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Strong values will decide on same-sex marriage in VI - Angelle A. Cameron

- says Virgin Islanders were always able to stand up against 'wrongs & ills'
The United Kingdom’s House of Commons and it’s Foreign Affairs Committee had recommended in its Fifteenth Report of Session 2017–19, on ‘Global Britain and the British Overseas Territories: Resetting the relationship’, published February 21, 2019, that the UK Government sets a date by which it expects all British Overseas Territories (OTs) to have legalised same-sex marriage. Photo: Internet Source/File
Former Mrs BVI, Angelle A. Cameron says the value systems in the Virgin Islands with set the agenda on a number of issues facing the Territory, including that of same-sex marriages, regarding whether the territory adopts or reject the idea. Photo: VINO/File
Former Mrs BVI, Angelle A. Cameron says the value systems in the Virgin Islands with set the agenda on a number of issues facing the Territory, including that of same-sex marriages, regarding whether the territory adopts or reject the idea. Photo: VINO/File
In February 2019, the VI had previously faced external pressures to legalise same-sex marriages in the territory via a United Kingdom (UK) parliamentary committee report under then Theresa May-led administration. Photo: VINO/File
In February 2019, the VI had previously faced external pressures to legalise same-sex marriages in the territory via a United Kingdom (UK) parliamentary committee report under then Theresa May-led administration. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Christian and former Mrs BVI, Angelle A. Cameron says the value systems in the Virgin Islands will set the agenda on a number of issues facing the Territory, including whether the Territory adopts or rejects the idea of same-sex marriages.

"The values that you have as a family within your household affects the rest of the Territory and we have got to be aligned in that area because no nation is built unless it starts with a family. Families build communities, communities build nations, so strong values are important," she said on the Tuesday, January 21, 2020, edition of the MyBVI radio show.

Values determine where we stand - Mrs Cameron 

According to Mrs Cameron, "Our values are what we stand on, whether we want to bring our walls down to decide that we will have same-sex marriages or whether we will take a stand and take the high road and say, that is not acceptable for us."

The former Mrs BVI noted that values will also determine a number of economic factors, such as adopting fuel-efficient cars.

"We have got to set our values... our forefathers that have come aeons before us, they had some values... our people have always been a resilient people. I agree with that!" she said. 

"VI always stood up against Ills!'

In juxtaposing the VI's value systems to accepting international standards, she said, "We have also been a people who are able to stand up against ills, wrongs or things that we do not believe is in the best interest of our Territory." 

She said for decades, locals were not afraid to say, "No is no" and or whether to agree with something and just "leave it at that".

In February 2019, the VI had previously faced external pressures to legalise same-sex marriages in the Territory via a United Kingdom (UK) parliamentary committee report.  under then Theresa M. May-led administration. 

She said is standing up against wrongs, Bvislanders are the type of people to say, "We're not going to stand for this, this isn't who we are and we won't entertain or condone this."

OT’s could be pressured to legalise same-sex marriage

The United Kingdom’s House of Commons and it’s Foreign Affairs Committee had recommended in its Fifteenth Report of Session 2017–19, on ‘Global Britain and the British Overseas Territories: Resetting the relationship’, published February 21, 2019, that the UK Government sets a date by which it expects all British Overseas Territories (OTs) to have legalised same-sex marriage.

The report had even recommended that if that deadline is not met, “the Government should intervene through legislation or an Order in Council.”

This was interpreted to mean imposing sanctions on the defaulting OTs, including the Virgin Islands (VI) where same-sex marriage has not been legalised.

The then UK Government of Theresa M. May had said; however, it would not force the Overseas Territories) to legalise same-sex marriage but would continue to engage them, to ensure their legislation is compliant with their international human rights obligations.

This was revealed in the new report “Global Britain and the British Overseas Territories: Resetting the relationship: Government response to the Committee’s Fifteenth Report” published May 13, 2019.

The UK Government in its response had said it is committed to equal rights, including LGBT rights but it would not force the OTs to legalise same-sex marriage.

“We believe that the strongest, safest and most prosperous societies are those in which all citizens can live freely without fear of discrimination, and where all citizens, including LGBT people, can play a full and active part in society,” the report had noted.

Leaders of OTs have expressed concern; however, that this matter may arise again, with more pressure on the OTs to legalise same-sex marriage.

