Skelton-Cline names Justice Janice M. Pereira as VI’s next possible Premier

Justice Pereira became the first female Chief Justice and the first person from the [British] Virgin Islands to become Chief Justice in 2012.
Skelton-Cline, speaking on the September 6, 2022, edition of his show, laid out a list of characteristics he believes would be qualities of a good leader, including someone with vision, not beholding to class, political groups, corporate allegiance, and more.
“I believe she should be [Premier]… because she represents some and more of the attributes, qualities, characteristics of which I described today. I believe she fits the mould and would be the best person to lead this country right through here,” he added.
No conversations with Justice Pereira - Skelton-Cline
Skelton-Cline further detailed, “I have not had one single conversation with the Justice. I understand that she is scheduled to retire sometime this month from that post,” he said, while indicating that he has no idea if Justice Pereira would have an interest in the job.
The man of the cloth further said he believes the Chief Justice should be recruited as the person to lead the Virgin Islands and called on the people of the VI to pray that Justice Pereira will have a ‘burning bush’ experience to hear a call from God for the opportunity.
He also added that he prays that every Virgin Islander experiences his or her own burning bush experience to understand the urgency of today’s world and move towards finding solutions in the VI.
Skelton-Cline, on the Tuesday, June 14, 2022, edition of his Honestly Speaking talk show, prophesied that in the office of Premier of the Virgin Islands, a woman will rise to power in the next general elections.
“You don't have to believe me, and you don't have to agree with me today. But just as sure, as I am sitting in this seat and just as sure as I am a man of God, and I know that for myself… I am sitting here, and I am saying to you that there is a woman who is going to come to power, specifically in the Office of the Premier in the next General Election,” he said.

39 Responses to “Skelton-Cline names Justice Janice M. Pereira as VI’s next possible Premier”
2. Get elected leader.
3. Win an election.
4. Get proposed as premier.
5. Get approval of the Governor.
Easy really!
Please let us know what process that is and the legal right of recruiting a political leader. We wait with open minds to hear about it. Thank you in advance.
You don't get to choose our leader. We do.
You don't get to influence our politics just because you have a fast tongue and have convinced the 'island boys' that your murky record in Detroit makes you worth listening to.
You are not our, or anyone's, liberator. You are just a citizen with a big mouth and sense of entitlement. Malcolm X, MLK, Nelson Mandela - you are no closer to being one of these great liberators than anyone else in the BVI, so shake that delusion from inside your little bald head.
Without your publisher friends reporting your every sentiment every time you squeak, you'd be an irrelevant voice until Election Day, then you would be just one vote among many, like the rest of us.
Right now you and your friends are manipulators. And you will keep manipulating the public's minds until you get what you want, again. But note this: we see you.
Gosiddung and hushdaheckup.
The simply fact that you have been endorse by this guy, you might as well forget the idea.......
I will have to disrespectfully disagree. You don't know much. Do you no how she get educated and who was her strength financier and motivator.? I always like collin O'Neal I always believe that he will lead us well..But if we really need a woman..I will give you two other choices. 1/ Dr Arlene Penn. 2/ The Auditor Ms Webster, these are no nonsense people. They will look out for the BVI not just the privilege few...They love people, all people and hate wrong...
“Believe in only half of what you see, and nothing of what you hear.” Evil and wickedness is rampant on this Earth and they are willing to do and use anything and anyone to achieve their goals. My soul is not for sale.
The candidates my team and I am looking forward to for the possibly upcoming elections- if they decide to enter or re-enter are:
-Collin O’Neal
-Sonia Brewley-Webster
-Rodney Skeleton- OG.
-Myron Walwyn (both him and Rodney need to look at the big picture ahead and find balance.)
-Kye Rhymer.
These are the names, so far, my team and I will go all out for and our strategy will be relentless.
Fearless warrior.
Out for now.