'Stop work order an option on illegal Gov't Brandywine Bay project’ – TCPD

Speaking to this news site yesterday November 9, 2015 Chief Planner at the Town and Country Planning Department Gregory W. Adams said the plans for the development works are yet to be approved.
“Just as I have told everyone else the plans for that development have not been approved by the planning authority,” he said.
Asked what was going to happen as a result of the works being executed in the absence of the Town and Country Planning Department’s approval, Adams said it is difficult for him to say.
“We have done our investigations and we have communicated all information to the Ministry of Natural Resources [and Labour] which is responsible for the project,” he said.
According to Adams, once they get the information that has been requested it will be processed and a decision will be made by the authorities. He noted too that a stop work order is something that is under consideration also.
“It is difficult for me to say at this point what the outcome will be,” said Adams.
A check with the Department of Conservation and Fisheries revealed that that department had nothing to do with any permitting for the Brandywine Bay project.
Attempts to reach officials from the Ministry of Natural Resources on the project proved futile up to press time.
Residents of the area complained when the first loads of sand started dropping in late October 2015.
When this news site visited the project site at Brandywine Bay yesterday, November 9, 2015 the project seemed well underway with lots of earth-moving equipment and signage indicating that it was a work in progress.
Loads of white sand had been placed on the area of the development as it appears that a portion of the sea will be filled in to make space for the planned development.
It is unclear whether the development works will have any major environmental impact to the beach at Brandywine Bay.
A sign erected at the works site said that effective October 2015 the beach at Brandywine Bay will be closed “due to construction improvements.”
The sign also shows an artist’s impression from architects A. R. Potter and Associates of what the finished works would look like and features a series of buildings, parking spaces and a terrace making for an inviting setting for tourists and residents alike.
We will continue to follow this story and bring updates as more information becomes available.

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