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'State of emergency on JvD' - resident Gregory A. Callwood

- water woes, neglected facilities at height of concerns raised
Gregory A. Callwood, a long time resident of Jost Van Dyke and a businessman told the host of Honestly Speaking, Mr. Claude O. Skelton-Cline that water woes in Jost van Dyke have led to a state of emergency. Photo: Facebook/File
The dilapidated condition of the first and main port of entry at Great Harbour on Jost van Dyke as photographed by VINO in June 2019. Photo: VINO/File
The dilapidated condition of the first and main port of entry at Great Harbour on Jost van Dyke as photographed by VINO in June 2019. Photo: VINO/File
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI – Calling it a ‘state of emergency’, Jost van Dyke resident Gregory A. Callwood is urging authorities to seriously look into the potable water situation on the island, which he says has been neglected since under the National Democratic Party (NDP) administration.

These sentiments were expressed on the Tuesday, July 30, 2019, edition of ZBVI ‘Honestly Speaking’ with host Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline where Mr Callwood said that due to the situation, it is becoming difficult to live and even run a business.

Constant water woes

“Right now, in Jost Van Dyke it’s like a state of emergency, so I’m calling on everybody, the Opposition, the Government, the RDA, anyone in the BVI. Jost van Dyke right now, everything has stopped,” Mr Callwood told host Skelton-Cline and the listening audience.  

“It’s been like [this] for eight years and we need some help ever there, there’s a serious water problem... months there’s no constant water, only for like for half-hour,” the resident complained.

He said sometimes the water flows, other times it does not, “There’s some big pump problem we need to get people from Tortola to help us look into this problem because to run a business without water… the water is not good.”

Mr Callwood further complained that while the island has a water plant and a new water storage facility, post-hurricane Irma and Maria of 2017, issues persist with the pump facilities.

‘Double Trouble’ – Mr Callwood

“So the guys pumping the water with another pump through the lines and every day there’s burst pipes because water isn’t meant to be pumping through the line, it supposed to pump in the tank and then gravity feed back down,” he said. 

According to Mr Callwood, the situation has now led to ‘double trouble’ with the damaged water pipes in addition to the non-working facilities.

When questioned on whether authorities were made aware of the satiation Mr Callwood said, “I don’t know who is aware of what, I don’t know how many representatives we have,” in explaining his plight. He said the standard of living of the people on the island needs to increase and implored both the Opposition and the Government to visit. 

Further, he said there is no working washroom at the island’s main port of entry and tent facilities remain, “So many people pass through our port of entry, and no washroom,” the irate resident lashed out.

He said the situation at the port has been like that since after the hurricanes of 2017 and reiterated his calls for authorities to address the island's plight as a matter of priority. 

10 Responses to “'State of emergency on JvD' - resident Gregory A. Callwood”

  • Tired (03/08/2019, 17:20) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
    the NDP really did us bad, VIP there is high hope for you
  • WAf (03/08/2019, 20:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    When Mr. Victor Potter and Lakooth Farrington were elected representatives for the 2nd, Jost Van Dyke was in good shape
  • facts (03/08/2019, 20:28) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Its your turn! (03/08/2019, 20:43) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Come on VIP, it's your turn to either fix the problem or take criticism. Don't think the residents of JVD interested in a historical perspective.
    • @ it’s your turn (03/08/2019, 21:09) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
      It’s not going to work trying to erase 8 years of a do nothing government
    • wize up (04/08/2019, 01:25) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      @ its your turn: some of us suddenly have a set of piss talk: the facts are the facts, the national democratic party focused more of the foreign investors than the people of this territory: the current administration have began dealing with certain issues just look around: you have to identify what needs fixing before moving forward : how can some of you expect to have everything fix suddenly(2011-2019)...25 feb 2019-04 aug 2019)....the truth is an offense but not a sin because some of you wish to simply sweep certain levels of conduct under the rug but the devil is a liar(keep the faith)
  • jokers (03/08/2019, 22:51) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Koy was on it today on Jost and getting the water going a start has been made thumbs up Festival Saturday international
  • ABC (04/08/2019, 01:08) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    VIP will fix thing, the ndp should not return to power
  • Advice (04/08/2019, 07:44) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Advice to Fahie and Koy let’s get the Country in order first before we take on Bus service and other Projects this country’s in a mess needs a lot of Ltd don’t spread ourself too thin
  • ? (06/08/2019, 14:45) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Do the district rep visit Jost Van Dyke?

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