Stop giving out Belonger status ’period'- Bevin S. George

Mr George was the time contributing to the first community dialogue on the implementation of the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry Report on Monday, June 20, 2022, at Elmore Stott High School tent.
Stop giving Belongship ‘period’- George
“We need to just stop having Cabinet give Belongership to anybody period. That’s my opinion, we could put it out to a vote and see how everybody feels because we can’t have Passport Office doing one thing, Immigration doing another thing, it’s causing a big confusion right about now and, for the transparency purpose, just give the people them residency. It isn’t going to harm them.”
George further said that if a person was not born in the territory or isn’t married to someone from the territory, “The law done speak to who a Virgin Islander is. Everybody may feel a way about it, but we aren’t America, we aren’t them places. We have a limited amount of resources here and you just can’t be giving it out like that because right now when are we going to stop?”
The political aspirant added that granting of Belonger status will one day put locals at a serious disadvantage, as they will have to compete with Belongers.
“We don’t have a timetable of when we are going to stop, people coming into the BVI every single day. For the next 20 years from now, when my child comes out of school, they have to be competing with somebody who just been here for 20 years and they got the opportunity to purchase land, if I don’t have the opportunity to help she to purchase land. It’s a ticklish situation so that’s my opinion on it. Let’s just stop the whole confusion.”
Opportunity to ventilate matter will come- Premier
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) responded that the issue is one that can be properly and objectively ventilated at the end of June 2022 when a finalised constitutional review committee will be in place and will allow for persons’ views to be heard in the Constitutional Review process.
He added, “of course, I know persons have different views but I think we should not tear ourselves apart based on our views, because in any democratic society we have persons who have different views and it doesn’t mean that we have to be at each other’s throat if we don’t agree on every particular matter.”

188 Responses to “Stop giving out Belonger status ’period'- Bevin S. George”
It is the only status that should be given out! PERIOD!!!
A testament to their character. Think about it.
Compare that with being rounded up in foreign places and shipped out like strays.
Another testament to the character of peoples.
A serious introspection should be the issue of concern as opposed to the demobsteated covetousness.
USA. These foljs. that are complaiing and dictating how the BVI must conduct their lifeare from free independent countries with natural resources gold oil fertile soil humanity strong...really...begging pleading for a spot in th I s lillilput... sumting not v right in dem head and heart
They have no shame..have mercy no dignity no gratitude...look inward folks. Why can you not live in your glorious well endowed country in peace but come here and c elsewhere creating strife and discord over what is not yours..GO. Home.Stay Home wi t h your bad minds,
They are welcome wherever they go.
They can go come stay or don't stay anywhere.
Those others m u st be finger and face,printed, , carry good con d uct letter,searched and sniffed, and afte,still no guarantee that they practice human sensibilities.
you think its a joke? look at what goes on in online voting people who have no relationships to the topic at hand often vote NO to items that would benefit a minority at no expense to the majority. If expats become a voting majority VI people will be disenfranchised. Unless thats the plan...
You're operating on a perspective of ideals but keep it real as its said the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
When here turns into a mess zone others can go home. We have to stay.
If you can work, change jobs and live without work permit and immigration issues, ISN’T this enough???
Like I don’t get how persons think this little country should be for everyone except those who it belongs to!!!
Does that sit well with you?
You all can’t stand this place but WANTS IT ALL!!!
He is right to protect his family and future generations
(The Bible is profitable for instruction, in season and out of season.)
Born here Virgin Islander to the Nth generation
Born here Virgin Islander to the Nth generation
Learn English . Want to repseent D7 too raw and unpolished
Most of Those children parents are now British Citizens , so I would encourage you to be careful how you addressed this vulnerable situation of Belonger status, as the playing field is more than level here. Start to ask for the statistics of the amount of expat who can vote , the numbers might make you faint. Start your political career by reading, researching and asking questions both socially and economically it will help you to not make a fool of yourself. You are fighting a battle that does not exist anymore.
