Sparks fly on 3D show as hosts discuss behaviour in HOA
Wheatley, aka Sowande Uhuru, brought the issue to bear on the interactive programme, which was aired on a local radio station.
He expressed that the moderator of the NDP radio programme seemingly directed some criticism at the opposition during the most recent airing of that show but he felt that if anyone was to be criticised it should have been on the side of the government.
He went as far as to say “there is some need for some polite scolding of at least one member of the government.”
Mr Wheatley expressed that he was appalled, saddened and disappointed that the Minister for Education and Culture, Hon. Myron V. Walwyn, went to the House of Assembly (HOA) and made remarks that “disparaged” an esteemed member of the community.
He noted that he was saddened particularly because he liked Hon. Walwyn despite some of the questions regarding his eligibility to be in the HOA, which he felt might be valid to some extent.
Despite this, he said, Hon. Walwyn had spoken up on some very important issues in the community and done some very good things in the Ministry of Education. He also felt that Hon. Walwyn was a critical thinker and very intelligent.
He expressed though, that the Hon. Minister might have some challenges with character. He suggested that Hon. Walwyn at times seemed as if he didn’t want to lose any arguments with the Opposition and this may have led him to go to “some places where perhaps he should not go.”
He singled out an instance of the Hon. Minister responding to a question in the last sitting of the HOA by suggesting the person ask themself the question. This, he felt, was an inappropriate response for the HOA.
Touching on another reported occurrence, Mr Wheatley said “Dr Lettsome wrote a book and Hon. Walwyn made reference to the fact that the book was presented in a Dr Scholl’s shooebox.” Wheatley felt the incident would have embarrassed Dr Lettsome and also that all (members of the public) should be embarrassed that such remarks could be made about Dr Lettsome just to score a few political points and to defend a contract being delivered to someone.
He added “if you want to defend that action you don’t have to disparage Hon. Dr. Lettsome,” and noted that almost anyone can be disparaged in the same way. He felt there should be a line drawn in the sand and an apology is befitting in the circumstances for Dr Lettsome.
This was not about politics, he noted, “this is about a particular standard that we would like to uphold for the House of Assembly.”
One caller to the programme disagreed with his view and said the Hon. Member of the House who had complained about Hon. Walwyn’s behaviour was guilty of similar infractions of poor behaviour in the HOA and should have been the last person to complain about the level of behaviour.
He also reminded listeners that it was clear that the Hon. Minister for Education and Culture did not at any time mention Mr Lettsome’s name. Mr Wheatley asked the caller if he believed that Hon. Walwyn was in fact referring to Mr Lettsome in making the comment to which the caller replied that most people were unaware of it but he knew since he had followed the news.
Mr Wheatley then asked whether the caller felt it was appropriate for the Hon. Minister to bring the particular line of argument to the HOA and the caller answered in the affirmative, as he felt the Hon. Minister was correct to "fight fire with fire".

32 Responses to “Sparks fly on 3D show as hosts discuss behaviour in HOA”
When he was out there blabbing about Biwater he didnt hold anythin back, but now its the NDP his friends, he cant tell the minister he was wrong without having to apologize. Bunch oh hyprocrites.
lets stop showing our selfish intents and hold up country first. Certainly, at least from the outside, does not promotes the BVI as people with intelligence, heart and love for this country/territory, except for lip service.
Political affiliation is destroying us all slowly.
Next time Hon. Walwyn simple say " I do not have the answer Madam speaker, I will consult with the Hon. member (Frazer), who was the minister or who can guide me towards the answer and would provide the answer in the next sitting" or something along that line.
When all of them were laughing at Doctor Smith in the HOA nobody said anything. When Doc asked questions they ignored him and laughed at him. Now that Myron is fighting back all of a sudden everybody has eyes and ears. Myron never singled out Lettsome by name, he was showing people how Fahie is acting as if he never issued a book contract, that was the point. If you can't take the heat, get the F out of the kitchen. The two doctors took a set of $h1t from the 11 years ago so let them take that now. You ain't see not even Ralph studying them with their foolishness? What that tell you?
That ralph full ah $h1+
Ralph is a disgrace & him not studying Fraser & Fahie is best for us all because Ralph has now turn into an e>il 6@dm!nded man. Thank God for Fraser & Fahie fighting for those who can't fight for themselves & let Ralph go home NOW!
Myron need to go he is the disgrace his behavior in the legislative council is shameful and distasteful to say the lease.