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'Stop it immediately!' Premier Fahie tells price gougers

- said task force set up to monitor prices by certain businesses
Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), during a special address to the territory this evening, March 13, 2022, urged business to refrain from engaging in unethical practices. Photo: Facebook
A task force that will include Her Majesty's Customs will be monitoring the prices at service stations and supermarkets in an attempt to protect consumers from price gouging, as some businesses have already 'unjustifiably' hiked their prices. Photo:
A task force that will include Her Majesty's Customs will be monitoring the prices at service stations and supermarkets in an attempt to protect consumers from price gouging, as some businesses have already 'unjustifiably' hiked their prices. Photo:
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A task force that will include Her Majesty's Customs will be monitoring the prices at service stations and supermarkets in an attempt to protect consumers from price gouging, as some businesses have already 'unjustifiably' hiked their prices.

"I send this stern warning that government is watching and is hereby strongly recommending that persons refrain from unethical business practices," Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) stated during a special address to the territory this evening, March 13, 2022.

The Premier's appeal was directed to those businesses in the Virgin Islands that have not received new stock since the recent military events began in Europe but have already increased prices with the current stock at hand and have claimed that the prices of their latest shipment of goods have increased.

This comes as residents have been complaining in particular about the drastic increase in prices at service stations.

The price of gas is now going as high as $5 a gallon at some service stations on Tortola.

'Stop it immediately'

"I appeal to those businesses who may be involved in any such behaviour which may be unethical to stop it and stop it immediately. I want to appeal specifically to those Petroleum companies/Gas Stations and supermarkets who may be engaging in unethical business practice to stop it immediately."

According to Premier Fahie, effective tomorrow Monday, March 14, 2022, a task force will be out to conduct investigations that would require businesses providing their invoices for stocks for inspection.

"Your government has set up a task force to monitor prices and to move swiftly to address any business that increases their prices unjustifiably."

He said Her Majesty's Customs and the Department of Trade, among others, will be part of the task force.

Hon Fahie said each company's prices will be listed and marked from their last imported price on fuel and goods and will be checked against their invoice. "Which means businesses will now be required to share their invoices with the government."

He said this will be an ongoing action by government until further notice.

43 Responses to “'Stop it immediately!' Premier Fahie tells price gougers”

  • facts (13/03/2022, 21:29) Like (35) Dislike (5) Reply
    He damn right
  • 911 (13/03/2022, 22:24) Like (22) Dislike (28) Reply
    Ndp would have never done that
  • asura (13/03/2022, 22:25) Like (19) Dislike (37) Reply
    Thank god you are the premier or else we would have all been dead
  • Stop It (13/03/2022, 22:38) Like (37) Dislike (13) Reply
    Or what?
    • To Stop it (14/03/2022, 00:19) Like (33) Dislike (2) Reply
      Exactly. What laws are in place to possibly penalize them?
      • here (14/03/2022, 09:34) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
        gas prices are regulated due to the amount of tax they pay the government for importing the gas, this is the ONLY sector they can control as if or rather when they find increased prices they will get more tax revenue from them. TO BE CLEAR they are doing this for votes and to collect more tax from the suppliers, nothing more.
  • Local (13/03/2022, 22:53) Like (68) Dislike (4) Reply
    Nonsense!!! Just a bunch of lip service. Just like you told the telecommunications service providers to lower their price or else. It's been three years and more and their prices have increased.
  • catch (13/03/2022, 23:05) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    We can't catch ourselves. Irma and Maria Bill's and late fees still lingering in the B.V.I. Covid made it worst. Here comes war prices are sky rocketing may God help us in these virgin islands
  • WOW (13/03/2022, 23:53) Like (12) Dislike (22) Reply

    Wa kinda sick $%^& is this, we don’t be on ayo when y’all thieving money, if I want sell my milk them for 10$ who is you to tell me bs

  • anegada (14/03/2022, 00:32) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Gas $5.75 a gallon now by main gas station
  • Lucky (14/03/2022, 04:54) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
    I hope they will check on bviec where the fuel charges are through the roof.
  • 911 (14/03/2022, 04:57) Like (36) Dislike (7) Reply
    Good move hope the task force starts with riteway
    • @ 911 (14/03/2022, 11:39) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      don’t hold your breath they will chase after vanterpool first but riteway when pigs fly
  • think about it (14/03/2022, 04:58) Like (9) Dislike (12) Reply
    No one in their right mind would sell something for less than it would cost to replace it, if they knew they had to replace it.

