‘Take flowers while you are alive’ – URVC honours legacy of Hon. O’Neal
It was the act and initiative of Bishop Herbert to lay flowers around Hon. O’Neal at the level of the church as he said it was a vision impressed on his heart prior to the 2011 national elections. “Just before the last election the Lord spoke distinctly about honouring Hon. Ralph T. O’Neal. The event was delayed because the timing wasn’t right,” said the Bishop.
The house of worship of the Upper Room Victory Church was not its usual Sunday morning services as the audience was one filled with politicians, including Premier and Minister of Finance Dr. the Honourable D. Orlando Smith who spoke highly of the ‘great son of the soil.’ Also present were Minister for Communications and Works, Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool; Minister for Education and Culture, Honourable Myron V. Walwyn; Speaker of the House of Assembly, Ms Ingrid A. Moses; Members of the Opposition, Honourables J. Alvin Christopher and Andrew A. Fahie; At Large Representative Honourable Archibald C. Christian and Representative for the Sixth District, Honourable Alvera Maduro-Caines.
Many were the praises showered on Honourable O’Neal. Premier Smith recognized him as a leader who never opposed for the sake of opposing. He acknowledged his participation and support in the setting up of the BVI Social Security Board as one the many significant things that continue to be of great benefit to the people of the VI.
Speaking on behalf of the members of the VIP, Hon. Fahie hailed Hon. O’Neal’s greatest achievement as being in the area of education. He spent some time alluding to Hon O’Neal’s commitment to ensuring the establishment of the Bregado Flax Educational Centre many years ago. He said that in addition to playing a major role in affording many a chance at attending school, Virgin Gordians were saved from spending more than $10M.
“He taught them how to fish… Thank you for the work you have done in that area,” said Hon. Fahie.
Mrs Jennie Wheatley was also on spot unraveling the petals of flowers and scattering them at Hon. O’Neal’s feet with her reflection of his life as a teacher. She also challenged him to hasten the process of putting together his dream book. “Whenever you would have written, whatever you want to write, I will edit it free of charge,” said Mrs Wheatley.
In the sermon given by Pastor Gregory Smith, emphasis was placed on the importance of the church praying for its leaders. Pastor Smith described Hon. O’Neal as a person that has always been approachable.
Hon. O’Neal was visibly moved by the act of being honoured. He noted he had served the VI as a legislator for some 38 years, in addition to more than fifteen years prior as a civil servant in government and as a teacher. He spoke of being criticised and called names by persons he thought would have known better.
“I hear them say why he don’t go sit down, he know he old…. Well I know my age,” he said causing the church to erupt into laughter. He said that along the way he had lost some friends but has also made some excellent friends. He acknowledged his relationship shared with Premier Smith.
The church presented Hon. O’Neal with a plaque and several other items in the presence of his wife Reverend Edris O’Neal and his eldest and youngest children.
24 Responses to “‘Take flowers while you are alive’ – URVC honours legacy of Hon. O’Neal”
you cant read between the line buddy. Don't you know what is body language is : well, it's good or bad so there.
Please, while he is able to recognize and appreciate it.
So now is the time to honour the Man while he is alive amen
Well deserved recognised!