Students lead beach cleanup efforts
Environmental Care
The new ‘SGSS Passion4Earth’ Environmental Club—started just this year—decided to head out to the Brandywine Bay Beach in Tortola, to do some cleanup work, in an effort to not only beautify the territory but help the environment.
The students were Hanna Garcia, Nyasha Yadram, J’Moi Victor, Olivia Freeman, Chad Willock, Dakota Christopher and Iain Smith.
“Upon entering Brandy Wine Bay, Tortola, the amounts of trash collected and thrown into the dumpsters was unbelievable. The trash bags seen in pictures does not amount to the actual numbers of bags of garbage collected today,” the club noted via a post on their Facebook page.
They said that over time, the beaches have become more of a place for trash and not sand while noting that they have only just begun on the journey to making the territory a cleaner, brighter, safer and better place.
Just recently, the government in a public release indicated that plans are afoot for a comprehensive clean-up campaign of the Virgin Islands (VI) led by Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1).
Join Forces
The campaign charges that “All community groups including businesses, churches, schools, non-governmental organisations and homeowners are encouraged to join forces to clean up the BVI and strategically combat the growing waste management problem.”
9 Responses to “Students lead beach cleanup efforts”
Students in anything positive- 1-3 comments (if so much )
Let’s start cheering up our youths as it’s encouraging for them.