Sunrise Airlines to begin flying to VI in December

According to the publication, Antigua Newsroom on October 12, 2024, Sunrise Airlines will begin flying to the Virgin Islands in December 2024.
It said Sunrise Airways plans to expand its Eastern Caribbean routes with new flights to Grenada, St. Vincent, and the Virgin Islands starting in late October 2024.
The rollout will occur in phases, beginning October 27, with flights to Grenada, Guadeloupe, and St. Vincent, followed by Tortola in December.
Sunrise Airways
Sunrise Airways is a regional airline based in Haiti that operates scheduled and charter flights to nine destinations in the Caribbean and Central America.
According to the Sunrise Airways website, the airline operates a modern and diverse fleet of aircraft, including Embraer EMB 120ER Brasilia, Embraer EMB 145LR Brasilia, British Aerospace Jetstream 32, and Cessna Caravan 208.
Sunrise Airways also said its fleet has a total capacity of 157 seats and can accommodate different passenger needs and preferences.
According to the same website, Sunrise Airways was founded in 2009 by Philippe Bayard, a businessman and pilot, who envisioned a comprehensive air network that would connect the capitals and islands that share the same space and the same future in the Caribbean region.
“Since 2012, we have taken on the challenge of expanding our routes and increasing our frequency of flights. We have transported more than 1 million passengers in 10 years, serving 4 cities in Haiti, 5 international cities, and 4 countries in the Caribbean,” the airline stated.

14 Responses to “Sunrise Airlines to begin flying to VI in December”
Vip four more years easily