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Skelton-Cline urges Gov’t to pre-engage incoming Governor Rankin

- decries Governor Jaspert as person to inform new Governor on local affairs
Mr John J. Rankin, CMG, right, who is currently serving as Governor of Bermuda, will replace Mr Augustus J. U. Jaspert, left, who exits the Virgin Islands this year-end. Photo: VINO/
Pointing the preamble of the VI Constitution Order 2007 Claude O. Skelton-Cline said a modern partnership and mutual respect is key to a good relationship with the new Governor and the UK. Photo: VINO/File
Pointing the preamble of the VI Constitution Order 2007 Claude O. Skelton-Cline said a modern partnership and mutual respect is key to a good relationship with the new Governor and the UK. Photo: VINO/File
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI – Commentator Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline has thrown down the gauntlet for the Andrew A. Fahie administration to start making moves to engage incoming Governor, John J. Rankin, CMG, ahead of him taking up the post in the Virgin Islands.

Building an early relationship

“When these Governors make the transition, a dossier, a book, a document is handed off… the thoughts, the views the position of the sitting Governor,” he said, would be detailed in the book.

Mr Skelton-Cline was at the time speaking on his 'Honestly Speaking' radio show on ZBVI 780 AM on Thursday, October 8, 2020.

“I think it’s just not prudent for Governor Jaspert to hand off his book on us as the country and elected officers to the incoming Governor. I think it is incumbent upon this sitting Government to tell their own story in writing and handoff also a dossier, a book,” he said.

Skelton-Cline said the Governor dossier should paint a vivid picture about the VI, the Government, and its agency as well as the people, their culture and concerns.

“You should not let other people tell your story because they will tell their story according to them,” he said.

Reset relations between Gov’t & Governor

The man of the cloth said the new Governor will therefore come to the VI with a certain predisposition based on what was communicated, hence early government engagement is key.

Further, Skelton-Cline called for a reset between the relations of the incoming Governor and the VI Government, while pointing to the preamble of the VI Constitution Order 2007.

He said any future relationship should be based on mutual respect as key to the relationship with the new governor and the UK. “I do believe in moving forward in a more protective and healthier relationship, the reset button has to be pressed,” he said.

Embattled Governor

The outgoing Governor, Mr Jaspert, has been accused of trying to upstage the elected government, seeking to cause a strain in the relationship between the elected government and the VI people as well as the VI Government and the Government of the United Kingdom over public remarks he has frequently made.

He was under fire recently for what was regarded as insensitive comments regarding reparations for descendants of slaves and preserving the names of landmarks in the VI named in honour of persons who were involved in the slave trade and who committed cruel acts against humanity.

The UK appointed Governor was also accused of interfering with the legislative branch earlier this year when he tried to dictate to the House of Assembly (HoA) to meet so he would not miss the deadline for the laying of the BVI Airways Report in the HoA.

Veteran legislator Honourable Julian Fraser RA (R3) subsequently brought a motion to the HoA seeking to have the Governor reprimanded for the delay of the report; however, the motion was defeated.

In September, the United Kingdom Government announced that Mr John J. Rankin, CMG, who is currently serving as Governor of Bermuda, will replace Mr Jaspert, who exits the VI this year-end.

57 Responses to “Skelton-Cline urges Gov’t to pre-engage incoming Governor Rankin”

  • Trust Me (09/10/2020, 08:05) Like (63) Dislike (2) Reply
    The incoming Governor already knows what is going on in the BVI. Everyone on the outside already PEEPED THE BVI CARD.
    • trrefdrfds (09/10/2020, 13:34) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
      If he does not already ,know, all he has to do while in his bedroom slippers is to read online the blow by blow well documented exchanges and doings effective with the incoming VIPGOV.
  • Slave descendant (09/10/2020, 08:11) Like (5) Dislike (60) Reply

    UK ain't helping we financially but always sending some white boy to watch over us. Seems like unless black people go back to their home land there is no escaping these vul*****.

    • Taxes? (09/10/2020, 09:44) Like (29) Dislike (6) Reply
      Why should the UK help us financially... They pay 30+% income tax over there, and we don't contribute at all to their coffers, so why should we expect a penny from them???
    • @slave descendants (09/10/2020, 10:17) Like (37) Dislike (8) Reply
    • Rubber Duck (09/10/2020, 11:06) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Why don’t you lead the way?
    • @ slave descendant (09/10/2020, 13:50) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      Look at the name you gave yourself. You choose to continue to be mentally enslaved and attach “slave” to your identity.

