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Slave trade throughout British Empire was ‘horrific’- Gov Daniel Pruce

- Sends ‘best wishes’ to VI during emancipation celebrations
Choosing to be absent from the territory for the 70th year of the [British] Virgin Islands' Emancipation Festival, as well as what would have been his first emancipation celebrations as governor, Mr Daniel Pruce, nevertheless, extend 'best wishes' to the people of the Virgin Islands (VI) as they prepared to celebrate Emancipation Day. Photo: GIS/File
It was in 2020 that then Governor of the Virgin Islands Augustus J.U. Jaspert irked some descendants of slaves in the Virgin Islands when he unartfully said the Virgin Islands can expect no reparations for slavery from the United Kingdom and that the Territory should not necessarily get rid of names of landmarks named after slave owners and perpetrators of slavery and brutal acts against humanity. Photo: VINO/File
It was in 2020 that then Governor of the Virgin Islands Augustus J.U. Jaspert irked some descendants of slaves in the Virgin Islands when he unartfully said the Virgin Islands can expect no reparations for slavery from the United Kingdom and that the Territory should not necessarily get rid of names of landmarks named after slave owners and perpetrators of slavery and brutal acts against humanity. Photo: VINO/File
More than 12 million Africans were forcibly transported across the Atlantic to work as slaves. This statue commemorating the abolition of slavery stands in front of the House of Slaves museum in Dakar, Senegal, before being relocated to the 'Freedom and Human Dignity' Square on Goree Island, off the coast of Senegal on July 3, 2020. Photo: Reuters
More than 12 million Africans were forcibly transported across the Atlantic to work as slaves. This statue commemorating the abolition of slavery stands in front of the House of Slaves museum in Dakar, Senegal, before being relocated to the 'Freedom and Human Dignity' Square on Goree Island, off the coast of Senegal on July 3, 2020. Photo: Reuters
This year's Emancipation celebration is being done under the theme, 'Celebrate our freedom and Live in Unity, As BVI Festival turns 70!' Photo: Facebook
This year's Emancipation celebration is being done under the theme, 'Celebrate our freedom and Live in Unity, As BVI Festival turns 70!' Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Choosing to be absent from the territory for the 70th year of the [British] Virgin Islands' Emancipation Festival, as well as what would have been his first emancipation celebrations as governor, Mr Daniel Pruce, nevertheless, extended “best wishes” to the people of the Virgin Islands (VI) ahead of Emancipation Day.

Emancipation Day in the Virgin Islands and the Caribbean is marked on August 1, commemorating the anniversary of the Slavery Abolition Act 1833.

“This year marks 190 years since the abolition of the horrific slave trade throughout the British Empire.

“It is also the 70th year of the Virgin Islands' Emancipation Festival. I pay tribute to the organisers of the extensive programme of events, featuring local performers, artists, vendors and many other participants from the community. I wish everyone a joyful and safe celebration,” Governor Pruce said in a statement on July 30, 2024.

This year's celebration is being done under the theme, "Celebrate our freedom and Live in Unity, As BVI Festival turns 70!” 

Jaspert & UK owe VI an apology?

It was in 2020 that then Governor of the Virgin Islands Augustus J.U. Jaspert irked some descendants of slaves in the Virgin Islands when he unartfully said the Virgin Islands can expect no reparations for slavery from the United Kingdom and that the Territory should not necessarily get rid of names of landmarks named after slave owners and perpetrators of slavery and brutal acts against humanity.

The Queen’s representative made the comments on a live Facebook interview on Monday, September 7, 2020, with 284 Media.

Several commentators and members of the public openly condemned the insensitive remarks and demanded an apology; however, Mr Jaspert, who called a Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into governance in the VI, never apologised.

The UK, through its Foreign and Commonwealth Office, had said the comments of Mr Jaspert reflected the position of the UK.

It is unclear at this time what is Mr Pruce’s position on the issues and governors in the past, while acknowledging the brutality of slavery, have stopped short of apologising for it or agreeing that reparations should be made.

