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'Stimulate businesses instead'- Hon Turnbull says no cash handouts to citizens

- Says COVID-19 Gov't stimulus package should boost local industries
Calling the opportunity a 'low hanging fruit' to boost the economy, Opposition Member, Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) says he is against any stimulus package plan where cash is put directly into the hands of citizens, rather than businesses. Photo: Facebook
According to Hon Melvin M. Turnbull, if the COVID-19 stimulus package proposed by the Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) Government puts cash directly in the hands of citizens, it can be counterproductive. Photo: Internet Source
According to Hon Melvin M. Turnbull, if the COVID-19 stimulus package proposed by the Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) Government puts cash directly in the hands of citizens, it can be counterproductive. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Calling the opportunity a 'low hanging fruit' to boost the economy, Opposition Member, Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) aka 'Mitch' says he is against a COVID-19 stimulus package plan where cash is put directly into the hands of citizens rather than businesses.

"If we in terms of the stimulus plan, if we start to plug back in funds and funding to the businesses and the systems within the government that operates and generates revenue to businesses owners... for example in healthcare, in the construction [industry] and those who may have had contacts with government," he said the economy can get going. 

Hon Turnbull was at the time speaking at an Opposition held online discussion with community members, yesterday, Tuesday, May 26, 2020, in the boardroom of the House of Assembly (HoA) of the Virgin Islands.

He said businesses can directly influence the economy if they are stimulated enough and monies are funnelled directly to the commercial sector. "I think that will be a good generation of revenue and allow us to move forward with the economy."

Persons will hoard $$$ - Mitch 

However, according to Hon Turnbull, if the COVID-19 stimulus package- proposed by the Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) Government- puts cash directly in the hands of citizens it can be counterproductive.

"But if we take the other approach, and start to just give money to individuals, then, what it will do is basically you're giving me money and I am going to hold on to it because I'm not sure where it's going to come from," he said.

He said industries like tourism, fishing and farming remain good prospects to easily generate money into the economy once they get going again.

34 Responses to “'Stimulate businesses instead'- Hon Turnbull says no cash handouts to citizens”

  • Kitchen Table focus Group (27/05/2020, 16:10) Like (24) Dislike (9) Reply
    We the panel is in agreement with Mr. Turnbull.
  • mercy (27/05/2020, 16:19) Like (14) Dislike (4) Reply
    Go brave Mitch, this is what you doing we the people?
    • B (29/05/2020, 11:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      stimulus is more logical than cash payment...ayo here cash and that's all you want to hear...and wouldn't spend it on wat u need
  • Consumer spending (27/05/2020, 16:33) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mi son, if there is reduced consumer spending there can be no stimulation of the economy regardless of how much you give business owners. You gave tax credit with the NDP and consumers did not see a dime of it. Don't make the same mistake again. Be wise. Consumer spending drives any economy. Why do you think Trump is so frantic trying to get people back to work and blatantly disregarding the risks.
  • Chuh (27/05/2020, 16:53) Like (17) Dislike (23) Reply
    Agree them island people looking Cheques
    • ? (27/05/2020, 18:26) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply

      move you a$$*$$e$. its because you got yours already. CHUH.

    • @ chuh (28/05/2020, 10:04) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
      U sound so stupid but on dat note take a gud look at who us really asking and complaing bout day wabt stimulus package is local and in dis place government does always find a way to give try to give only d locals but guest wat is u locals are d ones dat dnt want to work for wat u want u all prefer hand outs so get girp
  • Well Well (27/05/2020, 17:09) Like (23) Dislike (3) Reply
    Well Mr Turnbull has has father, mother and wife to help with his obligations to his bank (perhaps) home etc without need to worry where his next meal will come from. Us the majority have go balance what we have left in our savings (if any left) food for our child or children, rent, utilities and/or bank obligations (Loan). Which mirror is he looking at? It seems only to see himself in his mirror and not the common mirror used by the majority. I am glad he remains on the opposition and a bit irrelevant. I am usually a positive individual and see both sides of the blade but his view is a bit selfish and serves only those that have and have a support system to help him if he falls short. Just saying.
    • @well well (27/05/2020, 19:10) Like (11) Dislike (14) Reply
      I also agree with Mr. Turnbull. To those of you that don’t understand, you will get it later. I think it is not right for you to incert the man’s family and his wife in this. Now, let’s keep things straight, most of you want the money to go directly in your hands to go on shopping sprees, new phones whatever. I think it would be more wiser to put the stimulus into businesses.
      • wow (29/05/2020, 15:58) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        No matter how they spend the money it is still going into the economy. I only suggest that if one received stimulus money they shouldn't be allowed to send it out to build up another country's economy.
  • Both ways (27/05/2020, 17:11) Like (30) Dislike (0) Reply
    Does Mitch understand that an economy heavily depends on the consumers? If the consumer has no money to spend, businesses will also be affected. Stimulate the businesses as much as you want, but the consumers will need a stimulus too. It goes both ways!

    It has also been proven that when businesses are "bailed out" or given a stimulus, they too tend to hoard cash and capital, keep it to themselves or give themselves (the owner) a good payout. A stimulus for a business doesn't mean that the business would pump that into the economy. Likewise cash in hand to consumers doesn't mean that they will spend it, or spend it wisely, or locally to give our economy the boost that is needed.