53 Responses to “Strong values will decide on same-sex marriage in VI - Angelle A. Cameron”

  • ABC (23/01/2020, 12:50) Like (22) Dislike (10) Reply
    Leave this topic alone
  • LGBTQ+ (23/01/2020, 12:50) Like (36) Dislike (9) Reply
    What value system? Adulterous unions are no different from homosexual unions. Fix that and then talk about value system. How can the one call down the other or how can the one preach to the other?
    • Comment (23/01/2020, 15:30) Like (4) Dislike (13) Reply
      So you’re saying... let’s take this to the high of evil, as far as one can go???
      • Broken Window (24/01/2020, 12:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Perhaps people who live in glass houses ought not be throwing stones.
  • questions (23/01/2020, 12:55) Like (31) Dislike (8) Reply
    Is adultery acceptable and homosexuality not? Which really cause the most damage to the family unit?
    • @questions (23/01/2020, 15:56) Like (16) Dislike (6) Reply
      • @@questions (23/01/2020, 17:27) Like (13) Dislike (9) Reply
        WRONG - the gays & lesbians nah interfere with family members - they don't be up and down destroying children and taking what does not belong to them. 99% keep to themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cannot say that about the whore$.
        • really now!!!!!!!!! (24/01/2020, 09:02) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
          You seem to forget....Men raping little boys in the home/family unit, Women doing the same to little girls. Must you not be gay or lesbian for those things to stimulate you! It starts with the same spirit of homosexuality!!!!!!!!!
  • forward (23/01/2020, 12:57) Like (30) Dislike (30) Reply
    A community has no future if it keeps refusing rights to certain groups of people.

    The only way forward is true freedom. Freedom of speech, religion, education and sexual orientation.

    There is in 2020 no more place in this world for racism, sexism or homofobia.

    We. Are. All. One.
  • Kingfish (23/01/2020, 13:24) Like (44) Dislike (26) Reply
    What benefits will be afforded to gay couples who marry in the BVI, NONE. If gay couples wish to live together so be it, there is nothing that we as a people can do about it, however same sex marriages SHOULD not be legal in the BVI.
    Do not open the flood gates to this kind of relationship.
    • Floodgates? (24/01/2020, 01:03) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      It’s hardly gonna be floodgates.
      The percentage of LGBTQ people in any given population does not amount “floodgates”.
  • jokes (23/01/2020, 13:31) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
    It is ignorance and fear that will decide.
    BVI can have both strong family values AND have open minded acceptance, if only the first sentence did not apply.
    • @jokes (23/01/2020, 16:03) Like (28) Dislike (12) Reply
      Most of you commenting about BVI issues are just lodging a room for a few years. Keep your opinions to yourselves.
  • nonsense (23/01/2020, 13:41) Like (22) Dislike (12) Reply
    I hope when each have to face judgment and come before God and He ask Why have you decided to change your sexual orientation they don't blame Him as He is the creator of Life and sexual orientation. I don't understand but its not for me to as i know who and who's I am. Men have no entrance as they are givers of life and women are not givers as they are receivers to nurture and develop. Too many dictators of how the world must operate and moving further and further away from the creators principles. This world does not belongs to us we were place for a purpose but and if persons don't know who they are then the laws will dictate it for you. Thats just my opinion and 2 cents.
    • Very (23/01/2020, 16:06) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Well said!
    • or (23/01/2020, 19:41) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
      Or he can ask why have you decided to be a Jezebel and whor* with a man not yours?
    • tru (24/01/2020, 00:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      So tell me what you did 40 years ago and I mean exactly what you did and said, no well what about your great grand parents tell me what they said and did exactly 130 years ago, no? Well why do you believe a book that was written when all that time had past. Then a group of powerful whit guys decided what could go in it and what was thrown out. White slave owners used your book to enslave and control.......look how well it has worked 130 years later.......
    • @nonsense (24/01/2020, 14:04) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      And herein lies the problem. Sexuality is not a choice. You didn't choose to be straight, like others don't choose to be homosexual. And as stated it is your opinion. You do not get to judge others. Let your God be the judge and just get on with your own business so long as it does not harm others.
  • Citizen (23/01/2020, 14:17) Like (16) Dislike (8) Reply
    Why are we having this discussion. If the UK pass the law BVI have no say.
  • Zion (23/01/2020, 14:26) Like (19) Dislike (7) Reply
    We are NOT engaging in any homosexuality laws here in the BVI. God will not send plagues here due to our disobedience. Yes, adultery is wrong as well, so is homosexuality. None is better than the other. We don’t condone adultery either! That is NOT an excuse to legalize an abomination. Neither is there a law to legalize adultery! People do it as free will. No legalization please!
  • hmm (23/01/2020, 14:28) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    ___head and __eem
  • IBO (23/01/2020, 14:33) Like (10) Dislike (13) Reply
    I dont discriminate, that photo looks disgusting. Remember, Earthquakes and hurricanes at our door steps.
    • you do distriminate (23/01/2020, 16:02) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
      How one can be so ignorant is troubling.
    • @IBO (23/01/2020, 16:16) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
      I agree, watching these things just gives one a serious bad feeling inside. Nothing natural about this behavior at all and your body responds to this fact each time you come across this behavior. It’s a physical and spiritual feeling that something just isn’t right.
    • To IBO (23/01/2020, 16:37) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      So when hurricanes were battering these islands when the caribs and others inhabited it, were they practicing homosexuality also?
  • qc (23/01/2020, 14:56) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    School children say everybody gay or bi sexual these days
    • wow (23/01/2020, 15:35) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      For YOUR INFO SPEAK FOR YUSELF...everybody aint gay r bisexual .....keep this crap outta here are on fragile ground. don't let this atrocity be the straw that break the camels back......
  • European Philosophy (23/01/2020, 15:41) Like (9) Dislike (11) Reply
    No this is just wrong .
    I think everyone needs to believe in natural order
    Gay people are not doing a natural thing .
    If you try to disobey the laws nature ,
    Only bad things will come out of it
    The BVI do not need this type of practice .
    Leave this for the other countries that accept them
    We nah accept un natural behavior !!!!
    More FIRE !!!!
    BUN UMM OUT !!!
    • HAHA (23/01/2020, 16:31) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      And God will burn you out for your hatred and cruel intentions. We live in a world where we rather welcome a murderer to sit at our dinner table than a man who simply chooses to love differently.
  • I see but (23/01/2020, 16:16) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Resistance is futile...
  • Separate (23/01/2020, 16:24) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Separate church and state. Let it GO~! Request stipulation that clergy who are against same sex marriages not be required to carry out ceremonies, as that is their right. However; let it stop there. Fighting this will not benefit our community. As a matter of fact it will create additional divide, lest you pretend that there are not LGBTQ citizens and residents already living here. We have much bigger fish to fry here than this, which is a matter of how two people want to conduct their OWN lives. You teach your children what you want them to learn (and when they are old they will not depart from it). Isn't that what the bible says in Proverbs 22:6?
  • Trend (23/01/2020, 17:10) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    It seems like it's legal in

