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Small pool of contractors getting CDB projects

- Autland Heavy Equipment and Company Limited gets Harrigan's Estate Road restoration & stabilisation contract
From left: Dion K. Crabbe and Autley Crabbe of Autland Heavy Equipment and Construction Company Limited sign the contract for the restoration and stabilisation of Harrigan's Estate Road on March 7, 2017. Photo: VINO
The contract for the restoration and stabilisation of the Harrigan’s Estate Road was signed between Autland Heavy Equipment and Construction Company and the Government of the Virgin Islands to the tune of $623,000. Right is Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) and 2nd from right is Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith. Photo: VINO
The contract for the restoration and stabilisation of the Harrigan’s Estate Road was signed between Autland Heavy Equipment and Construction Company and the Government of the Virgin Islands to the tune of $623,000. Right is Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) and 2nd from right is Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Autland Heavy Equipment and Company Limited's Managing Director Dion K. Crabbe has expressed concern that not many small contractors are reaching the requirement for Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) projects.

Crabbe's company on Tuesday March 7, 2017, signed a contract to the sum of $623,000 of the CDB funding for the Harrigan’s Estate (Bound Tree Road) slope stabilisation and road restoration.

The signing ceremony between Autland Heavy Equipment and Company Limited and Government of the Virgin Islands was held at a ceremony in Central Administration Complex.

Crabbe, while expressing gratitude for being awarded yet another CDB project, said it's regretful that more contractors locally are not benefiting. He said his company will; however, be subcontracting from the Sea Cow's Bay community out of compassion for his fellow contractors.

Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) at the signing ceremony told reporters that many of the other local contractors have continued to not meet the requirements for the CDB loans but he hadn't the details of the requirements available at the time and promised to make those available to the media.

It's this news site’s information that the CDB had conducted a workshop to guide contractors on how to become eligible for contracts from the funding agency; however, very few of them turned up. 

There have also reportedly been several attempts to have the contractors fuse to bid but this also failed.

CDB funded the VI government to the sum of $15,670,000.00 in June 2012. The funds are being used for engineering consultancy, planning regulations and construction works.

Of the seven projects completed so far, four were done by Autland Heavy Equipment Company Ltd, while the others were executed by Sandwich Ltd, G-Unit construction and Quality Construction.

23 Responses to “Small pool of contractors getting CDB projects”

  • change the menu (08/03/2017, 11:05) Like (48) Dislike (0) Reply
    Every day it is crab crab crab... Time for pork, mutton, beef, fish, lobster or shrimp
  • unfair (08/03/2017, 11:07) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    a NDP crony is getting 80% of the CDB jobs that were fought so hard for by the VIP
    • Reply (08/03/2017, 12:59) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Oh right, "that's different"!

      As it always is with the right and their mega-monied puppeteers.
    • wize up (08/03/2017, 15:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ unfair: stop the noise because "we" that airport project.....when is the community meeting because some of us only want our people to riot when things not going in our favour: community meeting coming again and very soon because that airport project going to the China-Man!!!!
  • 911 (08/03/2017, 11:07) Like (1) Dislike (10) Reply
    Keep off the crabs fem from here
  • Well Sah (08/03/2017, 11:14) Like (24) Dislike (0) Reply
    Crabbe did (1) the wall by ashford frett's house (2) the drainage in greeland (3) 2 walls in ballast bay (4) wall and drainage in fortune ghut carrot bay (5) wall going up the hill from purcell to long trech (6) and now this harrigan/bound tree project? MIGHT AS WELL AYO GIVE HIM ALL THE REST?
    • wize up (08/03/2017, 22:10) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ well sah: do not leave out the airport project: one thing the VIP tried to spread the wealth among us BUT this NDP only funding their affiliates and political supporters
  • chad (08/03/2017, 11:16) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Autland will be making 10 out of the 15 million dollars compliments of the NDP.
  • big youth (08/03/2017, 11:16) Like (14) Dislike (4) Reply
    "the wicked has no conscience"
  • ............. (08/03/2017, 12:22) Like (28) Dislike (5) Reply
    "It's this news site’s information that the CDB had conducted a workshop to guide contractors on how to become eligible for contracts from the funding agency; however, very few of them turned up. "

    I guess most of you missed this part. They are Virgin Islanders, they are qualified. I have no problem with them.
    • agreed (08/03/2017, 16:40) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
      The Crabbes are very successful and deserve whatever contracts that are awarded to them.
      Mr. Crabbe talks about feeling sorry for his fellow contractors and will be subcontracting in the SCB area.
      Very admirable, however I wish he would do the same thing in his hometowns of Long Look and East End.
  • Yes (08/03/2017, 12:37) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    crab claws on everything
  • ohhhh (08/03/2017, 12:57) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    The election of 2015 was like a badly run circus that has left us with a government that has little to no idea how they ever came into office.
  • Sam (08/03/2017, 13:04) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    Boy I tell you. The NDp in trouble next election .
  • lord o. (08/03/2017, 13:56) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now we understand since we refuse to believe. We have a two Doc Government... They run things...
  • bingo! (08/03/2017, 14:15) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
    It's this news site’s information that the CDB had conducted a workshop to guide contractors on how to become eligible for contracts from the funding agency; however, very few of them turned up.

    But they still want a fucking contract!! HOW???????
  • idea (08/03/2017, 16:23) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    Kudos for the crab. Winning contracts is what makes a business successful. as the quote goes, Step up or Shut up.
  • In front (08/03/2017, 22:11) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    They have the tools for the jobs. Don't worry sub contracts are on the company mind. I want a piece of the pie also for some young people to get involved and learn how to do these type of work. We are getting old.
  • BEAUTY (09/03/2017, 13:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I'm all in support of locals getting contracts, but why is this one family getting all of them?? I know they are strong NDP supporters, but I mean come on. Just look how the taxpayers money will be gambled away smh
  • griping (10/03/2017, 12:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Listen if you all know have a certain amount of money on your account and to put up front then go ahead an bid on the projects. Otherwise stop griping. I have seen the requirements on some of these CDB loans it is ridiculous. So the people that have the means will get the contracts. Stop sitting on the hard part of your a@@#@ and complaining. shucks man

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