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SUVs collide on James Water Francis Drive

One of the SUVs involved in an accident on the James Walter Francis Drive today, September 3, 2017. Photo: Team of Reporters
The SUV on the left end up off the road and with extensive frontal damages following a collision on the James Walter Francis Drive today, September 3, 2017. Photo: Team of Reporters
The SUV on the left end up off the road and with extensive frontal damages following a collision on the James Walter Francis Drive today, September 3, 2017. Photo: Team of Reporters
Police and some onlookers at the scene of the accident. Photo: Team of Reporters
Police and some onlookers at the scene of the accident. Photo: Team of Reporters
WICKHAM'S CAY II, Tortola, VI- At least two SUVs sustained frontal damages after becoming involved in an accident on the James Walter Francis Drive, on the main island of Tortola, around 2:30 P.M. today, September 3, 2017.

It is not clear to this news site at this time what were the circumstances surrounding the mishap and it is also unclear whether anyone was hurt.

There are reports that a third vehicle was involved but this could not be confirmed.

Police are one the scene as well as a number of onlookers.

The accident took place at Wickham's Cay II, on the western carriageway, near to The Moorings.

We will bring more details as they come in.

4 Responses to “SUVs collide on James Water Francis Drive”

  • wow... (03/09/2017, 15:13) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Stay off those smart phones.
  • ................ (03/09/2017, 15:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its only sunday ppl
  • I swear (03/09/2017, 15:46) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    The driving on this island is careless and selfish...once that changes, so will the driving.
  • Unbelievable (03/09/2017, 18:32) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Drivers weaving in and out of traffic, so they can turn left seconds later? Drivers tail gating you and risking financial loss if they run into you.

    These are the acts of stupid people.

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