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Some 600 Gov’t food packages given out despite 'teething problems' yesterday

- distribution teams expected to give out larger numbers on Day 2, today, April 21, 2020
Some of the persons who assisted in the distribution of Government food packages on April 20, 2020. Photo: VINO
The Andrew A. Fahie (R1) Government is spending $2M for basic food packages for seniors, the vulnerable, and those in need during the additional week of lockdown to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the Territory. Photo: Facebook
The Andrew A. Fahie (R1) Government is spending $2M for basic food packages for seniors, the vulnerable, and those in need during the additional week of lockdown to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the Territory. Photo: Facebook
Deputy Governor David D. Archer Jr, left, and Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert, right, exercising social distancing greeting on April 20, 2020. Photo: VINO
Deputy Governor David D. Archer Jr, left, and Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert, right, exercising social distancing greeting on April 20, 2020. Photo: VINO
Some of the persons who assisted in the distribution of Government food packages on April 20, 2020. Photo: VINO
Some of the persons who assisted in the distribution of Government food packages on April 20, 2020. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Some 600 food packages sponsored by the Government of the Virgin Islands were given out on the first day of distribution on Monday, April 20, 2020.

The Andrew A. Fahie (R1) Government is spending $2M for basic food packages for seniors, the vulnerable, and those in need during the additional week of lockdown to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the Territory.

600 packages distributed despite ‘teething problems’

Prior to the start of the distribution exercise today, April 21, 2020, Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert told some 100 persons gathered at the Hon Ralph T. O’Neal Administration Complex, that despite some teething problems almost 600 packages of food supplies were given out.

“You should be incredibly proud of that because that were 600 people or families or households who were worried about whether they have enough food, whether they have enough basic supplies, particularly our elderly, our vulnerable and our seniors.”

Governor Jaspert said the supermarkets had also ramped up their operations and he was anticipating a large number of packages to be distributed today, April 21, 2020.

“So we are making good progress.”

Huge undertaking

Thanking the many persons, including public servants, who have been assisting in the distribution of food packages, Governor Jaspert said he does not underestimate what is being asked of them, especially when Government has been telling everyone else to stay at home for their safety.

“This is a huge undertaking. We have never done this before. We have never had to get everybody in their homes and get them fed, but the spirit of these beautiful islands, the resilience we have, the strength when we come together, safe distance to come together, is what will get us through and this is what we are showing today.

Safety first

The individuals assisting in the distribution to homes were also urged to practice good hygiene and not to put themselves or others at risk, “because this virus we don’t know. We don’t know if we are standing here with it, if the person next to you is standing here with it either, so make sure you protect yourselves as we protect the whole community.”

Government has provided masks for all members of the distribution teams.

It was also noted that “vulnerable persons” were the target for today’s distribution exercise.

The main suppliers have been Roadtown Wholesale (RTW) and One Mart; however, it was noted that Bobby’s Supermarket was expected to come on stream from today.

39 Responses to “Some 600 Gov’t food packages given out despite 'teething problems' yesterday”

  • Lipidee (21/04/2020, 18:31) Like (23) Dislike (7) Reply
    Well meaning and greatly appreciated but clearly Too many ppl were involved and on the streets!!!!

    6 deliveries per person. Highly inefficient but not the least surprising coming from the Civil Service

