St. Georges cops top students at Primary Five Examinations
They are Solene Seaman and Brandon Kartick who are the highest achievers in the primary five exams and were congratulated by Minister for Education and Culture Hon. Myron Walwyn when the results were announced yesterday June 22, 2012.
This year, a total of 419 students sat the Primary five exams; 364 were successful and 55 students were unsuccessful.The following is the breakdown of all primary five exam takers.
Jost Van Dyke
• Jost Van Dyke Primary had five students sitting the exams, three were successful and two students were unsuccessful.
• Claudia Creque Educational Centre Primary division had 7 students sitting the exams and all 7 students were successful.
Virgin Gorda
• Assembly of God Cornerstone had nine students sitting the exams, seven were successful and two students were unsuccessful.
• Valley Day School had two students sitting the exams and all two were successful.
• Little Rainbow School had five students sitting the exams, four were successful and one student was unsuccessful.
• St. Mary’s School had three students sitting the exams and all three students were successful.
• Robinson O’Neal Memorial had 18 students sitting the exams, 17 were successful and one student was unsuccessful.
• Bregado Flax Educational Centre Primary division had 27 students sitting the exams, 22 were successful and fivestudents were unsuccessful.
• Agape Total Life Academy had seven students sitting the exams and all seven were successful.
• Alexandrina Maduro Primary had 14 students sitting the exams, 13 were successful and one student was unsuccessful.
• Althea Scatliffe Primary had 107 students sitting the exams, 93 were successful and 14 students were unsuccessful.
• BVI Seventh Day Adventist Primary had 23 students sitting the exams, 22 were successful and one student was unsuccessful.
• Ebenezer Thomas Primary had 19 students sitting the exams, 16 were successful and three students were unsuccessful.
• Enis Adams Primary had 24 students sitting the exams, 14 were successful and 10 students were unsuccessful.
• First Impressions had seven students sitting the exams and all seven were successful.
• Francis Lettsome Primary had 20 students sitting the exams, 19 were successful and 1 student was unsuccessful.
• Isabella Morris Primary had 13 students sitting the exams, eight were successful and five students were unsuccessful.
• Ivan Dawson Primary had 15 students sitting the exams, 13 were successful and two students were unsuccessful.
• Joyce Samuel Primary had 16 students sitting the exams, 14 were successful and two students were unsuccessful.
• Leonora Delville Primary had 19 students sitting the exams, 15 were successful and four students were unsuccessful.
• St. Georges Primary had 31 students sitting the exams and all 31 were successful.
• And Willard Wheatley Primary had 28 students sitting the exams, 27 were successful and one student was unsuccessful.
In a statement issued by Minister Walwyn, he offered congratulations to all principals, teachers and staff of all primary schools. “I would however, like to extend special congratulations to the principals, teachers, staff and parents of six schools in our territory in which all students were successful in the primary five exams. Those schools were, Claudia Creque Educational Centre, St. Georges Primary, Valley Day School, Agape Total Life Academy, St. Mary’s School and First Impressions. It should be especially noted that First Impressions with their first cohort of primary five exam students, all seven students attained a grade one pass.”
To the students who be moving on to high school, the Minister congratulated them and assured them that high school will be a memorable time in their lives. “You will make new friends, learn new ideas, and discover what you really would like to be when you grow up. The same study habits you had while preparing for the primary five exams, I encourage you to maintain those habits so that you will become successful throughout secondary education and be adequately prepared for life.”
To the 55 students and their parents that were unsuccessful in this year’s exams, Minister Walwyn reaffirmed his commitment as Minister of Education and the entire government’s commitment to find better opportunities to teach all students and to provide equitable education for all the young people in the Territory.

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