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Supreme Court ends federal right to legal abortion in US

June 24th, 2022 | Tags: Supreme Court abortion rights ruling Roe v. Wade
The Supreme Court ruled Friday that Americans no longer have a constitutional right to abortion, a watershed decision that overturned Roe v. Wade and erased reproductive rights in place for nearly five decades. Photo: New York Times
WASHINGTON DC, United States- The Supreme Court today, Friday, June 24, 2022, extinguished the constitutional right of Americans to abortion, ending the 49-year reign of Roe v. Wade and ensuring a tsunami of outrage from women, who could see reproductive rights roundly restricted in half the country.

At the same time, the court voted 6-3 to uphold a Mississippi law that bans all abortion past 15 weeks, with very few medical exceptions.

According to Daily News, the 6-to-3 ruling, delivered in a Mississippi case, had been expected after a draft majority opinion leaked to the news media in May, and came from a conservative high court that was remade by President Donald J. Trump to tilt far further to the right.

7-2 vote to overturn Roe

In overturning Roe, the court’s conservatives bucked the view of the majority of Americans, who have long opposed a reversal of the 1973 decision, according to opinion polls. Roe was decided by a 7-to-2 vote.

The court’s new opinion, which also laid waste to the 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey ruling reaffirming Roe, will not cut into New Yorkers’ legal right to abortion. New York legalized abortion in 1970 and expanded reproductive rights in 2019.

But 26 states are likely or certain enact near-blanket bans on abortion, according to an analysis by the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion rights New York nonprofit. Many conservative state legislatures have been preparing for the fall of Roe for years.

Republicans have stewed over Roe, arguing that the decision lacked grounding in the text of the Constitution.

Democrats, meanwhile, have long argued the ruling offered a critical lifeline for women, protecting against government overreach into women’s choices. Liberal lawyers say the Constitution’s protections plainly, if implicitly, cover bodily autonomy.

No right to abortion

In Friday's ruling, Justice Samuel Alito wrote that the Constitution “does not confer a right to abortion," stating it is ultimately up to the states to regulate abortion access.

“Abortion presents a profound moral question,” Alito wrote. “The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. The Court overrules those decisions and returns that authority to the people and their elected representatives.”

25 Responses to “Supreme Court ends federal right to legal abortion in US”

  • resident (24/06/2022, 11:39) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
    They followed the law not their hearts
    • Saw (25/06/2022, 18:31) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      I don’t care what happen to laws in foreign countries. Why is this in vino?
  • asura (24/06/2022, 12:16) Like (7) Dislike (22) Reply
    I should open a clinic here in the BVI
    • god is watching (24/06/2022, 16:20) Like (3) Dislike (13) Reply
      @asura the judgment of God will fall on this country(and yourself) if it is allowed.
  • IMO (24/06/2022, 12:28) Like (14) Dislike (42) Reply
    There are a number of issues with the USA that should be addressed. Making abortions illegal is a step in the right direction. At the rate the country is going with the LGBTQNA agenda, the ship needs to be steered away from the rocks. Gun legislation is next in line
    • @Imo (24/06/2022, 16:55) Like (31) Dislike (8) Reply
      @IMO… you realize this means that a man can rape his sister and then report her to authorities for getting an abortion and HE will receive $10000 in exchange. F your opinion.
      • I get your point but... (24/06/2022, 21:24) Like (7) Dislike (12) Reply
        How many brothers out there inpregnating their sisters?

        I've seen the statistics...most abortions are just plain and simple murder.
  • @Imo (24/06/2022, 15:07) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
    Are you for real? You have to be joking right?
    • her (26/06/2022, 17:16) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      This is in the US. Nothing to do with any other country. They don't care what we laws do. We dont care what they do.
  • E. Leonard (24/06/2022, 15:37) Like (14) Dislike (6) Reply
    Each citizen/woman has the right to make the personal choice on her reproductive choices/health, so I leave that choice up to each individual. I view the SCOTUS landmark decision as a Rights issue. What other rights are on the chopping block, ie, interracial marriages, citizenship rights of people born in the territories (USVI, Guam, Samoa, Marianas, Puerto Rico), marriage equality, Brown v. Board of Education, Plessy V. Fergusion, etc. Some of these issues are settled law but settled law seemed under attack, ie, repeal of New York 100+ year old gun law. The scales of justice must be balanced and justice should be blind and based on the law, not on politics or personal desires. The constitution and electoral process clearly and definitely need to be modernized. A 19th Century (1887) document being employed by originalists to govern in the 21st Century.

