Skelton-Cline predicts winners for D1-D8 in VI’s 2023 elections

The current race will see candidates from the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), Progressives United (PU), Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM), and National Democratic Party (NDP), along with Independent candidates, contesting for seats in the House of Assembly (HoA).
Speaking on his ‘Honestly Speaking' radio show on ZBVI 780 AM, Skelton-Cline said his predictions in some cases are biased towards women and added that he sees a coalition of two of the parties forming a government after the elections, a statement that was originally made by Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) of Progressives United.
D2 & D3 to maintain representatives - Skelton-Cline
In the first Electoral District, Skelton-Cline said he forecasts Independent Chad C. George emerging the winner in the area that was the previous stronghold of ex-Premier Andrew A. Fahie. Other contestants for the district include VIP’s Dr Karl M. Dawson and Sylvia C. Moses; however, he said George could emerge the winner.
“I see and I sense that Chad George, that is his race to win. He is strong in Carrot Bay, and he will have to come out of Carrot Bay very strong,” Skelton-Cline declared.
In districts two and four respectively, he said current representatives Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) and Julian Fraser RA (R3) will remain winners, given their strength in their districts, regardless of those running against them. “You cannot beat Fraser with a three-man race in the Third District,” he said.
No clear winner in D4 - Skelton-Cline
Meanwhile, he said in District 4 there is no clear winner, forecasting that the VIP candidate Ms Luce D. Hodge Smith might struggle to get votes under the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), given the district has always been a strong NDP base.
He said Sandy M. Underhill-Harrigan could come out on top of the race if she is pushed enough.
Back in 2019, Mrs Hodge-Smith lost to Hon Mark H. Vanterpool by just 57 votes as a first-time candidate. Vanterpool has chosen not to return to the polls as a candidate in the 2023 election.
Moving to the Fifth District, Skelton-Cline said it is ‘still a race to watch’, with the incumbent Kye M. Rymer facing a possible fight from his political opponent PVIM's Marvin E. Blyden.
Myron forecasted to lose in D6
Meanwhile, in the Sixth District, Skelton-Cline said incumbent Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines would emerge the winner under the VIP, leaving the controversial former Education Minister Myron V. Walwyn a loser for the second year in a row.
“Myron would have been a better At Large candidate… going into a District that is fraught with tremendous challenges, I see Alvera coming out victorious,” he added.
Mr Skelton-Cline said in D7; however, with Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley going up against Independent Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard, he reminded that in 2019, more people voted against Hon Wheatley and added that he sees Scatliffe-Leonard winning the District as an Independent, based on the numbers and opportunities.
Dr Wheatley has so far been fighting with a strong campaign on the premise of finishing what his Unity Government started and building upon a strong relationship with the United Kingdom that has been established following negotiations on the CoI reforms in the territory.
Perline-Scatliffe has been trying hard to convince the electorate that her perceived failure as Director of Water and Sewerage Department (W&SD) was not all her fault.
For District Eight, Skelton-Cline added that the incumbent Hon Marlon A. Penn would emerge victorious; however, in the Ninth District, he said for now, he does not see a clear winner.
Persons contesting D9 include current representative VIP's Hon Vincent O. Wheatley, NDP's Coy W. Levons, and PVIM's Shereen D. Flax-Charles, a current At Large Representative.

39 Responses to “Skelton-Cline predicts winners for D1-D8 in VI’s 2023 elections”
It was not a perception - she was hopeless, arrogant and rude. The department is the worst by a significant margin among a lot of competition to be the worst Government department. She was in charge, so if it was not her fault whose fault was it?
It does not bode well for her being a member of the HoA - where she will just be a member and not in charge. I can already hear her saying in 4 years time that the fact that nothing happened in her district was not her fault.
She must be the worst candidate standing in any district, and a close run thing between her and a couple of the at large candidates to be the worst candidate in the election.
- New High School buildings and facility to take our teachers and children out of that moldy building they were put in by the NDP for a ridiculous amount of money monthly paid to the NDP partner where that contract was never audited.
- Electric shuttle bus ride service around town free to all who use it. I use it all the time and love it.
- New Road Town Market Square.
- National Sustainable development plan projecting the way forward for the BVI for the next 20 years which shows progressive and innovative thinking. This was assisted by the UN.
- Thousands of persons received their belonger status after being bluffed by NDP for years & watching the NDP give status to only their rich white friends just before the 2019 general elections.
- Direct flights to USA(Miami) and back starting soon.
- Revived the Cruise industry after Covid
- Salary review for all public officers ongoing with the only delay being the Governor and his office.
- Paid some of the many increments due to public officers by the NDP Government long before VIP took office.
- Repaired the BFEC school building on VG
- Repaired 3 Administration buildings on VG from the damage from Irma. One in North Sound and two in the Valley.
- Fixed the resivor in North Sound, VG and the water woes.
- Repaired the Administration building in JVD from the damage from Irma and named it.
- Fixed the Lee Road in Virgin Gorda
- Constructed new port dock, building and other facilities on JVD.
- Paved Dog Hole road on JVD.
- Constructed and paved new and existing roads on JVD.
- Address JVD water issues.
- Paved and Repaired new and existing roads on Anegada.
- Repaired CCEC school structure on Anegada
- Repaired basketball court and sport facility on Anegada
- Repaired Fire station building on Anegada.
- Repaired community center building on Anegda.
- Repaired Administration building on Anegada.