    • rewrsdffds (21/04/2020, 21:16) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
      it is easy to sit back and criticize buy why not offer your services tomorrow and show them how it is done.
  • Earl (21/04/2020, 18:35) Like (29) Dislike (13) Reply
    600 a day ? So to feed the Island say 20,000 homes that would take 30 days ! We be dead by then !
    We cannot order online as shut down for now due to too many orders, so we may as well all call the Government hotline line to get some supplies that may arrive in the next 30 days !
    • Hmm (21/04/2020, 19:18) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
      Well, it's good to know some received food, but it's sad to say some people are taking advantage of this crisis...I know there are people who are in need of supplies, but I observed people posting on Facebook more than once asking for help....come on now, don't be so greedy and accepting supplies from different people with your numerous posts SMH
      • YeSa (21/04/2020, 23:10) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
        @ Hmm, it is sad. I heard a story today about that same thing. Some people are wicked
    • HAHAHA (21/04/2020, 21:21) Like (10) Dislike (15) Reply
      If 20,000 people need food then a lot deserve to starve. We need to do a Islandwide IQ test because it so hard to believe that people had the shopping lines hold up for 6 hours to only pick up stuff that couldn't even last 3 weeks. I really hope everybody learn a valuable lesson and we all come out of this with better life skills and more common sense. I didn't even spend $100 and I still could do a lot longer.
      • @HAHAHA (21/04/2020, 22:01) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
        That's due to the Facebook cooking competitions all for likes forgetting that the Government said shop for a minimum of 14 days not shop for 14 days.
      • hm (24/04/2020, 09:47) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        You should be first in line... You may be well off now but let me tell you this your money can’t go with you okay?..
  • THE TRUTH HURTS (21/04/2020, 18:36) Like (21) Dislike (16) Reply
    Anytime the government gives you something for free there’s always a bigger agenda behind of it
  • WOWW (21/04/2020, 18:50) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
    Great job Govt
  • Intel. Analysis (21/04/2020, 18:52) Like (32) Dislike (2) Reply
    As stated many times, I am very proud of the job being done so far by the Governor, Premier, and his Team in response to this Epidemic. What I will say, therefore, is no way falling short of this. My question is " what measures were put in place to ensure that the persons who are really in need receive these packages?. From what I am able to gather so far from my confinement, some of the persons who told me that they received some of these care packages are those who I will refer to as "well to do people" with both husband and wife employed with the Government and other Credible establishments. This in itself does not mean that these persons are not in need since I do not know much about their financial circumstances. Just to make it clear, I was asked but declined to register for such package it was my understanding that the program was put in place to assist the less fortunate amongst us.
    • @Intel.Analysis (21/04/2020, 19:13) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
      You are correct... I know people that have recieved and are on the list but do not really need them yet... Irma all over again for some !
      • SHAME ON THEM (22/04/2020, 08:08) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
        That’s exactly what’s happening. They rather suck the government dry and this government likes that shyte. I’m a single person and not using any government handout. I ordered my groceries online and waited for delivery. (By the way Delivervi@gmail you did a great job. Thanks again!)

        Shame on those persons who put themselves before the real needy just to get because they are greedy. Pay for your own damn groceries if you can and stop wanting handouts. There a people who deserved it while you try to keep your bank account fat.
    • question (21/04/2020, 20:58) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      The issue here is that while they are well to do, like others, they have not been provided with the opportunity to shop to tap up on needed items. Therefore they would rightfully qualify. No?
      • @Question (21/04/2020, 22:55) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
        Point taken but they are people who could top up by ordering deliveries and paying for them.
    • MYOB (21/04/2020, 23:58) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      @ Intel Analysis

      And the judging has started already.

      Understand that at this stage EVERYBODY qualifies as "in need". Most people did not have the opportunity to shop and replenish their stores. If you have kids you don't take chances and should take the package. The way this has been carried out really sucks. A lot of people on that list would prefer to buy their food, but this is not an option right now.
  • Hmm (21/04/2020, 19:01) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Barley distance look them woman in the corner pounding gossip
  • chak (21/04/2020, 19:11) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    We at Nottingham state still waiting...PLs do something for us
  • So (21/04/2020, 19:40) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Till me something if today is Tuesday and only 600 fed so far that means d lock down end is not sure
  • My Dear BVI People (21/04/2020, 20:11) Like (32) Dislike (5) Reply
    I am on the mainland reading these comments. There are people here dying on the street homeless and hungry because workers are at home, therefore, no one for them to beg for a $1 to feed themselves. You all are getting it for free, both the food and the delivery yet you all are still complaining. When does it stop with you all..are you all ever happy or just forever ungrateful and always looking for something to bark about.

