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Taking a closer look at schools & churches

- Truth for the Youth-BVP… Sat - 6pm – 7pm on CBN 90.9 FM
Alred C. Frett. Photo: VINO/File
By Alred C. Frett

I am no Saint, Teacher nor Sunday School Preacher: None of us are perfect but not everything or everyone is bad or wrong – There is much good and right in things and People… I know this, because thanks to you, I survived challenges that could have easily destroyed me… You too, may have been fortunate and we should see our survival and successes as opportunities to give thanks by preparing the less fortunate for survival & progress.

We are more alike than we are different and just like you, I received no mandate from God, was taught to regard Christmas as the birth of a king, Easter as the resurrection of immortality and August as the death of our Slavery… However, as knowledge grows, we seek our own revelations as to what is real and what is merely contrived to satisfy the agendas of the rich and powerful.

From day to day, life remains an uphill battle with everything intertwined to the point where even as we move from Graduation to Emancipation, the connecting threads persist… It is no longer a secret that by denying Slaves education, their Freedom was postponed far beyond Emancipation Day and even now, at our 65th Celebration we still appear to be stuck in neutral or rolling backwards.

We hurt ourselves by rejecting accountability for our own actions and blaming others for our misfortunes… We procrastinate and squander Opportunities by clinging to the mantra that Schools, Churches, Politicians and Gods will rescue us from ourselves… These actions and inactions simply shackle us to the past where we are willing to sell our souls for a sip of Wine and a bump & grind.

Why would they teach us to be less than the best?

Nonetheless, as much as I support & defend our attending both school and church, we still must consider whether what they deliver is in our best interest or against us… We can now read and write enough to understand that to ‘forgive and forget’ encourages us to accept repeated abuse – and believing ‘what we don’t know can’t hurt us’ is wrong for there is no greater pain than ignorance.

It is prudent to wonder whether this deception is by accident or design… For, as much as we wish to give them the benefit, history shows that the intent of Schools & Churches was never to teach freedom of thought or expression of independence but to program us into being dependent… No wonder we are forced to memorize rules & conditions designed to benefit the rich & powerful.

In this way, the more things should change, the more we let them remain the same - Decades ago, my Father was displeased when I told him that Slave Descendants wanted a good education for their children in order to work for Slave Masters Descendants whereas Slave Masters Descendants wanted a good education for their children so they would not have to work for Slave Descendants.

Many years have passed but the Systems remain unchanged and the practices of Churches and Schools continue as before – They bring no real Solutions but we find it too uncomfortable to admit this so, we pass the problems on to our Politicians, our Gods and the next Generation… Seems like we have forgotten that these Politicians also attended the same schools and churches we did.

They too have been so well programmed that worries and facts mean no more to them than to us, and never will until we all begin to mean something to ourselves… Over time, this ambition is stifled by teaching us how to become our own worst enemy through the imposition of distorted values that glorify them and leave us having us work four times harder for a mere hint of social equality.

This is their Stadium and we are just a game they play:

It is no accident that their success depends on teaching us the obedience of following blindly without the aspiration to lead… In their game plan of ‘something for nothing’, the rich and powerful will always control schools and churches so it becomes easy to promise free education and salvation, provided you do not think for yourself and steadfastly avoid the level of information I bring you.

Just like Slavery, their mandate is not our freedom but to keep us within the limitations that they have established… Our Graduation is to supply human robots for their 9 – 5 workforce - Robots with just enough ambition to earn enough to pay taxes and bills… As we live paycheck to paycheck, stress drives us to seek happiness in distractions and our biggest celebrations are now funerals.

Evidently, Schools and Churches prepare us for work and death but never explains why we are forced to retire at a healthy 60-years on the claim that we are no longer able to perform basic tasks – At the same time they encourage persons older than cloth and feeble like Friday to seek election as leaders of youthful minds – The Golden Rule dies when those with the Gold make all the Rules.

This is Trump’s Era where facts and reality no longer matter and only our mothers may care for us when we fail to care for ourselves… We claim to know better but refuse to do better and the more we hesitate, the more we advance our destruction… We are now captives of reverse economics, where instead of receiving interest from Saving Accounts, we pay Banks for them to use our Money.

As we spend more than we can afford and live above our means we boast of existing on credit cards without understanding that we are in a race to the bottom… The Middle Class descends into Lower Class; both slide into poverty and calls on Governments fall on deaf ears - Political promises resulted in large deficits that forced them to rely on fake Budgets and loans they cannot repay.

Failing to see the World in the Mirror of our Mind:

With Governments controlled by the Banks they cannot help us when they cannot help themselves and our standard of living plummets… Our Savings Account earns 0.0% and is slammed by more Bank Service Charges than hotels or restaurants – In less than a generation History repeats itself - Our ancestors were unable to save anything from their labour and we are doing exactly the same.

Sadly, the evils we see Today grew from seeds planted long ago… With dedicated nurturing, the bad fruits of Racism, Discrimination and Nationalism have become excuses for holding Children in Cages, Drones bombing the Innocent, Police shooting black men without reason and Persons using Police and Courts to dish out their brand of injustice – This may sound fake but it is reality.

We have seen this game before and silence has never been the answer… History has shown it easier to point fingers out than assess ourselves in the Mirror and although they know it is wrong, oppressors will see their ‘might as right’ – So, Israel, the US and UK will never admit their treatment of others is the same as what Botha did Blacks in South Africa and Hitler did Jews in Germany.

Oppressors survive at the expense of the oppressed and some have the advantage of printing their own Monies… Brexit, Obama’s initiative or Trump’s deregulation may not be enough to save other Economies when those in Authority convince themselves to impose self-interest restrictions on Businesses without understanding that the survival of Business means the survival of Government.

Such lessons are never taught in schools and churches and when decisions makers lack the necessary experience they turn to God, Miracles and Magic… We have not yet recovered from Nature’s wrath and our limited ways & means cannot survive Financial crises of our own making… Yes, Schools & Churches may help us prepare but each of us are accountable for a real recovery.

PS: I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programs 

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