    West European Christian countries
    Former British dominions (Canada, Australia, New Zealand] with Christian Protestant majorities
    Former Spanish and Portuguese colonies with Christian Catholic majorities.
    South Africa with a Christian Dutch ruling minority
    America, the Christian Nation

    For those beating the world with a bible, there seems to be a hypocritical pattern here.
    • @Trend (24/01/2020, 14:12) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Or, another conclusion would be that those countries have recognised that the Bible isn't actually meant as a literal text, and science (that's an actual evidence-based way of deciding whether something is true), shows that sexuality is a natural trait, not god-given. Therefore they have adapted their approach to stop unnecessary cruelty and exclusion of members of society for doing something that is nobody's business but their own.
  • VIslander (23/01/2020, 17:31) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    These are requirements to be part of Babylon. You all want to be part of Babylon and not the developing 3rd world nation we doesn't affect me which 2 buggerman want to be bride & groom but this is not something that we are comfortable with here as we are even uncomfortable with PDA between hetro couples here so imagine PDA between homo couples...eeewwww
  • too busy (23/01/2020, 17:49) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    We are so busy being angry about who people love but when a murder happens we all keep quiet. Great!
  • Eagle Eye (23/01/2020, 19:25) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Always practice male to female and the world will be a better place.
  • ReX FeRal (23/01/2020, 19:27) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
    Man marrying man and woman marrying woman is Devil business.
  • GG (23/01/2020, 20:00) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    The only time bvi islanders does really unite to enhance homophobia
  • Tranny undercover (23/01/2020, 21:20) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Let’s all have one big gay pride
  • shark (23/01/2020, 22:01) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    The day after they did it in the Bahamas it was completely destroyed.let them go ahead.
  • Brothers and Sisters get it together (23/01/2020, 23:18) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    click past the music and listen to this sermon. 061414 - Pastor Henry Wright, "God Hears Prayers In Babylon"

    The singer (Paul Helfin) has a great testimony of his own about conversion from the life yu all are discussing. You would have to google to find out about him if you are interested, though. Enjoy the Sermom, pray, and rest your minds.

    You blessed

    From a VIslander in NoVA
  • Paul's story (23/01/2020, 23:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • My girl (24/01/2020, 02:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Too much guys who like man
  • crazyness (24/01/2020, 10:12) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    the creator did not create man to be with men and women to be with women. Homosexual, LBGTQ is s sin hate the sin not the person. The devil hates human and is using the same humans to create laws to fulfill his purpose for human to multiply. powers that be please please don't allow them to force their belief and laws upon us. we have a right and refuse.
  • Mind your own business (24/01/2020, 14:15) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    There is no magic man in the sky judging y'all. Stop using this to bash others.
    An inclusive society will always be a happier and more productive place.
    It ain't anyone's business as to who is having relationships with who so long as it is consensual.
  • Buju (24/01/2020, 15:23) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    them all to nasty brimstone and fire burn them all. sick of all of alyo. they need to go siddung
  • Whispering campaign (24/01/2020, 22:24) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The more people bring up this topic (despite their views) the more it will come to the surface wanting to be heard. Be careful of what you do not ask for. Remember when women could not vote because they they had inferior brains?
  • Steve (26/01/2020, 02:23) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Too many dictators on this blog. If you believe in god, jesus, the bible, that is your choice. If you do not believe in those things, that is your choice. All of this bashing each other is getting you nowhere. You live your life the way you want to and then die, like everyone else. Whatever hereafter you believe in, you will see it. Stop trying to control people, remember, that is how SLAVERY formed, by people wanting to control and own other human beings for free labor. SLAVERY was the biggest sin ever put upon people. Case closed!

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