34 Responses to “Slave trade throughout British Empire was ‘horrific’- Gov Daniel Pruce”

  • Break every chain (01/08/2024, 09:23) Like (15) Dislike (25) Reply
    The governor's office is a symbol of white supremacisy and racism so go from here boss
    • @ break every chain (01/08/2024, 17:07) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      This is for sure a big fact
    • tola (06/08/2024, 18:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @break every chain: You get from here. I still want to go and renew my UK passport. You stupid.
  • Well (01/08/2024, 09:29) Like (37) Dislike (15) Reply
    If Jasper owe the BVI an Apology then The BVI Owes an apology and a better treatment to all expats that living in the island and haven’t been treated like slaves by their bosses by violating the labor code and abusing of power, not grand rights to kids that have been born here and sending them out the country. Yall should be ashamed
  • Opened eyes (01/08/2024, 09:30) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    The slave trade might have stop but the slavery still goes on
  • Herbs Powa (01/08/2024, 09:42) Like (14) Dislike (11) Reply
    Fire for the apology when they still moving fishy. Bring on the REPARATIONS ASAP.
  • lodger (01/08/2024, 09:45) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wasnt it 1834?
  • Wait for it (01/08/2024, 09:52) Like (14) Dislike (7) Reply
    The bitter f@#$!rs will still find a problem with his comment. Can't please bl@ck people. If he say it, it's a problem...if he didn't say it, yall would still find a problem with it, yet bl@cks enslave their own people every day.
    • LOL (01/08/2024, 10:21) Like (21) Dislike (13) Reply
      I like how you come on here still trying to justify the actions of white folks. Humble yourself and let it go. If you have a problem with black people, you are in the wrong country and you are free to leave at anytime. Go find somewhere else to benefit from.
  • Guest (01/08/2024, 11:42) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    The first question from me is in what form(s) will reparations be made?
    Will the benefits trickle down to the marginalized and vulnerable members of our societies, or will they be concentrated in the hands of the political directorate and the upper class?
    These are urgent conversations and considerations that we would need to have amongst ourselves internally and arrive at some consensus going forward.
    Just hollering that we want reparations is not going to cut
  • 2024 (01/08/2024, 12:46) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    His Excellency would you support a Commission Of Inquiry into the Slave Trade

    Because the record(s) of the Slave Trade can still be revised

    Which is worse Money Laundering or Murder(countless African Descendants) were beaten to their death
  • @WAIT FOR IT (01/08/2024, 13:03) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Maria Louisa Varlack (01/08/2024, 13:05) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    the whole world is laughing at british virgin islanders and the british virgin islands and all british dependent territories and british overseas territoriesw. no matter how much someone reads the bible and all other scriptures about the creator of heaven and earth and pray and believe in Jesus there is always going to be persons who are black, or white, or asian or hispanic that would create all kinds of human rights abuse and violations around the world.
  • Seek Apologies (01/08/2024, 14:05) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Will you seek an apology from those who actually sold your people into bondage in the first place?
    • Disinterested (01/08/2024, 17:52) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      @ Seek Apologies, you are a hopeless appeaser,, traitor , etc. You drank the divide and rule cool
      Aid and is afflicted with the Stockholm Syndrome. Study the history of slavery, slave trade,,tribalism, economic trading by the Europeans, Arabs, Moors, etc.
  • E. Leonard (01/08/2024, 15:11) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    The [British) Virgin Islands(VI) is in the midst of celebrating a 190 years of freedom from physical slavery.. Unquestionably and inarguably Slavery was the most horrific, dehumanizing, social engineering, exploitive, raping, abusive, forcibly and permanently transferring a people from one continent to the next —-Africa to the Americas—, etc. in history. It was also the slavery institution most important social construct, ie, a purposeful action by a strong group over a weaker group. Slavery and the slave trade resulted in the greatest transfer of resources, wealth, etc from one continent to another—-Africa to Europe, along with being the greatest unequal exchange between continents.

