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SOL Out! Delta back In! as supplier of fuel to BVIEC

- Delta was awarded 5-year contract for submitting the lowest bid
From left: Regional General Manager of Delta Petroleum (Caribbean) Limited Mr Bevis A. Sylvester, Chief Executive Officer Carlos Robles and Managing Director Mr Vernon Lake, Chairman of BVIEC Mrs Rosemarie Flax and General Manager/CEO Leroy A.E. Abraham at the contract signing ceremony on October 27, 2021. Photo: VINO
Delta Petroleum (Caribbean) Ltd has out bided its main competitor in the refined petroleum supply market in the Virgin Islands, SOL, to win a five-year contract to supply fuel to the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC). Photo: Delta Petroleum
Delta Petroleum (Caribbean) Ltd has out bided its main competitor in the refined petroleum supply market in the Virgin Islands, SOL, to win a five-year contract to supply fuel to the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC). Photo: Delta Petroleum
POCKWOOD POND, Tortola, VI- Delta Petroleum (Caribbean) Ltd has out bided its main competitor in the refined petroleum supply market in the Virgin Islands, SOL, to win a five-year contract to supply fuel to the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC).

The contract was signed on October 27, 2021, by Delta Petroleum and BVIEC at a simple ceremony held at R&R Malone Complex in Pockwood Pond, Tortola.

Signing on behalf of Delta Petroleum were Chief Executive Officer Carlos Robles, Managing Director Mr Vernon A. Lake and Regional General Manager Mr Bevis A. Sylvester while signing BVIEC were Chairman Mrs Rosemarie Flax and General Manager/CEO Leroy A.E. Abraham.

BVIEC stated emphatically that the lowest bidder got the contract and that negotiations were intense.

The agreement stipulates that from November 1, 2021, the contract will run as agreed for an initial two years after which the two entities will meet at the negotiating table before proceeding for another three years.

VI dependent on fossil fuel

Addressing members of the media and senior-level staff present to witness the signing, Mr Abraham explained that the majority of the electricity in the Virgin Islands is produced by fossil fuels, “So if there is no fuel there is also the possibility that there is no electricity.”

Mrs Flax stated: “It is the most fussed about necessity in humans as they complain if there is a blink in the electricity. It affects our personal and economic way of life.”

Delta Petroleum broke the monopoly on fuel in VI- Vernon Lake

Speaking of the over 38-year-old relationship with BVIEC, Mr Lake said Delta got its first major contract from the VI and as such the relationship between the two has great value.

He said it all started in 1984, at a time when Shell had the monopoly in the territory.

“Prices were going through the roof; you could hardly drive your car. My dear company Delta Petroleum came along and changed everything.”

Mr Lake further said, “Delta Petroleum is the first company in the BVI and the Eastern Caribbean to bring unleaded gasoline to these Islands.”

‘Good times ahead’- Carlos Robles

Giving assurance, Mr Robles said, “Delta Petroleum is fully committed to supplying the VI with the most effective cost in terms of fuel that we can make available… and I think that we have some good times ahead.”

Robles, speaking on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world, said the world’s landscape is changing, “And as your Premier has said and I have said, we are living in a new normal.”

17 Responses to “SOL Out! Delta back In! as supplier of fuel to BVIEC”

  • 4 sure (29/10/2021, 20:34) Like (33) Dislike (1) Reply
    this have been a paid political announcement
  • Heckler (29/10/2021, 21:39) Like (29) Dislike (2) Reply
    He couldn't come for the COI but he came for this signing?
  • Connections (29/10/2021, 21:40) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Blah blah and fat boy so wha ayo expect ???
  • Social distancing (29/10/2021, 21:49) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    are they all vaccinated? were they quarantined?
  • mask man (29/10/2021, 21:50) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Bevis again (30/10/2021, 07:11) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Wow. Why he didn't show up to the COI to give evidence. He was running. . He is a true manager, a real manager, he makes things happen for his company....He always done Very well under VIP administration....Wonder why?
    • Reply (30/10/2021, 13:19) Like (6) Dislike (16) Reply
      Hate is going kill most of you bevis you are good people you help allot of people some of these same poor people blogging piss here you have helped
  • SAME SCRIPT (30/10/2021, 07:35) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
  • wellsaw (30/10/2021, 11:03) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Look pon trouble for we in BVI now. Light Bill will be "out of the world now" Jesus please take the wheel.
    • bvi (30/10/2021, 17:04) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Well mine out of control for months now, so hopefully we will see some relief with this change
  • My girl (30/10/2021, 11:37) Like (3) Dislike (11) Reply
    some of you all so jealous of Bevis but he is with the people and he loves God
  • hmm (30/10/2021, 12:26) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    delta and sol just like vip and ndp,,,one in one out
  • Rubber Duck (30/10/2021, 17:14) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Congratulations to delta well deserved
  • Emvy (30/10/2021, 17:37) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
    If Bevis was white you all would have nothing to say. That is why we black people will never get no way, set of haters. Bevis is one of the hardest working man out there on the ground, give credit way credit due.
  • DEDE (30/10/2021, 19:05) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    No surprise here. Same thing at Health Services give insurance contract to the highest bidder who happened to be a vip party contributor. Go Green

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