    Your poor PM and Mr. Malone look tired and exhausted and no matter what they do or how much they bend over backwards for you all, you'll are still not happy. Please stop, pray for each other and your leadership so you can get through the days ahead. Go help a neighbor, if they don't have and you do, take a hot plate of food, knock on their door and leave it on their porch until they get their ration. Shesh!
    • Free you say (21/04/2020, 21:31) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
      Its not free. We are paying with loss of income. Rise in crime soon to come. Most people have to pay for delivery. No you can not go make a hot plate for your neighbor, its illegal and the dumbest suggestion if you believe in social distancing.

      Its a game they did not think through.
      • @ Free you say (21/04/2020, 22:06) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
        I really don't see the point of a curfew with all these persons out delivering food.

        Not bashing their efforts; the curfew is meaningless with so many persons on the street then going home to their families.
      • OUCH! (22/04/2020, 12:23) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Must have stepped on your corn! The post says leave the hot plate on the porch. The virus does not mutate in heat. If you get sick from the virus or, God forbid, die; you will have loss of income. I do however, understand. Say a prayer and chill for the moment. It will all work out.
    • guy hill (22/04/2020, 08:26) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      @My Dear BVI People....I FEEL YOU.
    • Bangog (24/04/2020, 17:51) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      What mainland? The BVIs don't have a mainland. Britain does, France does, Iran does, South Africa does. Hell, even the US does (although most of them don't know where on earh they are due to their education system). However, we don't.
  • GOD BLESS (21/04/2020, 20:52) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    maybe i can understand some peoples complaints but a senior citizen just received her package today unexpectedly and was enough to share with neighbors.your blessings have extended beyond a single door and cant thank you guys enough.
    • @God Bless (22/04/2020, 08:12) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      And did they respond, "No thank you Mommy. I am good. Here is my number. Call me if you ever need anything
  • Revisittheplan (21/04/2020, 23:40) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply

    You are killing people.

    600 persons a day. 30,000 people. God help us.

    Seems to me, if you know a white person willing to pay the Italian shop or French deli you are okay, but if you are reliant on Riteway (minimum spend $150) or OneMart go fish.
  • ReX FeRal (22/04/2020, 00:52) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope the need dont become a greed
  • Last Iguana (22/04/2020, 08:02) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is most telling about the nothingness of the species called humans, is that the majority of those grabbing are aliens from places of nothing. Places where survival depends on killing your fellow man for his grub. They are used to hunger.
    But now they going to dead because they ate their last piece of steak, hunted and devoured the few remaining endangered reptiles in the VI.
  • any bets (22/04/2020, 08:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just a question and hope no cyber regulation is violated: will the curfew continue or will persons be allowed out on the 25 April 2020
  • Independent (22/04/2020, 08:37) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Thank god i did not grow up dependent on government for hand out would hae been dead by now remember irma perfect example.
    • Frankie (24/04/2020, 17:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

      We got through Irma despite our local government, not because of it. The only help that was worth having was when the English marines arrived. That calmed the $%^^ right down.

  • One love (22/04/2020, 09:08) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Good morning
    How I look at this it is very one sided.
    Sir name have a lot to do with this .
    • Correction. (22/04/2020, 09:39) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      No it’s political affiliation. That has EVERYTHING to do with it.
  • Mr. Hodge (22/04/2020, 10:55) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Checks and balances... When a truck is loaded up with bags, is there one bag per house or does this particular house get 5 bags and another house gets 1 bag? How many distributors are employed and being paid are going home with bags or sharing with their friends and how many who are unemployed are still waiting?? Asking for the suffering
  • Truth B told (22/04/2020, 11:51) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Loss Wages (22/04/2020, 12:50) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is certainly not an Handout ....It’s government responsibility to the territory, we all paid millions in taxes , no big deal

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