St.Kitts-Nevis’ Opposition Team UNITY’s Newest Attack on PM Douglas
The historic Opposition Alliance in St. Kitts-Nevis known as Team UNITY is continuing their relentless assault on the Dr. Denzil Douglas regime which has been operating a minority administration for the past 16 months since the Opposition filed a Motion of No Confidence in which 6 of the 11 elected parliamentarians in the National Assembly of the country have indicated to the Governor-General that they will support once the Motion is debated.
Unfortunately the Motion remains un-debated after an unprecedented 16 months.
In the Opposition Grouping’s latest political assault, they have listed what they term, “serial breaches in protocol and our Constitution by Dr. Denzil Douglas.”
The list of breaches according to the Opposition, has brought the country to a precipice. The popular alliance of 3 of the 5 main parties in the twin island federation declared that PM Douglas has been in office for 19 years and has given little if any regard to the Constitution of the country and ignores the rule of law and snubs democratic conventions.
The list of “Protocol Breaches” include:
1. The lease/rental of a property in which Douglas has beneficial interest to the Taiwanese Embassy without public bidding or tender. There was no transparency in this matter. Team Unity will introduce a strong integrity in Public Life system that would prevent such transgressions from taking place and to enhance public confidence in government.
2. The receipt of fiscal concessions by Nigel Carty. The Cabinet of which Carty is a member inaugurated the programme of duty free concessions for first time home owners with a view to assist low to mid-level civil servants in building their homes up to a maximum value of $225,000. The ceiling was subsequently raised to just about $400,000. Carty was able to receive duty free concessions from the government to build his house in Bird Rock.
3. Rental/lease of the said property of Nigel Carty to the Commissioner of Police without public bidding. Government introduces a very substantial accommodation allowance for the Commissioner of Police. Nigel Carty benefits from the rental of his property to the tune of over $7,000 monthly in rental/lease payments.
4. The state-owned media is used to propagate the mischief of the Douglas-led administration and Party. The Opposition is denied access to state-owned radio contrary to law and ruling of Court of Appeal in the Nevis elections case. Hon Sam Condor is not allowed access to ZIZ Radio and Television to make an address on the occasion of his 25th Anniversary, while the said station is flooded with news about Douglas’ 25th Anniversary Celebrations.
5. Government resources including our schools and the Taiwan Agro Tourism Facility are used and abused by Denzil Douglas for propaganda purposes while Parliamentary Representatives on the Opposition Benches are not allowed access to schools to have meetings/events with the public.
6. Douglas has over the past years practiced politics without principle and exercised power without morality. As an election loss faces him, he has become even more erratic, unstatesmanlike, cavalier, coarse and crude, to the extent that he insulted a lady calling her an ass on his “Ask the PM” programme.
7. Failure to cause the Motion of No Confidence (MONC) to be debated and voted on, contrary to section 52 (6). This is a breach of the constitutional rights of the six Representatives who wish to have the MONC heard.
8. Failure to appoint a Deputy Speaker in breach of section 32(3) of the Constitution.
9. Failure to lay Estimates of Expenditure in Parliament on time contrary to section 71(1) of the Constitution.
10. Failure to appoint a government for nearly 2 weeks after the January, 2010,general elections, contrary to section 52(9) of the Constitution. Douglas gave priority to meeting his colleague, Dictator Colonel Gaddafi in Libya. Gaddafi was ousted by the people in their effort to bring democracy to Libya.
According to the Opposition and many regional legal luminaries and civi groups on the island PM Douglas continues to rule without legitimacy and the backing of the Constitution. This they feel is totally unacceptable.
“All men and women who love democracy must take a stand to rescue St Kitts and Nevis from the increasing dictatorial and unconstitutional modus operandi of the failed Douglas cabal,” a Team UNITY Statement declared.
The Statement also promised, “Team Unity will always uphold the rule of law and to respect our Constitution. We remain committed to ensure constitutional reform, improvement in our electoral system and strengthening democracy and good governance for the benefit of our people.”

6 Responses to “St.Kitts-Nevis’ Opposition Team UNITY’s Newest Attack on PM Douglas”
The "unity" movement has a small but very local following... They will never get elected... How can they? they have five different people vying for the prime minister position.
Most of their attacks are against The PM and not LABOUR nor the government. They HAVEN'T outlined any policies they would promote nor what they would change.
Effectively they are anti-douggie. We have a polarizing prime minister i must concede but one that was elected by an overwhelming majority.
What do team unity offer apart from "we are not douggie"?
Elections will be held in january, not before. Democracy shall not be usurped by power hungry individuals.
There is no need for a self serving monc... THE PEOPLE WILL SPEAK IN THE GENERAL ELECTIONS.
if they want douggie gone, they will vote him out.
Also, to everybody badmouthing my beautiful island of Stkitts and Nevis... let it be known that we have come a long way from being called DEVILS ISLAND BECAUSE OF PAM AND THEIR DRUGS AND CORRUPTION.
We are in the top five caribbean countries with a very high standard of living. My mother is a prime example, living in a four bedroom board house with my grandmother's 13 children and several grand children to owning a one bedroom board house on empty oil drum barrels to now living in a five bedroom two bathroom concrete house with a two story expansion on the horizon.
Her story is not unique... living under pam we were third world, under douggie we are upper middle income.