Smit overcomes Torture to win in East End
Notably absent from the starting line was Alastair Abrehart, who despite posting solid results, has had a season that can only be described as a public relations nightmare, however, the Club was pleased to see the return of Tim Clipstone and first time participant Aaron Gardner, a young fit South African rider.
Clipstone took the start and stormed ahead with the rest of the group casually riding as if they had just had their training wheels taken off. Soon after Justin Smit took over as he stomped on the pedals, accelerating his bike to a velocity not seen since the days of ‘Big’ Phil Leroy and instantly established himself as race leader.
A peloton formed consisting of Iain Sky Walker, Dangerous Dave and his wife Carolina Pettigrew and to their surprise Chris Potgieter who had made a remarkable recovery from a runny nose he suffered weeks earlier.
With the rest of fleet opting to conserve energy for the long climb up to the prison, the leaders began attacking the hill. At the first sign of incline, Pettigrew broke from the peloton and managed to pass Clipstone at the first puddle. With Smit in site, Dangerous Dave was out of the saddle dancing on the pedals in efforts to close the gap on Smit. However, Smit is in a class of his own and Pettigrew would quickly end this dance to a song being sung by a fat lady. With Clipstone comfortably in third, a 3 way battle between Walker, Potgieter, and the Iron Lady commenced for positions 4 through 6 as they began the ascent.
Inmates’ interest
With the top three riders successfully bagging the summit and beginning their decent into East End, a group of inmates began to take interest in the race. Whistling and cat calls started resonating from the prison as Walker found a surge of adrenalin and rocketed over the apex with ease, followed by Pettigrew, who with increasingly loud cheering, powered through the crux to the viewing delight of the incarcerated.
Torture time
As the rest of the pack fought off fatigue, all managed to summit and begin the high speed descent plagued with various hazards including dump trucks, a flock of sheep, and life sized posters of politicians. Back to the bridge they pedaled all wary of why the race is entitled the East End Torture. With heart rates redlining, lungs about to burst, and muscles fatiguing, the torture would continue as riders began the second ascent of the dreaded climb. But at this point the race became as mental as it was physical.
Racers took to the climb with vigor. With legs pumping like pistons, Smit, well on his way to victory sped up the hill leaving everyone else in the dust. Second placed Pettigrew began the climb and to his horror realized that Hotshot lawyer Clipstone was on his tail like a bailiff ready to summons a subpoena. However, pre-race body weight reduction tactics, courtesy of the Terrance B. Lettsome Airport public facilities, would prove critical as Pettigrew was just light and quick enough to successfully transcend the crest to secure second place (1:07.40). Clipstone would occupy the final podium position (1:09.27) with Skywalker, the Iron Lady and Pottz following in close succession for 4th through 6th places respectively. In fact, the positions at the bottom of the second climb would hold for all competitors as they successfully completed the race.
Participation over position
However, the Club is not about race position, rather participation. Perhaps the biggest “win” of the season belongs to the Mike Master who has used the force to continually improve his year over year times, scaling up hills daunting to those a third of his age. Let’s not forget VI cycling legend, Jim Cullimore who will be competing in his 20th Tour de Tortola slated for May 31, 2015. Club stalwart Rusty Burns remains a point leader as a regular participant. Rider John Ayers commented, “I just go at my own pace and enjoy the ride,” which perhaps best describes the true purpose of the club.
A race for junior riders John Cullimore and John Pettigrew also took place with each successfully completing a full loop of the course with Cullimore edging out Pettigrew for the “w”. For the cadets, a fun and safe course under supervision of Gareth Thomas, a top cyclist himself, took place ensuring fun for the whole family.
Next race is the pinnacle Tour de Tortola on May 31, 2015 followed by a rescheduled race on Anegada on June 21, 2015 to coincide with summer solstice.

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