    Moreover, exploited slave labour built the UK and other European economies, rescuing Europe from a deep depression, etc..Slave labour created commercial capitalism; the profits from commercial capitalism fueled industrial capitalism. In the UK. Slaves/slave labor labour additionally made many Britons wealthy. Nevertheless, in spite of the horrific, dehumanizing actions of the slavery, the UK has yet to offer the slave descendants a simple apology. Governor Daniel Pruce, the UK-appointed governor , inched closer than most to the line. But no full throated apology. Close but no cigar. Former US President Lyndon B. Johnson notes, “ Freedom is not enough”, ie, for an enslaved people. You cannot just say to an enslaved people you are free now so good luck..Similarly, an apology is not enough for slave descendants in the VI.

    The social engineering slave experiment a) stripped slaves of their humanity, b) take away their worldly possessions, c) deprive them of freedom, liberty, etc,, d) deprive them of even basic literacy/education, proper housing, healthcare, and nutrition, e) control and cast them as a permanent, non-competitive underclass, f) take away their history, heritage, religion, and culture, g) permanent separation from their families, h) deprive them of opportunity to acquire and pass on generational wealth, etc..

    It is way pass time for reparative justice. The Caricom Reparation Commission, chaired by Dr. Hilary Beckles, Vice Chancellor of UWI, developed a blue print which can be explored, and adopted in developing a Reparation Plan.
    • Eagle & Buffalo (01/08/2024, 22:02) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yes, we are celebrating 190 years of freedom from slavery. Nonetheless, our forebears are probably disappointed with our disunity, weak organizing and planing skills, , lack of and failure to appreciate the value of group effort, division and polarization within our community’(s), etc making us weaker.

      Slaves/Blacks have sacrificed, invested the most, but befitted the least. This is akin to Blacks in the US sacrificing the most fighting for rights which are enjoyed by others but Blacks benefited the least. In the VI and in the region, slaves sacrificed the most to develop economies and build countries but benefitted Nought. Everyone cashed in on the fruits of slave labor. For example, under the abolition act of 1833, the UK borrowed ~£20M to pay slave owners for lost of their chattel property(Slaves). To date neither slaves nor their descendants have gotten even a simple apology. Reparations, Reparations, Reparations……reparations are more than cash payouts.