Its up to BVI people to choose our direction if that means maintaining a low population, tight knit community & peaceful atmosphere so be it.
Life was better Yes. The quality of life was Better! The prison was empty.. Growing up,I never saw a policeman.e hjhad no keys because locks were not necessary. Education top-notch..No panhandle no beggars. No street walkers. The population was civilized. Life was much much better. Immigrating the illiterate,the poor ,the criminals is not conducive to a good life fora country. There should be sn effort to add value not to bankrupt and degrade.what had been created in the VI is simply another black Caribbean crime and diseased.infested ghetto.
I've felt your pain Bevin!
Back in 2012 I ve hired a Guyanese to fix a roofing of my parents home.. ..In the midst of the conversation he said to me Ms. Smith " Tortola will be in crisis soon! .. ..when I go back to Guyana I will listen out to hear! He further stated that the BVI needs to implement a work limit system of 7 or 12years like in Barbados where he once worked. He also stated that the BVI has become too comfortable from work tourism where millions have been generated every year from work permit fees. Now many has successfully reached years in the BVI where they are eligible to apply belonger etc .
My question is how long can this go on for with
all the flaws the BVI is experiencing
right now?
Tell this ja***@## to stop bvi landeds to stop going st Thomas to get there children,what a ja****@$$.
BVI landers are having their children in the US in order for them to have a better life. and our outside brothers and sisters coming from other countries to the BVI to try and have a better life. They pay rent, social security. taxes and everything just like us.
As BVI landers we need to stop calling down people from other Islands who are here trying to make a better life and give the people what they deserve. The BVI was not always doing well, our parents had to go to places like St. Kitts, St Thomas; St. Croix, and Santo Domingo and even Cuba and other Islands to find work.
I am from the BVI and I love my outside brothers and sister, I am not saying to give status to every Tom, Dick and Sally but we have to help those who are helping to build this country. Look at what happen to us when Irma came our own people ran to the UK and the US mainland and outsiders came to help rebuild and others who had the BVI at heart battled their hardship remained here and helped to build back this country. Let us not forget. Most of our native BVI landers are gone and will come back when things get hard for them.
We say we are Christians so let us to what Christ will do.
This written piece was hilarious..but truthful.
why you think the united kingdom wants to regain control of this territory
the UK folks are very upset, they children are born-here and can not get a passport so the UK will fix that
the UK folk sees themselves as the backbone of our economy and wants permission to work in the British overseas territory without seeking permission
If you think cutting the sugar cane and picking the cotton was bad wait till the British Fully takeover
The British Police will begin by taking over Customs only then the road-blocks will come back: modern day slavery will be far more dreadful than the sugar cane days….the whips of the old time slavery days will be replaced by automatic guns
You can’t blame expats for securing land when BVIslanders running for new cars and big chains
Furthermore banks make it easier to get different loans rather than loans for housing… land prices are ridiculous and majority of the banks aren’t going to give 125K to someone who doesn’t have credit history and nobody is going to co-sign for someone with such high amount !!
The very same expats are the ones that stayed here and rebuilt your country while majority ran away to England and elsewhere!!!
Most bvislanders are born to expats… this is clear racism against your own kind
Stop exposing your insufficient ability to lead in a position that is above your abilities to the public.
Don't you know that even a fool is thought by others to be wise, when he keeps silent on issues that he knows little or nothing of?
Please Devin, learn to listen more, and talk less, especially about issues that are high above your abilities. You father Mr. Denton George has wisely attemted to to encourage you to back out. In other words let go of you prideful ambitions.
Stop bringing shame upon yourself, and many of the people that reside in the 7th electorial district of our country. We, especially politicians, have already brought too much shame upon ourselves, don't add to our shame please, would you? Why not, you may asked.
Answer: because your argument of stoppage of giving out belonged status.... is naively stupid.