    Moreover, it should be any doubt now that voting rights matter, campaigning matters, voting matters, representation matter, getting and staying civically engaged matter. Too many people believe that their vote does not matter and fail to vote, saying that politicians will do as they like. They do as they because they are rewarded for doing as they like. It persists because it persists. Moreover, it clear that it does not matter what nominees say during confirmation hearings, for they will do the smart, human thing and say or avoid saying what will ensure his/her nomination.
    • Peaches (24/06/2022, 16:23) Like (10) Dislike (14) Reply
      @E.Leonard many of the choices that we make have serious consequences for hell or for eternity. Where would you like to spend eternity?
      • @PEACHES (24/06/2022, 23:20) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
        Let he/she without sin cast the first stone. Is any sin greater than the other? What happens in the dark comes to light.
    • pro life (24/06/2022, 19:33) Like (3) Dislike (23) Reply
      e. leonard, you must be a demonrat liberal and a true scu...t at that.
      the conservatives which make up the majority of we americans WON today!!!!!!
    • @E. Leonard (24/06/2022, 23:25) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @E.Leonard, smooth move away from the abortion issue, avoiding it with a 10 pole, and shifting to the rights issue that Justice Thomas alluded to. To me the court is to political and should be making rulings based on the constitution and the law.
  • @E.Leonard (24/06/2022, 19:08) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    This is a sea change, a tectonic shift, in American law with significant ripple effects and repercussions in the society. The repeal s…..ts on state decisis, ie, “to stand by things decided.” The repeal of Roe v. Wade reeks of gender, class, and sex discrimination. It punishes and rolls back women’s rights, but do men have any responsibility for pregnancies? Should they be snipped. The dinosaurs and hypocrites on the court needs to go and the court need to be reformed. It is hypocritical to compare Brown v. Board of Education (1954. Brown v. Board of Education repeal of Plessy v. Fergusion protected a right; whereas, repeal of Roe v. Wade take away a right.
  • Agreeable One (24/06/2022, 20:12) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
    Caribbean people should largely support this excellent decision. Our view on right to life is the same as the conservatives in the US. With some exceptions for special cases this is great news for so many innocent babies. Can never understand why we take such a strong stance and hash treatment for murders but want to take a different stance for killing unborn babies. Great decision SCOTUS. ????????
  • NezRez (24/06/2022, 22:32) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
    If women cannot get abortions then men should not be allowed to have sex with women anymore because they can impregnate them. Let them have sex with other men they cannot impregnate. CASE CLOSED!
  • pat (24/06/2022, 22:44) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Free the Drew free women rights
  • simple (24/06/2022, 23:37) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
    What about the right to choose not to get pregnant if you do not want a baby? We all know how they are made by now. The right to murder a fetus is what was taken away. Sounds humane to me. Some people have had multiple abortions. Well it is time to take responsibility for your actions.
  • Rubber Duck (25/06/2022, 06:09) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    What the decision does, regardless of what the subject is, is to encourage the interference of the state into peoples lives.

    I find it strange that so called conservatives would encourage this.

    What we need is less state interference in our lives, not more. Particularly here in the BVI.
  • BVI Dual Citizen (25/06/2022, 08:44) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Undoubtedly, the ideologues, conservatives judges on the SCOTUS want to keep things as the founding fathers saw them in the 18th Century and don’t give a rat’s ass about what a majority of Americans want ( 66%), precedence, stare decisis, etc. Using their warped line of thinking, Blacks would still be slaves, not be citizens, not have the right to vote, Plessy v. Ferguson would still be law. Women would not have the right to vote, there would be no interracial marriages, etc. Of course, Clarence Thomas, a Sambo would not be on the court. The Sambo is advocating that other rights be slaughtered on the altar of conservatism. He is a walking, living and dangerous embarrassment. In regards to Roe v. Wade, men should be castrated.
  • Age of Aquarius (25/06/2022, 08:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    is over in most of the USA.
  • grace (25/06/2022, 15:26) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wish men could get pregnant, then that law would have never passed.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (26/06/2022, 11:07) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Abortion is a worldwide practice among humans. In my honest opinion abortion is only necessary when it is it extremely necessary. In other words, abortion is only necessary when it does not violated the righteousness of God our Creator commandments of LOVE.
    Like or dislike.
  • BVI tourist (27/06/2022, 07:34) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Abortion is still not illegal in the US. Mississippi wanted to ban abortions after 15 weeks, and pro-abortion people sued. The supreme court decision allows the states to regulate abortion the way they want. There are European countries that ban abortion after 12 weeks. In California & New York, a woman can have an abortion for any reason up until the time of birth. I don't care what reason you give - aborting a full term baby is EVIL and should never be allowed. The only other countries that allow that are China & North Korea. That's what democrats want - abortion on demand at any time for any reason.

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