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Sylvanna L. Charles crowned Miss Plus World in USA

The [British] Virgin Islands’ Sylvanna L. Charles was crown Miss Plus World held at Sheraton North Houston at George Bush Intercontinental in Texas, USA, last night, March 12, 2022. Photo: Team of Reporters
Sylvanna L. Charles is crowned Miss Plus Size World last night, March 12, 2022. Photo; Team of Reporters
Sylvanna L. Charles is crowned Miss Plus Size World last night, March 12, 2022. Photo; Team of Reporters
HOUSTON, Texas, USA- The [British] Virgin Islands’ Sylvanna L. Charles was crowned Miss Plus World held at Sheraton North Houston at George Bush Intercontinental in Texas, USA, last night, March 12, 2022.

According to reports, Charles also won the Cover Girl and National Costume awards at the pageant, which was held over 3 days, March 9 - 12, 2022.

Among the pageant crowns won over the years by Charles are Miss BVI Princess 2005, Miss Teen BVI 2010; Miss Caribbean Talented Teen AXA 2011, 2013 VG Easter Festival Queen and 2017 Miss VG Bold & Beautiful.

She had placed Second Runner Up at the Miss Plus Size Universe International Pageant in St Vincent and the Grenadines in April 2019.

She is now the 2nd Virgin Islands' woman to bring home an international pageant crown.

Sophia M. Rubaine won Mrs Curve Globe in June 2021 when the Virgin Islands participated in that category of the pageant for the first time.

Vision & Mission

According to the Miss Plus World website, the vision of the pageant is to showcase the diversity, creativity, leadership, style, grace and beauty of women worldwide.

The mission of the pageant, according to the website, is to promote, elevate and celebrate the accomplishments and humanitarian services of women from across the nations.

It said the goal is to build a sisterhood of confident and influential women who share their cultures with each other and the world as they promote education, peace, wellness and cultural awareness.

27 Responses to “Sylvanna L. Charles crowned Miss Plus World in USA”

  • Ms. Diva (13/03/2022, 09:00) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
    Congratulations, beautiful young woman.
  • Funny (13/03/2022, 09:23) Like (19) Dislike (88) Reply

    rewarded for being unhealthy, Fat & Full of It should be the title these wh*** compete for

    • @Funny (13/03/2022, 12:24) Like (26) Dislike (4) Reply
      Whoever you are, you know what? Never mind.
    • Pathetic (13/03/2022, 21:59) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
      People like you are disgusting. Do you think being slim makes a person healthy? Everyone metabolism is different. One person can be tiny and eat a whole cow? It's milk and icecream and their body burns it naturally. No exercise no diet. Another person can just as much as smell it and they gain weight. Who gives you the right to judge. I've seen fit people get heart attack, people who run the track every day get heart attack and obese people get the same thing. The slim person is not slim on his own will and many obese persons are not that way by choice. Don't know the young lady personally but I've seen her in ballet and dance programs and she can do what I cannot do at half her size. So if you can't congratulate her just go in the corner.

      Well done Miss Charles
    • To patetic (14/03/2022, 06:25) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thanks for making sense. Don't forget too the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Makeup can wash off and the eye lashes taken off and underneath you find a ugly person devil the inside. People like the person who made the nasty comment is who make young people do what Miss America did the other day because of the pressure to be perfect for others.

      Some people body does retain alot of water too

      Young lady do what make you happy. I'm glad you won the oageant
    • @Funny (14/03/2022, 10:17) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      You are the lowest of low. You make me sick with your comment. It seems you are a hater. May God help you, because there is a place for people like you. If you have nothing good to say, just keep your trap shut and say nothing at all
    • @ Funny (15/03/2022, 09:27) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Your remarks are not funny, and certainly insensitive. Stop fat shaming. It could happen to you. There are persons who do all the right things to be healthy and I know for a fact that this young lady follow a healthy lifestyle. Has this thought ever occurred to you? There are things in the food, water, skin and hair products, the chemicals in the air that affect the hormones in our bodies differently and it is increasing, even childhood vaccinations! Do your research! One particular ingredient is high fructose corn syrup which is in everything and unavoidable, and is the culprit to obesity. Truly there are some full and curvy persons who are more energetic than I am and I envy them for that. This pageant is a civilized one and at the very least provides positive opportunities for those curvy persons to show that they have talent and should not keep it hidden because of their size! Funny, please take a break from negativity !!!!
  • Angie (13/03/2022, 09:24) Like (23) Dislike (8) Reply
    Congratulations!!! You are beautiful. One of God's most beautiful creations!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pat (13/03/2022, 09:39) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    Wow we are proud
  • fashion police (13/03/2022, 09:42) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    Absolutely stunning. A big congrats to you.
  • hmmm (13/03/2022, 10:05) Like (15) Dislike (27) Reply
    Gosh! She likes pageants! How many pageants have she participated in over the last 10 years?
    • @hmmm (13/03/2022, 12:27) Like (26) Dislike (7) Reply
      It is call none of your business. She can participate in as many pageants as she pleases.
    • @hmmm (15/03/2022, 09:29) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      She is building her character and the ability to be in public and international forums. She is an ambassador for BVI! Great things are ahead for her! What is your calling?
  • By Far (13/03/2022, 10:08) Like (36) Dislike (3) Reply
    A big congratulations to you girlll. My opinion, she should sign up with a plus size model agency. She would be good in their ADS. Again, congratulations, you represent well. Went to Texas and won the crown.
    • agreed (13/03/2022, 12:38) Like (19) Dislike (4) Reply
      A lot of modeling agencies hires plus size models. Do your research. Sad the talents we have in the BVI have to get the recognition they deserve outside of the BVI. Then, you want to swoop up bragging rights.
    • hmm (13/03/2022, 14:47) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
      A Big Congratulations to Ms. Plus….lol
  • hmm (13/03/2022, 10:09) Like (3) Dislike (14) Reply
    Dem crazy ? Smmssh
  • am (13/03/2022, 10:33) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
    Yassssss Sylvanna!!! You've always had the whole package. Just another medal to confirm what we already know!!
  • musa (13/03/2022, 10:54) Like (24) Dislike (8) Reply
    Congratulations on this accomplishment .take some time for yourself and get fit and healthy....
  • karma (13/03/2022, 12:48) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
    Why all the negative posts??
    Yall really some miserable people.
    Congrats Ms Charles
    • @karma (13/03/2022, 15:12) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
      For real, we living among some disgusting miserable people. The only thing they know how to do is be miserable. Have pity on them because they know no better. CONGRATULATIONS to you Ms. Charles.
  • WOW (13/03/2022, 13:02) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Congratulations big up yourself Ms. Charles
  • jah (13/03/2022, 15:03) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Unhealthy !! eat correctly lived longer more healthier, motive others in the correct way .. self esteem.. !!
  • BVI love (13/03/2022, 15:32) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Our fat girls are the best.
  • @ BVi LUV (13/03/2022, 18:22) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    true , but some can be very aGGresiVe so if you encounter one ,give them their space. no disrespect
  • ausar (14/03/2022, 09:56) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Congrats, Ms. Charles!

    Don't mind the noise. Plus size has been in, and now is your time to shine and represent us, these beautiful Virgin Islands!

    You just make yourself continually as beautiful as you are!
  • ?? (15/03/2022, 09:31) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Congratulations Sylvanna! Do not mind the noise. Great things are ahead for you! These events are preparing you! Just wait and see! The nay sayers will soon lick their chops for criticizing.

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