Note: Mr. Devin S. George, no personal hate from me against you. I am only trying to advise you right.
people are hurting right now and everybody is feeling the pressure from the UK also inflation is on the rise. Listen I understand your point but this is not how to resolve issues like this you are only making it worse. The BVI needs the support of OECS to stand with them right now to build back this Island so stop spreading hatred about the islanders.
This alien is from jack@## ghut. who advise him to go say something like that ? May be VW . Man go sit dung and shut up.
We need serious people on the police force who are interested in the community not interested in increased benefits and PAY. Way too many foreigners screwing up the police force and I say that for a fact as a person who has been harrassed by them while out minding my business. & they have the gall to tell me im lying when i point to the house where I live. WTF How they jump to this conclusion. I wish I wrote up a complaint on them and ask for their identification. It was ridiculous. They left me alone after a while but I did not feel safe anymore with them around. They ask me if I feel safe... usually why would i not feel safe.
Some of these people are looking for a opportunity to work you up and put you in cuffs to feel big about themself. If I tell a officer where I live and he doesn't believe me what can I do, but think of him as an ass that probably doesn't deserve the job he holds. id love to have told them to get lost.
I should not have to tell a foreign officer on the public road where I live in the first place. That should never be on the law book. Its prone to abuse. A black man cant walk in his own neighborhood of many years, headphones on. Sucking my teeth WTF. It can be argued a local officer would not have ask such a question, nor find it right for public relations to be stopping walkers for literally no reason.
Because they dont know the community they see criminals where there are none. Meanwhile the real criminals passing them everyday. I think they do need to put limits on immigration in policing. The best pay and attracts the most sell outs. Not making it in life. Shave your head and become a police problem solved.
If the US decides to do that boy half a y’all wont be smiling after that but y’all would ready to fight, what goes around comes around
What if this guy was sent to represent us at a global conference?
For example, the Cayman Islands allow non belongers to come and work for 9 years and that's it! They too, are too small to accommodate everyone. Most of their immigrants are Jamaicans....Can you imagine if they had laws like ours how overcrowded that island is gonna be, not to mention a depletion in their resources. THINK PEOPLE!
Some please lock up back this dummy in his cage, they talk so much bulls*** 2 days down the line the run to a expat to help them fix something. And watch half of then get expat woman.
This is the dumbest comment i have ever seen a politician make.
U forget to say also don’t give no more permits either.
U jus want to use us....
They should also take with them their birth contributions that they have produced and who are rotting in our prison some for life as a result of taking the life of our sons and daughters to satisfy their demonic and cannibalistic needs.
Island man and woman spread their les in the bvi and get children in St.thomas and New York then ask Immigration for them children to live here. You are and ungrateful wench . Dam ingrate. Ain't no bvislander going to your rancid country anytime soon. Not even to visit. You hide behind blogs talking hog wash s***.
That is elementary.
Huh ...
Nowhere else wants you?
Geez. you have a home...go home.
Mi casa es no su casa
Paus ek e run t are.
The BVI is known for mistreating our Non BVI Islanders and it Makes me Sick
They treat them like toilet Paper after its used.
Im not really Shocked to see the growing amount of ignorants and Retards within the Locals!!!!
No losers
No poverty
BVI is the loser in this current shuffle . Change is needed urgently.
How about asking all VIlanders to give back their US and UK passports and status. They can keep their own privileged status. Stop running to PR and USVI and UK to have your children. You see ...they want to go to other countries and get status and let their children enjoy a better standard of living but that is only for them NDP please get some more intelligent and open minded people on your ticket.
@xenophobia you are an @## also. Why don't expats in the vi give back their VI passport and US passport. Talk both sides man. End you bias unbalanced narrative.
Every other sane country in the World understands that all immigration needs is regulation, not segregation. In the end unless we can prohibit human relations/interactions then it's impossible to legislate against human rights. Luckily these kinds of apartheid type mindsets are often in the minority.