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Stop accepting their fiction as our gospel

- Truth for the Youth-BVP… Sat - 6pm – 7pm on CBN 90.9 FM
October 4th, 2024 | Tags: fiction Gospel Alred C. Frett slavery Colonialism
Alred C. Frett. Photo: VINO/File
Alred C. Frett

Do not be Afraid or Ashamed of Your Intellect:

We must use our Minds wisely because that is the manifestation of our DNA Inheritance… For too long we were taught to judge and decide our Worth and Value based on physical features, but all things look the same in the dark.... All our Senses may be in top form, and we can discern just about everything by taste, smell, feel, sight or sound, but no one can tell what we are thinking, until or unless we tell them.

Far too many regard Social and Physical Powers as everything, and role models are whoever is in charge... They see ‘Might as Right’, and Santa Claus as real, so they are ready to choose Donald or Andrew, as their Children’s Hero… However, this Programme is ‘Truth for the Youth’ and not, ‘Lies to get by’, so if you are allergic to Truth and prefer a diet of Lies, now is a good time to stop reading this.

That should make you more comfortable now, even if the Children suffer tomorrow... I am lucky to have passed Childhood many moons ago, and during these years I have seen us rise and fall and felt the effects of broken Social and Infrastructural shortcomings...  As an ambitious People, it is tragic and disheartening to lose a sense of direction, where, instead of leading the way, Governments impede the progress.

As a Trickledown Jurisdiction influenced by the outside world, our problems are not their problems, and making excuses for abuses is like putting Band-Aids over Bullet Wounds - not a Solution… Problems left unsolved will grow, just like the suggestion that we should choose the Lesser of Evils, when in fact, more often than not, what we regard as the lesser of things, grows to become the greater of things.

Why do You join in their Fight against Yourself?

All across the World there are Political Conflicts and Unrest, and it often seems that the Wicked are being lauded, even as the innocent is demonised… Furthermore, every wanna-be Leader is fixated on commandeering the Magic Pen or Megaphone, and now more than ever, we must read between the lines, and appreciate the silence in the messages, that are skillfully designed to fool us and rule us.

We have passed the physical stage of right or wrong, and who controls the Pen and Pulpit will always write the History to suit themselves... We are conditioned to accept and regurgitate things that can even destroy our Identity... Case in point; for centuries, Native Americans and Caribbean Peoples were called Indians without realising this misnomer was due to Columbus being lost, but still thinking he had reached India.

Today, Nations complain about Immigrants taking over their homes and jobs, so they become defensively-offensive, as they choose to ignore or forget that as Citizens of these Countries, their Ancestors were Immigrants, who may have arrived willingly to improve their lives, or were brought by force, in order to improve the lives of others... Unfortunately, instead of providing solutions, leaders amplify the problems.

Politicians who should know better, are ridiculing Women’s Childlessness and Ability… Their Supporters, are conveniently forgetting that they have Mothers, Sisters, Daughters, and Wives... In the height of their stupidity or hypocrisy, they act more righteous than God, but seem oblivious to the fact that Priests and Nuns of the Catholic Church, are Childless, and even Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were Childless.

Their Racist Political Depravity has led them to accusing Haitians of eating Domestic Dogs and Cats... One may wonder why all the fake hysteria and outrage, when for centuries, Civilised Man has been eating Birds, Snakes, Fish, Reptiles, Insects, Amphibians, and any Living Creature that he captured... It is even alleged that original British-American Pilgrims, habitually practised open cannibalism in order to survive.

They know that You are Better than They say You are:

Perhaps, instead of chastising Haitians, we should be looking to them for inspiration, since they were the first Slaves to acquire their Freedom; although France and the Church, later robbed them of their National Wealth, and re-imposed the Economic Slavery under which they are still forced to suffer… Our own Ignorance of History has divorced us from Reality, and trained us to accept being labelled as inferior.

As long as we have Religion and Politics, we will have Conflicts and Wars... America and England ensured this when they gave the Jews control of the Palestinian’s Land… They know it was wrong and would like to change it but they have lost control of the situation... Meanwhile, we are trapped in their Fantasy, so every Weekend we go for our Inferiority Top Up – to be reminded that we are not God’s chosen People.

By belittling Haitians and less fortunate Peoples, we support the Racist Theory that we are Inferior... Fact is, the Oppressors always knew this to be untrue… Hitler was forced to acknowledge that anywhere and anytime Slave Descendants are allowed to play on level playing fields, they will excel and surpass any and all expectations... This is exactly why Racists oppose Black History, Woke Education and Affirmative Action.

They are scared crapless, because the same History they have distorted, still reveals that Slaves have never been physically or mentally inferior... This was clearly demonstrated in the present Human Race, where, although Masters were given enormous head starts over the Slaves, by the time they reached midway, these Slaves had already caught up with the Masters... Do you still doubt who is faster?

While it is true that Slave descendants were unable to inherit the Material Wealth of their Ancestors, they inherited their DNA and Talents... They were forced to develop expertise and efficiency, not only because Masters demanded that, but because they had a shorter lifespan, and according to the Law of Nature, the shorter a Lifespan, then the faster will be the learning processes in order to ensure their early Maturity.

There are no Real Winners in Wars & Shouting Matches:

After all, the typical Slave lived for 30 years, with no Family Structure, Playtime, Kindergarten, Primary School, High School or College… He was forced to work before he could reason, but Today, we are demanding those conditions from him, and more often than not he is passing the tests... They are back to forcing us to doubt and be ashamed of ourselves - I am simply trying to reactivate our self-pride and ambition.

One would think that by now, we should be the Kings of our Castles and the Lords of our Lands... Unfortunately, due to bad leadership, we were forced to believe in Imaginary Friends and Doctrines of Oppression, while rejecting the acquired Knowledge and Experience of our Forefathers... Consequently, we devalue our Worth and Existence, as we fight against one another, and fulfill the Oppressor’s Dreams.

Think about it – All the Animosity within the Human Race, springs from the Conceit and Social failing of Men who liken themselves to the Gods they created... It is Man’s unnatural aspirations that spawn the unjustified complexes, of envy and hate... Fact is, Nature has no preference for Black Birds or White Birds, Black Horses or White Horses, and they start no wars because of the pigmentation of their skin.

Simply put, we are all in this together, and it’s better to live in Peace and Harmony, than fighting for Riches and Superiority... There were many before us who chose not to make a Good Difference - they are gone without regret, and although the Good you do may or may not live on, but one thing for sure, is at the end of Life, for better or worse, someone else will close the lid, because none of us will leave this life alive.

Being Selfish is easy, but Life remains a paradox that is neither too long to remember nor too short to forget... Rose Gardens don’t bear Fruit, and the thorns remain long after the Flowers are gone, so with or without us; the World we met will be the World we leave... The Youth of Today is our Legacy of tomorrow, so the best we can do for ourselves is the best we will do for them... To fail them is to fail ourselves.

PS:Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

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