      [Let’s lead as eagles, not careen off the cliff as buffaloes]
    • Bush Professor (02/08/2024, 07:27) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      E. Leonard, an instructive,,informative read and Virgin Islanders must be mindful of what they are celebrating., viz, the dehumanizing, sacrifices, exploitation, abuse, etc.. Sober comments for us to ponder. You quoted US former President Lyndon B. Johnson as saying ‘ Freedom is not Enough.’ You also noted that ‘An apology is not enough.’ However, you are leaving hanging, for you tell what the next steps are in correcting the past disparities, etc.
    • @E.Leonard (02/08/2024, 10:52) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      E. Leonard, “ Governor Daniel Pruce, the UK-appointed governor , inched closer than most to the line. But no full throated apology. Close but no cigar.” This statement by Governor Pruce was a face saving,,toning down the noise, we care but not really attitude. Clearly, the crown had adjusted its attitude a little since former controversial Guv Jaspert blunt, don’t give a damn statement on reparations. The Guv serve at the pleasure of the crown , so they have to go along even if they disagree to get along, if they want to stay employed. If they are on their pre-retirement tour they may exhibit a different attitude.
    • Rattler (02/08/2024, 11:51) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Leonard, boi, you shaking things up about the slavery institution and impact on the lives of slaves and its lasting legacy and pathologies on slave descendants. You covered a lot but forget that slavery fueled racism, racial discrimination, and racial prejudice; racism didn’t drive slavery, for slavery existed before racism. Slavery did provide White-Black divide, whites casting themselves as the Upperclass with special privileges and entitlements. Conversely, Blackes were cast as a mentally challenged , defective specie underclass whose role was servile. Enjoy the emancipation celebration yall but don’t forget about the reason for the season. The season is more than jump up or entertainment; it should reflect our forebears abuse, dehumanizing treatment, exploitation, pain , sacrifice,,etc.
    • Cuz (02/08/2024, 18:31) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Ed, when we were going school it seems they deliberately didn’t teach us about the harm of slavery on slaves and the continued impact on slave ls descendants. They promote slavery as a glorious thing. Lie. Instead , they fed a bunch of foolishness and fables about Brer Rabbit, Brer Anansi, Humpty Dumpty , Columbus 3 ships, exploits of Francis Drake , John Hawkins, , etc. They didn’t teach us a thing about social engineering , dehumanization, exploitation, rape of forebears,racial caste system, upperclass/lowerclass, etc. Reparations was a foreign word avoided like the plague.
    • Sambo (03/08/2024, 14:31) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Brother Leonard, indeed the slave trade and slavery being horrific is an under statement and a sanitized description of slavery. The Crown, along with other sectors of the UK, benefitted immensely from exploited slave labour and the dehumanizing of slaves. It is interesting that slaves were ‘ currency’ with their value providing power for Whites who used that power to control, suppress, etc., slaves and their descendants, for the status of being a slave was transferable from parent to child. It was a forever status. The meaning and purpose of the emancipation celebrations have long been lost with too many Virgin Islanders. The slave masters abused the slaves and now the slaves descendants are abusing and embarrassing the forebears again; a double dose of abuse. The latter dose is most painful. Sad. Marcus Garvey says that a people who don’t know and appreciate their history, heritage and culture is like a tree without root. A tree without root cannot survive. Similarly, a people who don’t know and embrace and appreciate their history is a lost people who will only be a foot note in history. Let the arrows fly.
  • @ LOL & 2024 (01/08/2024, 15:14) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
  • Thanks (01/08/2024, 18:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good for speaking on it.
  • Sails Sandy (01/08/2024, 23:07) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    This again? Slavery has been over for a long time now and the demands of apologies are getting old now. What do you all want, free flights back to Africa?
    • @Sails Sandy (02/08/2024, 07:36) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      To Sails Sandy, are you a Carib or Arawak descendant?? Probably not. So why don’t you head back to the cold Caucasiod Mountains?
  • @MR E LIONERD (02/08/2024, 07:05) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    • UPPERCASE Bandit (03/08/2024, 12:09) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Mr. E. Lionerd, the UPPERCASE bandit troll, you not tired harassing the man about the origin of the term ‘Island Man’ ? All the time you waxing about the term you could have done the research and tell us all about the Island Man origin so we don’t have be constantly reading about it. Are you confused about your sexuality? Give it rest nah!!
  • facts (02/08/2024, 10:02) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    Blacks and Indians were also slave masters as they still are now.
  • @Sails Sandy (02/08/2024, 18:45) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Wow if you said something similar to jews about the halocaust you'd be in a re-education course by now. One does not simply forget 400 years of slavery & colonization with de-segregation happening in the USA less than 100 years ago.

    How about you take some of that sandy sails wealth your great foreparents passed down by their own wisdom & choice because they were not brutally enslaved & massacred to horrific degree that it is known even before the time of cameras, yea take that give it to charity and start over free.
  • oh boy (02/08/2024, 18:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just legalize weed already.

    I cant see any more glaring symbol of racial oppression. Beyond any scientific explanation for why cannabis is illegal we ignore that it is a relic of old boy racially biased politics & weaponized justice system for racial oppression. Until this is legalized I cant take seriously that their efforts at UK-BVI partnership are genuine & for the people regardless of how dirty the politicians are & how many arguments they have with the UK.

    Certain laws need to be reviewed, passed & assented for the good of the people.
  • asking for a friend (05/08/2024, 05:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    if you want to be fee why you all still have a white man from England as your governor?
  • Pathe (06/08/2024, 18:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Slavery in every empire was horrific. The Romans, Persian, Greeks, Portuguese, Belgium, French and also the Islamic Caliphates. The most important thing is they did something about stopping it. You fail to realise that black people as enslaved their own and also sold their own to the empires. The moors did also.

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