- Saving millions through purchase of new asphalt plant to fix our horrible public roads the NDP said they fixed with $16 mill from Social Security that still remains not properly unaccounted for and somehow missed the COI.
- Repaired many community centers on Tortola including Sea Cow's Bay, Brewer's Bay, West End and others.
- Constructed new modern lab at the hospital in Road Town.
- Completed and opened Hospital in VG.
- Passed many good governance legislation
- Governed during the most difficult time in the BVI and world during covid coupled with dealing with all the damages left unattended to by the NDP Government after Iram and Maria.
- Did an excellent job in keeping a high majority of us safe and alive during the worse of covid and prevented the economy from tanking out with some of the same grants they are now being crucified for now by others who want the public to think the good they did to help is really bad.
- Repaired many of the roads and infrastructure on Tortola and the other sister islands from the damages from Irma and Maria.
- Restarted the scholarship abroad programme that was stop after Irma where 50 or more BVI people are now receiving government scholarships yearly to study abroad.
- Teacher Associate & Bachelors programme at HLSCC and UWI to ensure teachers are trained and qualified.
- Gained accreditation of hospital.
- Assistance in funding Masters and above programmes.
- Major duty tax break for all during covid to pass on to consumers to try to assist in lowering the cost of living which is rising worldwide.
- Unemployment benefits during COVID where no one in the private industry could work during to the lock down.
- Transportation programme to assist taxi industry during covid lock down.
- Amended customs act to allow for many entrepreneurs in the marine industry during covid.
- Started Marine course and certification at HLSCC to create more opportunities in the marine industry through jobs and entrepreneurs by training and qualifying persons interested from BVI.
- Retrained and retool persons in the Hospitality industry during covid to prepare them for new opportunities.
- Started certification programme in the area of alternative energy at HLSCC.
- Gained accreditation of HLSCC.
- Continued subsidy for ferry transportation to and from Anegada for Anegadians.
- Repairing the Administration building in Tortola that was damaged after Irma and never attended to by the NDP.
- Tax break on stamp duty for all belongers purchasing land and property during the covid era.
- Saved many businesses, persons and university students from demise through the same grants they are now being crucified for by the well planned attack.
- Constructed, Repaired and paved many new and existing roads on Tortola.
- negotiated with banks to do moratorium to assist the BVI people & businesses with difficulties being experienced in payment during covid.
- Repaired the Ivan Dawson school and many other school facilities on Tortola.
- Commenced construction of the long awaited and promised new school facility on Jost Van Dyke.
- Made sure everyone was fed during all the lock downs with covid with food vouchers and home deliveries among other means.
- kept us informed and safe as much as was possible during the early bad days of covid where no government in the world knew what to do as there was no playbook for this worse pandemic in the last 100 years.
- Made sure all district representatives received the same amount of funds whether in government or opposition to try to help we the people during the worse of covid.
- The first government in years to pass all budgets on time and balanced each budget each of the four years in office.
- Passed all financial ratings regionally and abroad.
- Funded many senior citizens programmes to take care of our seniors.
- Restarted the Alternative Education programme so persons who did not finish school can attend and get their high school diploma.
- Repaired the multipurpose complex and a/c after major damages due to Irma.
- Repaired the police stations and marine bases after damages from Irma.
- Assisted in the opening of Banco Popular on VG so there can be banking on VG again.
- Passed consumer protection legislation.
- Repaired many sport facilities including basketball courts like East End, West End, Diamond, Anegada, VG, Carrot Bay, Sea Cow's Bay and all over.
- Restarted the seniors prpgramme to cherish our seniors and honor them.
Will stop there for now as the list is extensive in only 4 years. The VIP good far outweighs their negative and that is why the ongoing devious plots are intensifying to try to get in people's mind otherwise to try to influence the elections and try to get VIP out to turn it over to their rich and famous friends but who GOD BLESS no man can curse.
Who is this false, blind, lying prophet who will not shut up? Mybe he needs to become dump until after election so people can go to the poles in peace and with clear minds.
Isn't he the same lying prophet who predicted emphatically that we would have a woman as premier, first in the history of the BVI? Is that why so many women answered the call to run, and as Judas, they are crying out is it I, Is it I? and like blind leading the blind they are all running from over 70 years old to as young as 40 something years. Oh my people, dont be fooled by someone who is less intelligent than you. Someone who only speaks and cannot prove what they are saying, no merit in what they are saying. You call that "blowing in the wind" . Again, let me remind us that a prophet is proven to be false when what he says does not come to pass, and watch it, 19 more days to go. We shall all see how cocky and misguided this man is. Thank God, God is not CSC and neither has God revealed any thing to him. God only reveals to his true prophets,
D1-Carl Dawson
D2- Mitch Turnbull
D3- Julian Fraser
D4- Luce Hodge
D5- Kye Rhymer
D6- Alvera Maduro
D7- Natalio Wheatley
D8- Tight Race between Allen and Marlon but more leaning on Allen to win. Ppl sick of Marlon incompetent self
D9- Vincent Wheatley
At Large:
Sharie Decastro
Neville Smith
Stacy Mather
And maybe just maybe Ingrid Moses
Once they go out to vote they will win this election easily. Claude you rape VIP and get what you want. I hope you have repay the money. The only party to take this forward is VIP. Their achievements are there for the blind to see.
Think it over , let's learn to forgive. It does not matter how often, forgive.
Yess Mr. Smith