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‘Speaker Ingrid A. Moses is one-sided’ – Julio ‘Sam’ Henry

Talk Show Host Julio ‘Sam’ Henry waded into the Speaker of the House of Assembly Ingrid A. Moses for what he called her one-sidedness, favouring Government instead of being impartial. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Talk Show Host Julio ‘Sam’ Henry waded into the Speaker of the House of Assembly Ingrid A. Moses for what he called her one-sidedness, favouring Government instead of being impartial.

Henry made the comment when he called into the Speak Out BVI radio show hosted by Doug Wheatley on ZBVI 780 AM last evening September 9, 2014.

“It is my opinion, Doug, using my own observation, when the debate came recently and the Government gave their evidence, all of the Government officials did their thing. The Opposition did their thing. At the end of the debate the Speaker of the House chastised the Opposition,” he said.

“That is not really her purview. She does not weigh in on the debate, she has no say in the debate. Her job is to accept the debate from both sides and close out the session,” said Henry.

“She didn’t do that…she went on and ridiculed the Opposition for how they went about their part of the debate. She told them how they were using the protection of the House to call people’s names and call people out,” he said.

“The Government is who called people out. The Government is who introduced these people as credible sources. The Government is who mentioned the name of the companies, how much credible reputation they carried worldwide,” he said.

“And the Speaker has been doing that for the whole duration of the Sitting. She never once, never once disciplined the Minister for Communications and Works for his behaviour in the House which was uncalled for and unbecoming for a Minister,” he said, referring to the behaviour of Hon Mark H. Vanterpool at a recent sitting.

“People who support the system did not support that kind of behaviour…the Speaker does not have a say in the debate. The debate belongs to the members of the Legislature. Her job is to referee. Her job is to keep order. Her job is to keep people in line when they going out of line, not to come out and tell representatives to put your money where your mouth is, what kind of behaviour and language is that for a Speaker?” Henry asked.

Following Henry’s comments, Wheatley said that the Opposition pointed out very clearly what is said in Erskine May Parliamentary Practice that the Speaker is the Speaker and that she or he does not take sides in the debate but to see order is maintained and that people do things in the correct way.

22 Responses to “‘Speaker Ingrid A. Moses is one-sided’ – Julio ‘Sam’ Henry”

  • Agree (10/09/2014, 08:51) Like (52) Dislike (4) Reply
    I totally agree with SAM comments this time the speaker is way out of line with this one. I also agree with her being bias she needs to go.
  • bay yute (10/09/2014, 09:02) Like (30) Dislike (2) Reply
    Tis just so sad how ingrid so bright kill her political career she is now dsmage goods
  • Education (10/09/2014, 09:08) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
    When one get their education it must be use to do good not misuse to do bad & seek to justify it. Anyone who is a high position like a Speaker should bare this in mind.
  • Anarchy (10/09/2014, 09:19) Like (38) Dislike (3) Reply
    I know that the Speaker of the House is basically just the 10th seat holder of the NDP but they could at least pretend to show a little bit of fairness. During the recent debate Mark continuously interrupted Fraser while he was giving his contribution to the point where he was taking over the whole show. The speaker was allowing it and everybody know that if the tables were turned she would have Fraser thrown out. If the Speaker is going to have so much power and drastically affect the HOA they should seriously consider making this a position that is elected by the people or even bringing in outside representation.
    • Reality bites (10/09/2014, 10:08) Like (37) Dislike (43) Reply
      Did you complain when VIP had 11-2 vs NDP and their Speaker as well as Ministers literally laughed at all of them?? Not saying two wrongs make a right but come on man. We are asking people to be fair when we ourselves are politically biased? I agree that the Speaker is biased towards the Government. It happens when every single Government is in, so I won't sit here and act like she is not leaning toward Government. But come on. Did we all complain when the others did it? Or we now upset because we support VIP and they're being battered every where they turn. PEP is dead on arrival and VIP are recycled. The more people see that, the more they will start picking anything to complain about. That's just reality.
    • wize up (11/09/2014, 07:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      she is and i agree that she is 10th seat(at-large)...inez was the same thing
  • Liat 521 (10/09/2014, 09:26) Like (40) Dislike (8) Reply
    Sam you are so correct she has spoiled herself behind mvw
  • bvi (10/09/2014, 09:44) Like (42) Dislike (12) Reply
    She had no business in the HoA. NDP brought her there and she does not have once ounce of knowledge or understanding about how to be Speaker. She is an embarrassment to this country. Ms Inez was the best Speaker to date.
  • Guest (10/09/2014, 09:55) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ok I'm might be a little illiterate to how the system works, which I'm trying to become more in tune with; however, I believe that no ruling government be it VIP or NDP elected officials should decide who should be the Speaker of the House.

    If not already the case, it should be a vote between both sides.
  • weed (10/09/2014, 10:57) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    but she is a lawyer and should know better
  • pat (10/09/2014, 11:24) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Moses and funny man better pray the NDpP is returned to power
    • SIDS (10/09/2014, 15:50) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      When this term is up she would be happy to leave. She have better things to do with her live.
  • Holdurpoo (10/09/2014, 12:48) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
    Ingrid's future is not hinged on NDP being in power. She has education and can use it for her advancement. People without knowledge of the issues are blabbering without knowledge
  • smdh (10/09/2014, 14:28) Like (2) Dislike (10) Reply
    @ Holdurpoo. I totally agree. all of who is on here blogging can't touch her with a ten foot pole. She will leave the HOA and continue to shine. Some of all you will be running to her for legal services and still can't pay. Put a sock in it
  • Pull EEn (10/09/2014, 14:49) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    In the Westminster model, the speaker acts as a non-partisan official who controls debate. The speaker of the House of Commons has evolved from an appointed office of the crown to the current role in which a member of parliament is chosen to act as a non-partisan officer of the House.Today the speaker's duties encompass four distinct roles; 1. Chairs the sessions, 2. Regulates the proceedings, 3. Acts as the administrative head, 4. Serves as the ceremonial head of the House. The chief characteristics of the Westminster speaker are impartiality and authority. In the U.K., the speakership is always the crowning finale of a political career, not a stepping stone to higher political office. "So the House knows that the Speaker has no self-interest and will not be tempted to favour one side or the other in the hope of future reward or ministerial office. Finally, beyond the maintenance of order, the speaker takes no part in debate and remains impartial at all times.
    Source-National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
  • Common (10/09/2014, 16:10) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
    And Sam mouth one sided, so they have something in common. NEXT!!
  • wize up (10/09/2014, 21:18) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
    whatever!!!!! Ingrid run-things
  • kids (15/09/2014, 01:32) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Ayo keep off ingrid she bright young lady shr dont need to be hoa to make dollars she went school to be lawyer ayo stop there complaining about her

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