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Skelton-Cline rebukes public officers 'disrespecting' Premier Wheatley

- said regardless of political affiliations or personal preferences, the Office of the Premier must be honoured
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7). A commentator has alleged there are public officers disrespecting and undermining Premier Wheatley. Photo: Office of the Premier/File
Political and social commentator, as well as former government consultant, Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline, on his Honestly Speaking broadcast on ZBVI 780 AM on March 4, 2025, delivered a forceful rebuke to certain public officers and board members, whom he accused of outright disrespect toward Premier and Minister for Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley (R7), also accusing them of undermining his authority in the process. Photo: Facebook
Political and social commentator, as well as former government consultant, Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline, on his Honestly Speaking broadcast on ZBVI 780 AM on March 4, 2025, delivered a forceful rebuke to certain public officers and board members, whom he accused of outright disrespect toward Premier and Minister for Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley (R7), also accusing them of undermining his authority in the process. Photo: Facebook
Public officers have been told that regardless of political affiliations or personal preferences, the Office of the Premier must be honoured. Photo: Office of the Premier/Facebook
Public officers have been told that regardless of political affiliations or personal preferences, the Office of the Premier must be honoured. Photo: Office of the Premier/Facebook
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI— Political and social commentator, as well as former government consultant, Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline, on his Honestly Speaking broadcast on ZBVI 780 AM on March 4, 2025, delivered a forceful rebuke to certain public officers and board members, whom he accused of outright disrespect toward Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley (R7), also accusing them of undermining his authority in the process.

Pastor Skelton-Cline in his broadcast, was unequivocally clear that while individuals may hold personal views about the Premier as an individual, respect for the office is paramount.

'Office of the Premier must be honoured'

"It has come to my attention and others that we are not showing due respect to the Premier of this country,” he said, reiterating that regardless of political affiliations or personal preferences, the Office of the Premier must be honoured.

Skelton-Cline was adamant, “Whether or not you voted for the government, whether or not you voted for Dr Natalio to be the Premier and for his team to be the premier, listen, you and I must show respect for the Office of the Premier; It is not the person who sits in the office. It is the office that we must honour. It is the office that we must respect."

For Skelton-Cline, this principle is fundamental to nation-building and political maturity as he insisted that the public service must function with urgency and diligence, rather than ignoring or delaying responses to the premier's requests.

"We cannot have a situation where the premier is trying to reach people and you're not reaching back to the premier. You're not responding with any urgency to the premier. Don’t look at me funny. You know exactly who I’m talking to."

Public Officers undermining Premier?

Conceding that many public officers are dedicated professionals, Skelton-Cline was adamant however, that too many are behaving in ways that undermine both the Office and its current occupant stating publicly, "It’s wrong, it was wrong yesterday, it’s wrong today, it’s going to be wrong tomorrow.”

As such, he posits, "If I were the premier, if I was leading this country, and I got public officers and members of boards showing the kind of indifference and disrespect, I would draft a document to the cabinet and take back every instrument I’ve given to you to function as a fiduciary in this space."

The outspoken commentator did not stop there, making it clear that if he were in charge, immediate action would alao be taken against non-compliant officials telling his listening audience,"If you are a public officer, the deputy governor and the governor will be hearing from me on a continual basis.”

Culture of disrespect?

Addressing those who directly question the Premier's legitimacy, Skelton-Cline reminded listeners that Dr Wheatley rightfully occupies the office following both constitutional processes and a transparent electoral victory.

"Dr Wheatley became Premier because of the shortfall of one of the former premiers, and then he ran, won six seats, ran as leader of his party, and was able to form a government. You don’t gotta like him. He’s the Premier. He sits in the office."

As such, he reiterated that public officers serve the government of the day and should execute their duties without bias or obstruction.

"Public officers are to carry out the agenda of whatever and whoever the government is; Whether by fate, by chance, by time, he became premier."

With this in mind Skelton-Cline also took aim at those who harbour aspirations to high office but, in his view, lack the respect and discipline required for leadership asserting, "...some of you are so disrespectful; If he could be the premier, why can’t I be? We gotta do better than this because we are better than this!”

12 Responses to “Skelton-Cline rebukes public officers 'disrespecting' Premier Wheatley”

  • Camp Guard (06/03/2025, 09:19) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    You'd make a good concentration camp guard. Question nothing follow all orders.
  • GOVERNOR (06/03/2025, 09:44) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Does this also apply to the Office of the Governor? I recall how you spoke about a former Governor. Whether you like him or the current arrangement with the UK or not, it is what is in place and should be respected. There is a way to change it but the way you were so disrespectful to him and the UK was a huge turn off to many. And now you're asking us to respect the Premier? Make up your mind CSC. Respect for an office is respect for an office. Period.
  • Mr. Cline (06/03/2025, 09:46) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Should public servants carry out instructions that are breaching policy or law? stop educating the public half baked
  • Agreeable One (06/03/2025, 09:47) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    I agree with Claude on this. A real problem we have in this VI is people look at the person and disregard the post they hold and not just political office. Their entire attitude, approach, and words towards the person is based on how they feel, think or what they might know about the individual with total disregard for the post they hold and represent. He is right. We need to know when to be respectful and when to be personal. This is a real issue.
  • WOW (06/03/2025, 09:53) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    this from the man who disrespected the former Deputy Premier.
  • WOWO (06/03/2025, 09:58) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    you dont have to like the man but you should respect his office
  • Lb (06/03/2025, 10:21) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    If RTO Or Frazer was in charge they would have been gone long time
  • He looking for something (06/03/2025, 10:35) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    That so called pastor is as fake as a fake $100 Bill
  • Old fashioned (06/03/2025, 11:12) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    You don’t command respect. You earn it. What actions have been taken to earn respect?
  • Interested (06/03/2025, 11:19) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is Claude looking for ? Another consultancy job?
  • Jokes!!! (06/03/2025, 12:36) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    CSC looking money again. Premier,don't take the bait. He only looking money. Jokes!! Lol
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (06/03/2025, 12:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fate pastor, Claude Skelton Cline, realy think that he is a smart man. Read his narrative statement as follows: "... some of you are so disrespectful, if he could be the Premier, why can't I be?
    Mr. Claude Skelton Cline, Hon. Natalie Sajuande Wheatley is the Premier of the B.V.I. what if he can be the Premier are you talking about. In addition to that, who are they, that are so naieve to vote you in as our Premier? It seems to me that this man want us to put him as our next financial minister. In the name of Jesus the righteous Christ: Noooooooooooo!

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