    Please find the balance.
  • Idiot (27/05/2020, 17:16) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    the contractors already have got contracts to get the economy moving, perhaps he should read the news...
    • Reader (28/05/2020, 08:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Truth. It was in the news recently how about three construction contracts were signed, and alluded to that possibly 6 more are to follow.
  • Ms. Rabsatt (27/05/2020, 17:24) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Residents have been saying this all along! Tourism, fishing , farming !! besides Exibition in Paraquita Bay needs to be revived-Tourist attraction as well.
    • Reader (28/05/2020, 08:42) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Ms. Rabsatt...I agree that the annual Agricultural Exhibition should be revived. If I'm not wrong, this seems to have been abandoned before Hurricane Irma. I have been wondering for a long time, why was Agriculture not retained and promoted as a valuable sector?
  • The Original Tongue Fu (27/05/2020, 17:24) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have to disagree with Mr. Turnbull as i believe if you give to businesses alone it may never reach their employees. Businesses may well collect checks and lay off employees the next day or just not hire anyone. I believe for any stimulus to be effective it must be properly targeted to the persons who need it the most who are the unemployed and the small businesses. Of course the unemployed will use it for rent, groceries and other necessities.
    • my thoughts (28/05/2020, 05:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      same thing i was thinking, some of these business to worthless and will continue to do what they are doing, PUT UP THEIR PRICES.
  • hummm (27/05/2020, 17:31) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    Every other place is giving out stimulus package to the ppl . Opening places like Resturants and ppl don’t hav any money doesn’t help the economy. I guess he doesn’t have to worry cause his monthly check is sure . Ppl who are unemployed at this time are suffering and stressed out wondering where to turn all there saving are finished.
  • BVI tourist (27/05/2020, 17:53) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Want to stimulate businesses? Open up to tourists! We've got the money & are happy to spend it in BVI.
    • *Hmm (27/05/2020, 19:52) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      @BVI tourist oh sure, happy to bring along your friend corona as well
      • BVI tourist (28/05/2020, 08:08) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
        @Hmm - You only have a 98% chance of recovering from Corona (if not higher). It's not a death sentence like Ebola. Keeping your #1 source of revenue away will be a death sentence to businesses & jobs if your government keeps us out until September.
  • Come on (27/05/2020, 20:06) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    That boy there always caulky and now he showing his selfish ways. His is the son of a Preacher man. Come on help the poor and needy. People are suffering financially and economically. Don’t mind Turnbul Me. Primier, you been doing a good job , from fast tract , to Covid -19 to stimulus. Do your best Sir. Amen.
  • Sam (27/05/2020, 20:50) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Thank island people for work permit money and Rent money. You all help me pay the bank. Thank.
  • well well well (27/05/2020, 21:59) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some times when you listen to people like that you wonder who in this world voted for them stimulus was given to the people through businesses as mr Mitch Turnbull said and the one local business that was in this country for more than 50 years Bobbies super market how much of the business did bobbies get ,let me tell you Elton UP Leonard went to jail or was locked up for helping someone by selling them some much needed banana, where were you Mitch when that business was forgotten from the $2 million dollars and I guarantee if the people was given vouchers or cash bobbies would have benefited from it the only local business that was treated like an outside child the politician from the forth district who is in competition with the so call cost u less group whose head quarters is in the BVI and are firing people for eating a banana that was half good and who prices are so high that you catch the boat and go to st Thomas which is not its home base but the prices there is cheaper by far than that of the home base where in our little island bobbies who is the cheaper of the three did not benefit from that ,and you just want that to happen again Mitch but as much as I may need because of our situation in this country this is just the beginning and only time will tell Mitch election is just around the corner ,we will see what we shall see when that time gets here
    • BVI tourist (28/05/2020, 08:40) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      @well well well - Punctuation would go a long way in making your rambling comment make sense.
  • :) (28/05/2020, 00:18) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Well said Mitch. Good to see you went this route instead of pandering based on what you think people would want to hear. Any stimulus package should be spent within the territory to boost the economy. It doesn't make sense to give handouts that end up being saved, spent overseas on shopping or in Western Union or MoneyGram because if it does then that would not be a stimulus that would be financial assistance.
  • time (28/05/2020, 00:34) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sad that most people who are working do not feel like an unemployed person or persons should get assistance from government.
    Helping a family keep their lights on or feed their children should not be considered a stimulus. This is the basic role of a government to take of it's people.
  • Outsider (28/05/2020, 05:39) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Give government workers their long overdue increments. That for sure will create an economy!!
  • Outsider (28/05/2020, 08:01) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    This little piece of rock is so interesting, I cannot leave you people is something else. Wow.
  • lonely (28/05/2020, 10:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Make rich people richer and poor people poorer!
  • upset (28/05/2020, 11:18) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    It seems like only businesses must get something here in the BVI! Isn't the same business here that still giving employees $6.00 per hour? Do they care? I hope these poli-trickians realize it's not only businesses that put them where they are but the people of the BVI!! There's numerous person here in the BVI still unemployed and yet to see a dollar from their employers!! Talk is f&%king cheap!!
  • Stimulus (01/06/2020, 12:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It’s not a lie hanging fruit!!! Governments have used this economic
  • Watchers (01/06/2020, 13:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Turnbull interest is only for people that already have business and have a possibility if getting by. However what about the people that have a day to day job to depend on and were laid off bcuase of this COVID19. Whom also have rent to be paid, electricity bills ect. Trump give his people a check of 2000 plus to help with their economics needs. Those are the people who will b voting for the election . remember too non business owners are locals too and can vote.

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