‘Son Mitchell’ was an extraordinary Political Leader & Statesman- Hon Penn

Sir James dies yesterday, November 24, 2021, after a period of illness, and according to Hon Penn, “I join in sympathy with the Government and People of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, especially all Vincentians living among us in the British Virgin Islands, as I learned of the passing of The Rt. Hon. Sir James Fitz-Allen Mitchell, KCMG, PC,” the opposition leader said in a statement.
While reminding of the political history of the late Prime Minister, Hon Penn said Sir James who was generally known as “Son Mitchell,” was an extraordinary Political Leader and Statesman.
Sir James championed regional integration - Hon Penn
“He served his country and championed not only the cause of his people but for Caribbean Community integration,“ Hon Penn said.
The Opposition Leader reminded that in 1987 during the 8th Meeting of the Conference of the Caribbean Community, Sir James said, “As I see it, we must have one flag, one anthem, and freedom of movement of people, services, and capital.”
The Opposition Leader said the need for regional integration is needed now, more than ever, “Today, with the shift in the Global Economy because of COVID-19 pandemic, his sentiment echoes true now more than ever before, through the halls of time the Opposition went on to say," he said.

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