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Still no fixed schedule for addressing EE/LL sewerage problem

It was disappointing to residents of East End and Long Look to hear Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Mark. H. Vanterpool tell the House of Assembly during the Ninth sitting of the second session of the second house of assembly of the Virgin Islands on Tuesday May 14, 2013 that a strategy to address the problem of sewerage is still hanging. Photo: VINO/File
Long has been the wait of residents of the communities of East End and Long Look to have the problem of sewerage addressed but to date the responsible Ministry has not come up with a concrete strategy and plan to fix the problem once and for all. Photo: VINO/File
Long has been the wait of residents of the communities of East End and Long Look to have the problem of sewerage addressed but to date the responsible Ministry has not come up with a concrete strategy and plan to fix the problem once and for all. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Long has been the wait of residents of the communities of East End and Long Look to have the problem of sewerage addressed but to date the responsible Ministry has not come up with a concrete strategy and plan to fix the problem once and for all.

Persons of the two communities have been using every possible forum to plead with the National Democratic Party (NDP) and more directly the Ministry of Communications and Works to have the problem addressed. Several such pleas were made at a joint Seventh and Eighth Districts meeting some months ago and which was attending by almost all the ministers of government as well as Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D Orlando Smith.

At that meeting, Representative of the Eighth District Hon. Marlon A. Penn and Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool had assured that the situation of sewerage is on the top of the list of priority for the government.

It was disappointing to residents of the two communities with whom Virgin Islands News Online spoke to that Hon. Vanterpool had the audacity to stand in the House of Assembly during the Ninth sitting of the second session of the second house of assembly of the Virgin Islands on Tuesday May 14, 2013 and declare that a strategy to address the problem is still hanging.

It took the questioning of the Third District Representative, Hon. Julian Fraser, RA to un-earth the status of the problem. The question was asked by Hon. Fraser as to what was the scheduled completion date for the East End/Long Look and the Road Town Sewerage Projects.

Part of Hon. Vanterpool's response was "because of the government’s commitment to solving the issue of proper sewerage disposal throughout the Territory and more so in the East End/Long Look areas and Road Town, we have been working feverishly to finalise the strategy and plans to address these outstanding issues. We expect to have a finalised plan of action within the next ninety days."

The estimated cost to complete the East End/Long Look and Road Town Sewerage projects is approximately $25M. Of this amount, $5,750,000 has been budgeted for works this year for the balance of the project. Hon Vanterpool said that the Ministry of Finance will be seeking funding sources.

"That is chalk to cheese because it was almost the same thing he said when he went to the meeting in there (Long Look)," said a obviously frustrated resident of Long Look. Persons who shared their opinion with this news site have opted not to be named as most of them work in the Ministry of Communications and Works while others have other interests that allegedly stand to be jeopardised through possible victimisation.

In his response, the Honourable Minister had also stated that the Ministry's team has sat with the consultant's team (CBE) and has established a full programme schedule to execute all of the construction works under the scope of the Consultant's contract. He told the House of Assembly during Tuesday's sitting that because of the importance of the ongoing crisis, they have established an ambitious date of early December to complete that phase of the works.

"Madam Speaker it is important to note that the scope of the current works does not include establishing a force main from Long Swamp to Paraquita Bay and along Waterfront Drive to Burt Point, conveyance of the treated effluent and construction of sewerage treatment facilities," he had said.

Residents are of the opinion that because the East End area is one of the main entry points to the Territory, the situation should be addressed with much more urgency. "Standing up in there with all their fancy talk is nothing. Get the problem fixed fast, they can do it but their priority not in the right place. This place stinks and I believe its nature’s little secret to nastiness," one resident remarked.

Others, including mainly mothers, said the sewerage problem in the area is the main contributory factor to a number of health problems experienced by residents and more so children. "I can't send my child in the yard to play all because of the overflowing filthy water from the sewerage system. But when he goes to school is like I better put him to play in the yard because I know is the nasty road he walks to come home that got these things on his skin and got me running to skin doctor," said one woman.

9 Responses to “Still no fixed schedule for addressing EE/LL sewerage problem”

  • Restrict (16/05/2013, 08:07) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    just like we voted out VIP for not addressing sewerage we will do the same to NDP ...if you can't flush then yu must go
  • ooooo (16/05/2013, 08:23) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    lets flush um out...2 years already gone and we still cant flush
  • egg face (16/05/2013, 10:40) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I feel sorry for my country
  • Fat Head (16/05/2013, 12:03) Like (0) Dislike (10) Reply
    Bet allyuh diss government will find out that fixing swerage cost load of $$$$$ and dem aint going get it done before elections
  • links (16/05/2013, 16:42) Like (0) Dislike (19) Reply

    If NDP would ignore all those party supporting beggars and focus on the country then we will be fine. All those petty contractors and others begging and balling to Government, ignore them and get teh schools and infrastructure fixed> we don't have time for bull...t right now. Fix the place. I know money tight and the situation that was left wasn't perfect. But ignore these begging selfish people and try your best with the country.

  • talk shop (16/05/2013, 17:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    more thak from Mark and no action
  • dead man (17/05/2013, 07:24) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    the people have a real problem with the NDP.
  • Gasprov (17/05/2013, 08:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This man Mark is the sorriest excuse of a Minister. Mark does not have command of any of his subjects, when pressed for answers he becomes beligerant. Some body, may be CBE should tell Mark that the EE/LL Sewage is less than 50% complete.

    1) They dont have the force main from James Young to Greenland; 2) They dont have the force main from Greenland to Paraquita Bay; 3) They dont have the Main Pumping Station at Greenland; 4) They dont have the Sewage Treatment Plant at Paraquita Bay; 5) They dont have the Effluent Pipe Line from Pariquita Bay to Brandywine Bay which goes out into the ocean some 500 feet; 6) They dont have the houses in East End and Long Look connected; and last but mostimportantly 7) They don't have the money.
  • who to blame (19/05/2013, 10:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    It is not surprising that EE/ LL Sewerage problem is not on NDP radar. EE/LL community is the forgotten community. This government is full speed to start two mega projects aka Extension of Cruise Ship Pier/ Extension of TB LETTSOME Airport Runway. Two projects that does not make sense at this time. Feces is running in the streets of this territory, and these waste that we have for leaders don't see to remedy this climes as important. Maybe when Cholera and other airborne diseases inflict havoc on this community, and the tourists that they claim they are trying to attract, stop coming, these J@CK@$$E$ will wake up out their coma.

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