lot of persons who are here without the proper status, without proper time, their times have expired, or they are here as visitors, and they are working. We are asking persons not to do that.”
He continued: “Also there are persons who came in for Mary Jane who are working for John Doe and so forth, all those things are illegal, and we are asking persons to desist from those kinds of behaviour. In about a week time, we are going to have another task force that is going to be set up to flush these people out.”
Please abide by the law
The Minister then beseeched such persons to comply with the laws of the land.
“I don’t want to see anybody being affected by this, so I am asking persons, please abide by the current laws that we have. We have been very, very lenient but we cannot continue to be lenient, we are a country of laws. Because of COVID-19, we have been very, very lenient but we still cannot condone illegal activities in the country. If you know you are here illegally, make your way to Immigration so we can know when you plan to leave.”
Don’t take advantage of the situation
Meanwhile, Acting Chief Immigration Officer, Mr Ian B. Penn urged persons to avoid taking advantage of the situation brought on by COVID-19, such as not having flights to their home country.
“If you are found out there working illegally, or you are here in the country overstaying, there is a penalty. We are putting things afoot to deal with this and stamp it out altogether. It is better that you come in and we deal with you than we have to come out and find you doing these things,” he said.

51 Responses to “Task force to 'flush out' persons without proper immigration status- Hon Wheatley”
I would be happy to be stopped 5 times a day by the immigration task force to check my belonger status.
A waste.... Lot of others dont have permit, working withoit permit.. only caribbean people the BVI government got strength for... A total waste...
Also, the government need crank down on the issuing of so much work permits. The only work permits that should be issued now are for specialty jobs that a BVIslander may not have the qualification for. We need to start to hire our own people!
You’re right, too many come here thinking it okay to disrespect us and nothing be done about it. If they don’t like our rules they are free to leave and this is where the problem come in. Many only here for the money so leaving is not an option sometime but instead of behaving themselves they act the fool. Have nothing against the hard working law abiding ones. They are many of The Who help to make the BVI what it is. On the other hand they are those who do nothing but bring problems causing shame and embarrassment to the country and fellow citizens. Those we don’t need here.
If your paper straight, you have nothing to worry about. While you checking by VQ check the ghetto and by bass. Also send persons committed to the well being of the land. Not those officers willing to sell us out by sleeping with their female family members to allow them to stay and just getting into trouble. Should be ashamed of themselves doing this to them. No kind a pride nor ambition. Sad to say.
Thank you Government of VI.
Please start by flushing out those without work permits at the Go*****’s O+++++e.
They seem to make a point of only hiring white non belongers there...
We all know how racist Emperor A********** is, no wonder he has a whites only policy there!
On our necks, taking our jobs....
What need to be done. They need to have warrant on hand and enter some of these bars that have people living there.
Cause I know a lot of them here on visit stay and working. And i think when police and immigration go checking these bars. If they find people there who over stay their time. Fine the bar owners as well. Cause they should of known the status of the people who are working in the bar.
Just my input
Follow the proper procedures and you have nothing to fair. You can't be in a country, no where in the world, without proper documentation.
Do the right thing or ship out!