      Free your mind.
  • rattie (09/10/2020, 08:12) Like (4) Dislike (40) Reply
    I agree with Claude
    • @rattie aka tattie (09/10/2020, 09:55) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Foot Soldier (09/10/2020, 08:18) Like (7) Dislike (65) Reply

    after this rac**t Jaspert it can't get any worse

  • good luck (09/10/2020, 08:30) Like (34) Dislike (3) Reply
    The new Governor is walking into a den of WOLFS IN SHEEPS CLOTHING.
    • @ good luck (10/10/2020, 15:29) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      And it will be the populace that will suffer while the politicians and the Bishop continue their romp of betrayal to the betterment of Islands.
  • hello? (09/10/2020, 09:41) Like (30) Dislike (0) Reply
    pleaseeee ...Claude stop acting like you don't know. The new Governor is already briefed. and will be further thoroughly briefed before he takes office. Trust me he will know personal life stories of each of the high ranking people in the BVI. And when I say personal ...I mean personal.
  • luisdread (09/10/2020, 09:42) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    The new governor is coming from Bermuda Isn't Bermuda residents mostly blacks and ran by blacks? so he should have no problems coming to the BVI.
    • Rubber Duck (10/10/2020, 04:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Bermuda has 31% white population and a further 9% who identify as mixed race. 4% are Indian. Far higher than BVI. Bermuda is by far the most successful of the Caribbean area OTs having a GDP per head more than twice that of BVI.
  • Diaspora 3-D/360 (09/10/2020, 09:55) Like (4) Dislike (11) Reply
    The reality is that outgoing Governor Jaspert and incoming Governor Rankin will have a turn over. The turnover may or may not be in person. Governor Jaspert will provide a briefing book that at a minimum will address ongoing projects, current actions of and relations with the local government, self-serving self interest musings........etc. Similarly, Government will also have the opportunity to meet with, brief and update Governor Rankin. It too will put its spin on things. And it will be up to Governor Rankin, as any smart and effective manager, would work independently to get the real story. Quite often a story has at least three sides, ie, your side, my side and somewhere in the middle is the real deal.

    The conventional wisdom is to believe that Governor Rankin will believe Governor Jaspert. Well, the government and people of the VI should in fairness should give Governor Rankin the chance to prove himself as a decent and respectful person. Nonetheless, both government and people of the VI should be vigilant. They should trust but verify. It should be a short honeymoon. Hopefully, Governor Rankin is different from Governor Jaspert.

    Governor Jaspert showed no respect for Slaves nor their descendants. His refusal and inability to offer even a simple apology for his clumsy and inartful comment on reparation for VI slave descendants is telling. His comment was dismissive, disparaging, and disrespectful. Adding insult to injury, he also suggested that the names of slave owners, pirates, buccaneers, murderers.....etc should be retained be on local landmarks. Baron Sugg supported his action; no surprise there. There are no Pilates here. The local government is not perfect or blameless. Nevertheless, the VI people needed to be respected. Governor Jaspert needs to apologize.
  • Joe Frazer (09/10/2020, 10:02) Like (7) Dislike (25) Reply
    Just hope the new governor don’t think he is Fahie or Willock boss
  • Blak Morningstar (09/10/2020, 10:06) Like (10) Dislike (8) Reply
    Rule #1 Never explain CHIT to white people.
  • Totally agree (09/10/2020, 10:09) Like (5) Dislike (43) Reply
    At least this new one IS a diplomat and not kicked out prematurely from his governorship of Bermuda unlike the racist bigot selfie taker we got dumped with.

