Tales of corruption continue: Walwyn’s ESHS wall cost, works do not add up - AG Report
The Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) wall was commissioned and driven by Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL), as his own Permanent Secretary described the wall as the Minister’s 'pet project'. In her report, the Auditor General noted that there was “no value for money, workers being paid for work not done” and blatant violations of the law, in particular, the “Public Finance Management Regulations.”
The report noted that “Variations to the design was adopted after commencement of the project.” One such variation was the rear entrance facing FedEx along the West Exit/Gate Lower Estate Superette perimeter to accommodate a drop-off area for school buses. That work was done by one contractor via a petty contact for some $53,883.50,” according to the report.
Taxpayers short-changed?
In the same area, the report on the Mr Walwyn school wall stated, “Only ten of the 16 rail/paint jobs were competed”. The Treasury records indicate that the contractors were all “paid in full.” Despite the price tag of $1.6 M, the Auditor General in her special report noted that, “No contracts were issued for rail/paint work on 14 wall segments. This area is therefore incomplete with approximately 20 wall sections that are unpainted and without rails”.
In arguing that the price tag of $1.6 M was rather overpriced, Ms Webster noted, “The seven wall section that adjoins the corner by Evans House are unpainted and do not have rails installed… There is a gap in the centre of the wall along the hut where an older wall structure collapsed after the floodings of 2017. It is unclear why this had not been demolished earlier, as the costing for the new perimeter wall included the full length of this side” the report questioned.
The Auditor General noted in her special report that, “throughout the project, inconsistencies were noted with the length and height of the walls. Some wall segments were between 8-9 feet long. Most noticeable is the irregular height of the walls especially, the low walls to hold the rails.”
In another bombshell conclusion, Ms Webster stated, “inconsistencies were also noted in the rendering of the wall, in some areas the block wall was visible through the unpainted plaster.” She noted that the wall did not withstand the flooding and Hurricanes of 2017.
Mr Walwyn trying to spin & tell lies
Ms Webster further noted, “Various parts show damage from hurricanes winds and debris. A few of the sections appear to have lost their rails (in particular in the Lower Estate Superette to Evans House area)…” The Special report also stated that “Other areas show cracking and broken concrete.”
Since the bombshell report on the wall, Hon Walwyn has gone on a public relations campaign even telling lies about the true cost of the wall. His Co-Leader Dr the Hon D Orlando Smith (AL) who is the Minister of Finance told the House of Assembly (HoA) in 2016 that the cost of the wall was $1.6M. Later in 2016, Mr Walwyn admitted that was the cost of the wall $1.6M also to an answer to a question in the HoA.
However, Mr Walwyn continues making attempts to change the price tag. It must be also noted that portions of the Wall, the side by the Sunday Morning Well was already erected and needed no new walls.
Third of a series on the report of the Elmore Stoutt High School Wall
See previous links:
Corruption? ‘Contractors paid in full, without completion of Wall works’- Auditor General
35 Responses to “Tales of corruption continue: Walwyn’s ESHS wall cost, works do not add up - AG Report”
If you want Myron walwyn be the next premier thumbs down
If you want ndp win thumbs down
Remove this man from power please!! Ruining the school system!
Poisoning minds of the youth pretending to care then building a wall to surround them like they are animals please intervene we do not need another Trumpet
Please take this very seriously. This is not a deck of cards and a mere game; this is our lives here. Please remove this man from power and any others like him. We don’t need nor want this type of representation