    Be it a piece of land, a car, a bag of rice or, yes, a gallon of gas. No matter what you paid for it, you wouldn't sell it for less than replacement cost.
  • Simple Matter. (14/03/2022, 05:09) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    1/ Check their last order date invoice amt...2/ Check their stock on hand....3/ Do the maths....Then you will no if their increase are genuine or speculative...Or pricing base on Market prediction profiting on old cheap stock ..
  • Very good (14/03/2022, 05:15) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    Remember that Customs already have these invoices and can cross reference them.
    Some of the Gas stations display one price on their advertising boards and then change it on the pump. At one station in the Bay I got 9 Gallons for 50.00 while the advertising board say completely differently.
  • child (14/03/2022, 05:58) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Private business relationship with government is far from and child/parent relationship. 'Stop it' orders from the parent government rarely are obeyed by the child like BVI business community. The more practical remedy is suspend their business trade license for a day, week, month, year or permanently if guilty of price gouging. The respective trade license remains suspended until their prices are reduced and all the social security and NHI payments by the employer and employees are brought up to date.
  • WOW (14/03/2022, 06:24) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Ok. Let's see how that will work exactly.
  • This is Socialism (14/03/2022, 06:48) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    Govt telling businesses what they can charge for their goods and services. There is no law allowing govt to do this. I will like to see what business owners have to say here.
  • musa (14/03/2022, 07:07) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tax free all fuel and building materials for 6 months
  • SMH (14/03/2022, 07:55) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
    You’ll tola people are really weird! From my point of view either way that interview and went you’ll would still be upset and will be posting negative comments. I’ve realized it’s not the story or headline anymore; It’s simply who most of you are as individuals. A bunch of negative minded that even with the most positive situations you’ll find something negative about it.
  • hmm (14/03/2022, 07:57) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Just more smoke and mirrors to fool the masses. We truly in election cycle
  • Capt Ron (14/03/2022, 08:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    HM Customs is on the case! They definitely know about overcharging! Cruising fees went from $0.75 to $4 to $16 in a quick span of time. If they listen to WS, then gas will be $20/gal by the end of the week! Minus his consultant fee, of course.
  • hmm (14/03/2022, 08:31) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lol this guy who they say the top of the Government really need to make it at least seem like he have a brain he can utilize. “Stop it” from the Premier lol lol sounds so idiotic words can’t even begin to explain.