    GUS MUST GO NOW!!!! Get off our necks & leave!!!
    • Common Sense (09/10/2020, 11:25) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
      The new Governor will know exactly what he is coming into by just reading the comments by you and people like you. Likewise, the racist commentary by numerous government personnel and Cline, destroys any credibility the BVI may have had, if any.
  • NB (09/10/2020, 10:17) Like (33) Dislike (4) Reply
    Claude is always described as the Man of the Cloth. My question is which cloth or what kinda cloth?
    • @ NB (09/10/2020, 13:51) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Everytime I see that description you have to wonder why they blaspheming.
    • Topit (10/10/2020, 05:28) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yes, when CSC thinks that he could speakout on our behalf we would tell the new Governor NOTHING TALL GO SO
      . He speaks for himself and the VIPGovernment.. Iss he of the Cloth a piece of Floor cloth, or a Bombo cloth?
  • fifty cents (09/10/2020, 10:20) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    disrespectful people that's why this place will never be better .
  • lmao (09/10/2020, 11:08) Like (33) Dislike (2) Reply

    Claude talks so much s**t he is starting to believe it! Claude, the Governors are sent by the UK to be the UK's eyes and ears here. It doesn't matter the name or age of the Governor, they all come with the SAME AGENDA! If you think Government approaching Ranking before he arrives will change anything then I really don't know what you can be consulting the Government on because your head can't be good.

    • MEME (09/10/2020, 13:55) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
      or maybe he should go back to America. You got too much of a good welcome. THe gate of opportunites were open to wide for him. A matter of fact when he reach them take down the whole door and let this man in. I feel his is not only disrespectful to the Governor but all the person that live here.
  • Claude, Pleazeeee (09/10/2020, 12:40) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply

    No wonder we look like Idiots. What’s up those Polo selves now? Approaching Ranking before him/her arrival is simply low class and embarrassing.

  • pat (09/10/2020, 13:16) Like (2) Dislike (15) Reply
    did Gus every apologize for his racist statements?
    • Hit me back (10/10/2020, 05:37) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Did the VIGovernment appologise to the governor when they welcomed him with the eronious remarks? We are too quick to forget . And especially when we are WRONG.. THE Governor needs to pickup CSCand send him to England. If you want to call it hi jack or kidnap.
      Kidnap the lad
  • MEME (09/10/2020, 13:50) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
    Now he really lost his mind or he LOVES (in an intimate way) the Governor. Who is he to tell the Governor what to do his job. Enough, because I am calling two of his cousins. Pastor Mel to give him some spiritual guidance, and the your son to give him some mental health counseling.
  • Norris Turnbull (09/10/2020, 13:58) Like (4) Dislike (9) Reply
    Hope everyone ready for when God come. Here chatting all kind of nonsense. Hope also that everyone get christ out of commercial Christmas and put Christ in back in nowadays Christians.
  • Hold them (09/10/2020, 15:08) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Norris Turnbull. Exactly sin from the end will be judged happen a lone time ago
  • Norris Turnbull? (09/10/2020, 15:22) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Do everyone a favor AND SHUT UPPPPPP!!!!!!
  • star wars (09/10/2020, 16:06) Like (0) Dislike (12) Reply
    Claude got your back. We need a conversation with the new governor before he even set foot on the soil. Enough is enough, the partnership for prosperity that the UK write about in the constitutional order is the least we expect of the monarchy to up hold. We fighting for our rights. The uncle toms and colonist lovers had better wake up and be a part of the movement. Whatever we accomplish the naysayers will still benefit. We are one people.
  • I laugh (09/10/2020, 16:07) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    I will really like to know what kind of cloth he is I really think he needs some mental health counseling help please
  • Don't worry (09/10/2020, 17:29) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    The next governor reading the menu every day so when he come he just what to expect
    • Heard enough about the Gov.. (09/10/2020, 19:25) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Start talking about your failed government, , Try adivce them to do right,, Respect the people... Listen to the people, Your time and energy will be better served if you address the issues that have the people unhappy and u can help march the country forward....Thank U!
  • Oh Oh (09/10/2020, 17:43) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Claude if you really is for GOD then please shut up.
    You have caused enough problem with the Governor so, don't think the new one will be out smarted with yout fake welcome.
    However, the handing off of the books is exactly what is necessary for the next move of the incoming Governor. Sure hope he addresses all the past issues as he see fit.
    Thank you Governor Jaspert for your honest services to the BVIs.

  • In comin (09/10/2020, 17:48) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    You all better don’t play with the Brits yo all see what’s going on in Barbados trying to get rid of the queen as head of state even though they are independent you all continue..
  • from buckingham palace (09/10/2020, 18:07) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply

    Chapter 3 of the Virgin Islands Constitution Order 2007.

    The Governor.

    Section 35.-(1).

    "There shall be a Governor of the Virgin Islands who shall be appointed by Her Majesty by Commission under Her Sign Manual and Signet and shall hold office during Her Majesty's Pleasure".

