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‘Supa Cop’ AC move lands him in deeper hot water

- An internal tribunal to decide on further actions of the RVIPF against Police Constable Glenn ‘Supa Cop’ Callwood
From a Fine of $100 in the Magistrates Court to Police Constable Glenn Callwood took his matter to the Court of Appeal where he ended up with a $1,500 fine or prison time if not paid in a stipulated time. Photo: VINO
Magistrate Dr Velon L. John had ruled that a conviction not be recorded against Callwood. Photo: St. Lucia Star
Magistrate Dr Velon L. John had ruled that a conviction not be recorded against Callwood. Photo: St. Lucia Star
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Not satisfied with the $100 fine imposed on him by Magistrate Dr. John L. Velon who had found him guilty for the charge of indecent assault as occasioned while on the job at the Road Town Police Station where he had grabbed the testicles of a man, Glenn ‘Supa Cop’ Callwood had further moved to the Appeal Court (AC).

Magistrate John had also ruled that a conviction not be recorded against him. However Callwood held the bitter end of the stick on Friday October 3, 2014 when the Appeal Court overrode Dr John’s decision and ordered that a convection be recorded against him and further fined him $1,500 to be paid in two months time or spend six months in prison.

This news site was further informed by sources close to both Callwood and the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) that an internal tribunal is being set up to consider the conviction against Constable Callwood in relation to disciplinary offences which will also make recommendation/s to the Commissioner Mr David Morris on Callwood’s future with the RVIPF.

This had taken effect immediately following the decision of the Appeal Court on October 3, 2014.

Callwood has declined to comment on whether or not he intends to make use of the only other option available to him to try to prove that he had not committed the offence categorized as indecent assault.

Getting to the Privy Council is the other available option which can hear his matter and if convinced in law, has the powers to overturn the Appeal Court’s decision. 

19 Responses to “‘Supa Cop’ AC move lands him in deeper hot water”

  • VG 1 (06/10/2014, 08:36) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    What goes up also comes down. We live in a small community of people. Even though we all have our jobs to do, especially as law officers , it's not only what you do, it's how you go about doing it. At the end of the day it's the same people around you that you have to live with. Mind you , no one is above the law.
  • trrefdrfds (06/10/2014, 09:08) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    My boy I aint got nothing against you, but you should have taken the decision made by Mr. John, you just went and made things worst to further waste the courts time you going to upset more people who going to give you more harshness. Cut your losses my boy. I think that Dr. John was trying to be fair to you considering your service, but the fact remains based on the facts an offence was carried out and you were found guilty, the appeal problaly did not have any consideration for your years of service and based on the facts only gave you a sentence (fine etc.) consider yourself very lucky my boy. It could have been far worse.
  • look long me come from (06/10/2014, 09:14) Like (2) Dislike (25) Reply
    Look what they doing to this local son
    • wize up (06/10/2014, 17:20) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      the "local son" committed a crime; the "local son" was tried in a court of law & the "local son" was convicted...are you saying he should be bigger than the same law(s) he swore to uphold.....the local son is now a convicted criminal(the MFO broke the law)
      • @ wize up (06/10/2014, 21:58) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        Psychologists will tell you that what we criticize most in others is usually that about which we are most guilty.

        • Nita (07/10/2014, 09:45) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
          Are you a Psychologist? I know you're not because that is bull. What we criticize in others is NOT what we are guilty of. What we criticize the most are the things we dislike the most, so go to school for Psychology or shut up! I dislike abuse, assault, thievery, smoking, and the list goes on, non of which I am guilty of so go sit down.
  • Cop A Feel (06/10/2014, 09:23) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Jump Out of the frying pan, and into the
  • NBA (06/10/2014, 10:06) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Next time take the balls and put them in the basket, you never know you might just go pro!
  • ------------------- (06/10/2014, 10:14) Like (1) Dislike (34) Reply
    Only locals suffers like this under NDP
  • a real poppy show (06/10/2014, 10:44) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mayson stop wasting your money! CASE CLOSED!
  • Michael (06/10/2014, 12:04) Like (0) Dislike (21) Reply
    This may be yet another reason to get rid of another born BVIslander from the Police Force. They are so few already.
  • car key (06/10/2014, 14:24) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    me hear a traffic cop hold on pon a man car key
  • wize up (06/10/2014, 17:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    the man was convicted for a criminal offence!!!!
  • mary j (06/10/2014, 18:32) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bouy move back jvd to go fish
  • Really (06/10/2014, 20:55) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Humble pie anyone? followed by egg on the face!, hee, hee, ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, giggle, giggle, snicker, snicker, ooops, ooops, shush, he fa real? who send he court of appeal eh?
  • rattie (06/10/2014, 21:04) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    poor supa cop, I wonder how that is going to turn out?

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