    The government been utterly useless for this country for the last 2 decades easily, unfortunately the population seem to be equally as brainless.
  • down2earth (14/03/2022, 09:11) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can you run a country by saying the words "stop it immediately"? Be responsible; you are the leader of the territory and you are to ensure that there is a consumer protection agency underpinned by the relevant laws. (You are running the country like you are out on the field with a set of little children playing games - stop ... immediately!!!) Nonsense!!!
  • Increase (14/03/2022, 09:13) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Please give us salary increase to match these ridiculous prices i beg oh
  • uHuh (14/03/2022, 09:39) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Last time I checked this is a democratic society. Free enterprise.Stop being big man,talking pretend. Reminds me of those who feel they could dictate how much a landlord should charge for rent. Tis upwards of $5,000.00
    Per night on Necker. The Govt should use this occasion to emphasize alternative energy going forward and a Municipal transport system island wide. Have a serious chat with the oil rich Caribbean islands a stones throw away whose folks are here in droves making us poor in mind body and spirit. Reciprocity is manners..tek tek is all around loss.
  • Powerless (14/03/2022, 10:00) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hate to remotely consider the possibility that the current Head of the Gov is that daft.
    Is he in reality-based reality?
    The Emperor, is that his reality?
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (14/03/2022, 10:12) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Price spikes on gas and other commodities is a practice all over the world, especially in times of crisis (war, decease, etc.). The best remedy to help curb this practice in the BVI is to put in place unselfish laws to control unnecessary price spikes, beginning with businesses that Government leaders own, and have shared in. Until then, this practice will continue uncheck. The way up greed mountain continues, and the suffering of the poor also will. Help Lord. Thank you for help.
  • Rodney (14/03/2022, 11:01) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    I read this and just wonder if anyone knows what the people of Ukraine are going through right now.
  • Sam (14/03/2022, 12:05) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is there a law on the books that prevents service providers from inflating prices because it is not unusual for a service provider to pass on overhead cost to the consumers
  • NB (14/03/2022, 12:08) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Stop it or what? What will you do? Are they to stop it based on the few words coming out your mouth now? Or the task force that was set up and surly will report nothing. Is that how this works? Put laws into place that will penalize them. And don’t let it be laws that just sit there and not being enforced like most traffic laws.
  • Hmm (14/03/2022, 12:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well tell customs and shipping registry to stop halting charter boats. If staff have to be out of a job fir a while will the government help those workers??
  • i said it (14/03/2022, 14:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The task force can’t do anything about it. Take notes and keep it moving.
  • Sugar hit the Fan (14/03/2022, 14:10) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    For those of you who were and still are in denial when the truth of the pandemic was being revealed. This whole scenario has been planned. The country and block that you are defending is the real villain here...The US and NATO. Do you know they are about to crash the dollar and introduce a digital central bank controlled monetary system. The catch is that they will dictate how you spend money and be able to scrutinize your every transaction. Small business will be a thing of the pass. We will all effectively become slaves to this new order. In the meantime millions will die of starvation especially in third world countries. When Financial Services and Tourism dwindle what will happen in BVI. There will be no drug trade either as cash will become a thing of the past. Not a good look for BVI. More than ever we need people with vision and forward planning ability. If we are to survive this holocaust we must re-engage with some of those that we have written off and discarded they are the ones chosen for a time like this. There is no easy way the sweat of your brow thou shall eat bread. Ting to tell the King.
  • lodger (14/03/2022, 14:53) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The biggest price gouge in the history of the BVI (apart from ex slave owners suddenly having to pay wages) happened when NHI was introduced and all the private medical facilities increased their fees by 300% overnight, costing taxpayers millions. Not a thing was done to control it by governments then or now. And that was nothing to do with world affairs, just a gravy Train for the few.
  • Good Job Premier. (14/03/2022, 16:05) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
    Them listening...Yesterday they were above $5.00 a gallon today them in the $4.80s...Keep the pressure on Mr. Premier..
  • Undercover Observer (14/03/2022, 20:26) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Price gouging is unethical, greedy, egregious business practice and unpatriotic but is it illegal. If it is illegal how do you prove the intent to gouge? And if it is not illegal, how can practice be deterred and penalized? I suggest public shaming and boycotting the greedy bastards. It is a universal affliction that when events cause an increase in goods and services, immoral and unethical businesses apply the new increase to old inventory, especially gasoline. On the other hand, the BVI operate on a capitalistic system so as long as businesses are operate within the rules, though their practices may be unethical, they may within their rights. Clearly, the greedy have no respect for their customers, trying to bleed every cent out them. Clearly too, they are not patriots. Boycott the bastards. VI residents must be willing to sacrifice for the public good.
  • Stealth (14/03/2022, 22:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Simply, greedy, heartless and unpatriotic gangstarism. The gangstas are loyal to the greenback over consumers hardships, pain and suffering. As Undercover suggested, shame them and boycott. Put them on the national wall of shame.

  • Where is the list. (15/03/2022, 01:15) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Someone should post a list of all the businesses owned by the politicians. Then we can decide whose business we want to support and whose we will not. As a consumer we have the right to know this. Maybe if we boycott businesses their bottom line will be effective and they may rethink their price gouging practices.
  • l (17/03/2022, 21:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tell those Government workers to park up those vehicle than have then all over d place for sometimes no resiòn start with that first please

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