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Skelton-Cline urges reflection, preparation & authenticity during holiday season

The final airing of Honestly Speaking with Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline for 2024 aired on December 10. Photo: Facebook
Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline used his final broadcast for the year, 2024, to speak to collective preparation as a nation. Photo: Internet Source
Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline used his final broadcast for the year, 2024, to speak to collective preparation as a nation. Photo: Internet Source
Listeners of Honestly Speaking with Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline were urged to also reflect during this holiday season. Photo: Big Stock
Listeners of Honestly Speaking with Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline were urged to also reflect during this holiday season. Photo: Big Stock
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI—During his final broadcast of Honestly Speaking for 2024 on December 10 on ZBVI 780 AM, Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline called for citizens of the Territory to engage in much needed introspection, charting a way forward, with more “authenticity” in portraying themselves as a people.

Pastor Skelton-Cline in emphasising the importance of self-reflection, authenticity, and strategic planning especially during this holiday season noted, “The more prepared you are, the less paranoid you will be. Preparation eliminates or at least minimizes paranoia.”

Social Media

Not shying away from critiquing the performative nature of social media, he urged listeners to focus more on meaningful self-improvement rather than curating an idealised online persona.

“You can't seem to have a happy marriage on Facebook but live and act like hell in reality. You can't keep putting up pretty pictures with your smiling face, but still live in a spiritual poverty-stricken, sulky, lemon-faced life in reality. It just doesn't make sense,” he declared.

The pastor further lamented how social media can sometimes distract from deeper issues, stating, “You can't have all the makeup and all the name-brand clothing on Facebook, but our pocketbooks are empty.”

He went on to encourage his audience to make better use of available technology, advocating greater use of tools such as audiobooks and e-learning platforms to foster intellectual and personal growth.

“And if you don't have the discipline of reading a book without falling asleep two minutes later, they have audiobooks now,” he suggested, “I really want to encourage you to use these electronic gadgets other than for posting your life on Facebook.”

He also used the forum to also link the holiday season to introspection and the pursuit of goals, urging listeners to plan for 2025.

“What business idea are you going to birth? How are you going to expand and enhance your business offerings? This is a season of birth and rebirth,” he said, adding that the season should not be reduced to just consumerism.

Prepare for what’s to come

Emphasising individual growth, Pastor Skelton-Cline used his final broadcast for the year to also speak to collective preparation as a nation.

“Since we have come back and returned to this program, we have been sending across the virtual space, across the radio waves, this singular message that you and I as individuals, as families, and as a nation must be prepared for what's getting ready to happen,” he stated.

With this in mind Pastor Skelton-Cline reiterated, “Take the time, plan out what 2025 might look like; Enjoy the journey and fight the power.”

13 Responses to “Skelton-Cline urges reflection, preparation & authenticity during holiday season”

  • how ironic (15/12/2024, 10:14) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
    Criminal from Detroit still telling us how to behave…
    • @ jhow ironic (15/12/2024, 15:36) Like (0) Dislike (15) Reply
      he is one of we he born here so hush
      • Madussa (16/12/2024, 08:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ @ jhow ironic. So because he was born here, he should be allowed to be a crook here, too? This is why our islands are in the condition they are in. According to you, just let all BVI landers steal. He is not consulting anyone, so please put that money into the Family Network where it is critically needed.
  • Me (15/12/2024, 10:18) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    "Pastor Skelton-Cline urged deflection, deviation & duplicity during holiday season

    There. I've fixed the headline for you. You're welcome.
  • ... (15/12/2024, 10:50) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    give them the reason for the season pastor
  • BuzzBvi (15/12/2024, 12:00) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Skelton-Cline urged ............ to leave the Territory and help us all.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (15/12/2024, 14:46) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fake pastor, Claude Skelton Cline, you are not living the life that you expect of others. You come across as if you are living at a standard far higher than the vast majority of the people of the BVI are not. But you seems to have forgotten the verse of scripture in the Holy Bible that reads: "The love of money is the root of all evil.". Money is not evil, but to see it in your mind as a god has corrupted your mind.

    Please, Sir, do yourself a favor, shut up for a while, take in a few breath of fresh air and pray to God for your help, only after you have honestly prayed and repent of your unholy greed for money, will you be able to advise others in the path of righteousness.
    • BRAD BOYNES (16/12/2024, 10:40) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Ill bet top dollars you native son will not tell him what you are bloggiing to his Face?
  • 2024 (15/12/2024, 17:44) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Claude for District 2 come 2027
  • Yelloooo (15/12/2024, 19:04) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why is this wiggly site still giving time and space to this charlatan
  • Boo (15/12/2024, 19:36) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    The BVI population urges return of their money to the Treasury
  • Great Advice (16/12/2024, 05:41) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is a great writeup Mr. Skelton-Cline. It is full of advice to make us better humans on this planet. I’ve noticed they are attacking you instead of self reflecting.
    Our biggest problem, always looking at what the other person is or isn’t doing, instead of looking in the mirror, to see what we each, as individuals, can do to make our way of thinking and our behavior better so we can build a better BVI. A country that is now populated with a majority of people who think only of themselves. No personal nor public pride. We litter, we swear, we cheat, we steal, we behave with no class nor self respect. Our driving and parking says a lot about who we are as well. We are quick to put each other down instead of trying to help build each other up by encouraging each other when we need it most. Social media has truly shown us who we really are, myself included. Definitely time for us all to do better. Happy Holidays and a Better New Year to All! Work on yourself! Be a better human. If this message offends you, it’s proof in the pudding that it’s time to build a better YOU.????????
  • Tamara Greene (16/12/2024, 22:26) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Detroit remembers you.

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