Tamara Archibald-Gill out!

However, Chief Executive Officer of the BVIHSA Ms Darlene Carty-Baptiste did not deny or confirm this allegation when contacted but did imply that the position of Director of Communications no longer exists.
“As you are aware from previous queries, in order to maintain the integrity of the British Virgin Islands Health Services Authority (BVIHSA), it is our policy not to discuss or comment on any alleged incidents surrounding BVIHSA employees or former employees,” Ms Carty-Baptiste also stated.
In response to several questions posed to the CEO, Ms Carty-Baptiste told Virgin Islands New Online that the post once held my Mrs Archibald-Gill has been changed to incorporate additional skills such as marketing. “The new post is currently being advertised and qualified persons are invited to apply.”
She further stated that until such a person is identified for the new position, she (Carty-Baptiste) will be serving in that capacity also.
Sources have confirmed that there were “serious issues” in the department, which allegedly implicated Mrs Archibald-Gill and others but that source was of the opinion that the matter was resolved amicably after intense investigations.
Further confirmation that Mrs Archibald-Gill was no longer with the BVIHSA came when a call was made yesterday September 10, 2013, to the department and the receptionist/secretary responded, “Sorry Mrs Archibald is no longer with us.” Prior attempts via phone calls were made to ascertain whether or not the reports and allegations were correct but a direct response was not forthcoming.
Efforts to reach Mrs Archibald-Gill have been unsuccessful.
Virgin Islands News Online has been reliably informed by trusted sources close to the BVI Health Services Authorities that there has been a recent shake up among a top team of employees in the sector.
On Sunday August 18, 2013 this news agency received a release from Mrs Archibald-Gill indicating that she is on vacation effective Monday August 19 to Saturday August 31, 2013. Word was even out prior that management was severing ties with the communications specialist.
Mrs Archibald-Gill was reportedly informed that her service was no longer required. The circumstances surrounding the decision were not released by our sources since they said they were not comfortable doing so but noted that the issues had resulted in alleged firing, suspension and person/s going off on vacation leave.
Prior to confirmation that Ms Archibald-Gill was no longer at the BVIHSA, this news site had contacted Ms Carty-Baptiste on the reports circulating that the Director of Communications was not returning, however, she claimed she had no such knowledge other than Ms Archibald-Gill being on vacation leave.
According to the Labour Laws of the Virgin Islands, a person can be serve notice of termination of service while on vacation. However, with the exception of certain reasons for the decision, the person is entitled to be paid for the period of notice.
According to well-placed sources, Ms Archibald-Gill and others who were said to be closely knitted to the top bracket of the institution were allegedly the only ones to have received a salary increase after many years.

51 Responses to “Tamara Archibald-Gill out!”
But after reading and see that even having a pretty face as tami dose stil cant save your job. Its not cool any of us can go for lunch and return after and see a layed off letter on our desk.
Be strong tami as you know god dont like ugly and your still a winner. The People and Government lost someone really worth it.
On a next note maybe you told the NDP bad boys No they cant get None.. (Maybe) bestrong and dont sell out.
NDP didn't fire her, the BVI HSA did. Stop talking bull$%^t!
What is your point idiot?
It is time for Darlene Carty-Baptiste to go....
Biggest time waster in the hsa
In maintaining integrity, persons need to have manners and respect for other human beings. Sadly, this is lacking in our health service. If Mrs. Gill was terminated incorrectly, God will be the ultimate judge. You all want to make the National Health mandatory and the present service ain't worth much. God help us all.
This is a sad story. The Easter bunny strikes again.... Tami is good at what she did..... I hope the Easter bunny knows that the eyes and ears are on her to see who she would put in the position. Rumors has it that she putting her little sidekick in the position. She will soon learn that the ones kissing up to her are the ones she needs to watch and stop wearing the old short dresses, and tight clothing it doesnt go well with your profession.
There is more to come on this story.