    (2) The Governor shall have such powers and duties as are conferred or imposed on him by this Constitution or any other law and such other powers as Her Majesty may from time to time be pleased to assign to him.

    (4) Person appointed to the Office of Governor shall, before entering upon the functions of that office, make oaths or affirmations of allegiance and for the due execution of that office in the forms set out in Schedule 1".

    Schedule 1.

    Oath of allegiance.

    "I (The Governor), do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors, according to law. So help me God".

    Question to the Host, Skelton-Cline. Are you holding a Constitution?

    Where is it written in the Constitution, for Her Majesty's Government, to interview and to question, A GOVERNOR, who is appointed in the United Kingdom, at Buckingham Palace by Her Majesty, The Queen?

    Before a Governor arrives in the BVI, he is already appointed by the Queen, under Her Sign Manual and Signet.

    So how can the local Government of the BVI question him, when he is already appointed?

    Cline, you are a pastor: Go and read the Constitution and educate your people.
    • Agreeable One (10/10/2020, 15:07) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thank You, it does not matter who the governor is, black, white, man, or woman! They are guided by the constitution that is written to represent and protect the interest of HM the queen. Stop the stupid noise and get real! Even if they like us and the BVI to death it means nothing, they are not guided solely by how they might “feel” about us! Nonsense!!!!
  • ndp (09/10/2020, 18:10) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
    Gus was hard to work with he was a little child
  • HAHA (09/10/2020, 19:32) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Look at the role of some churches in history . Get richer and richer off the poor ,dabbling in politics for personal benefits and quietly amassing wealth . Stop doing evil using the church as a cloak . This is crooked behavior= a crook
  • My thoughts.... (09/10/2020, 19:54) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Maybe if Mr. Claude was representing as a kingdom of God representative as he should, he wouldn't have to be so upset about Mr. Jaspert representing the UK.

    Why is he carrying two last name though? Or the Skeleton is just a middle name??
  • Heckler (09/10/2020, 21:16) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is the new Governor coming with an interim government and fresh elections?
  • me again (10/10/2020, 06:02) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    When a man owns a House or a piece of property, cant he send whoever he wants to clean it clear it ,or take care of it? Cant he come and take you off of if of give someone else your job?
    Well please let us understand that this place belongs to HER MAGESTY THE QUEEN. We have lots of priviledges still,why are we letting just a few to behave in this manner. When you think you are man enough or woman enough to tangle , get up and go on out of your parents covering, you dont need their permission.
    Just jump over board and swim. Find your own place.
    But here you want to rant and rage , misbehave. Well understand this "who holds the damn Book, is who could,/ would/ and should turn the damn pages. .if anything by chance you may or maynot even get to look at it ,worst read it. Stop being ignorant.
  • privy council (10/10/2020, 11:20) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    I find Mr. Cline to be very bias. Our elected representatives cannot run this country on their own, and showing us that they can't.
    You as a talk show man, all you doing is telling us about a Governor. We never vote for a Governor.
    The Governor does not have to come to our homes and businesses to find out how tings going. When is election time, it is our elected representatives who come to us with their team of executive supporters and campaign managers and to say vote for me, and I will do that for the country, and you will benefit.
    You keep talking about a Governor, who did not take part in our elections on 25th February 2019.Talk about the people who we elected but are now hiding from us, and docking our phone calls and whattapp messages,until 2023 when the Governor will announce the date of the next general election.
    I will put 4 votes for the politicians and one for the Governor. All voters should do the same. The Governor will win the next general because our elected reps are too focused on a Governor, who is watching their every corrupt moves.
  • g (10/10/2020, 15:29) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    @ NDP he was d best and will all be d best ride on my brother my God bless u for the time spent go in peace
  • Really (10/10/2020, 20:32) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ pat u still with that fool fool question apologize for what apologies to who u don't have any thing to do and say
  • from buckingham palace (11/10/2020, 12:35) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Cline, you made mention of the preamble in the BVI Constitution Order 2007,so I went to read the preamble myself, and among other things, I read the last paragraph of the preamble, and it states:-

    "Noting that the UNITED KINGDOM, the administering power for the time being, has articulated a desire to enter a modern partnership with the Virgin Islands based on the principles of mutual respect and self-determination".

    The Constitution, identified UK as the administering power of the BVI, but you and the Premier refused to accept that in the supreme law of the BVI.

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