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‘Shut the country down’ once a month to clean up- Sharon P. Flax-Brutus

- Asks ‘since when have we become so dirty?’
The people of Rwanda are required to take part in the national cleanup day, Umuganda, on the last Saturday of every month. (Above) Getting grass under control in Kigali, the capital city. Photo: Forster/ullstein bild via Getty Images
Former Director of Tourism Sharon P. Flax-Brutus has suggested that the Virgin Islands takes the example of Rwanda to ensure the territory remains a clean and tidy tourist destination. Photo: Facebook/File
Former Director of Tourism Sharon P. Flax-Brutus has suggested that the Virgin Islands takes the example of Rwanda to ensure the territory remains a clean and tidy tourist destination. Photo: Facebook/File
From left Talking Points co-host Damion C. Grange, co-host Violet Thomas Gaul, Former Director of Tourism in the Virgin Islands (VI) Sharon P. Flax-Brutus co-host Elvin G. Grant on Talking Points on October 7, 2024. Photo: Facebook
From left Talking Points co-host Damion C. Grange, co-host Violet Thomas Gaul, Former Director of Tourism in the Virgin Islands (VI) Sharon P. Flax-Brutus co-host Elvin G. Grant on Talking Points on October 7, 2024. Photo: Facebook
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- Former Director of Tourism Sharon P. Flax-Brutus has suggested that the Virgin Islands takes the example of Rwanda to ensure the territory remains a clean and tidy tourist destination.

“Since when have we become so dirty?” Flax-Brutus asked while a guest of Talking Points on ZBVI 780 AM on Monday, October 7, 2024.

At the time, the point was being made that tourism has a wide scope and this includes the environment component.

‘Shut the country down’ once a month to clean- Flax-Brutus

It was then she suggested that the Virgin Islands takes the example of Rwanda in Africa. “Do like what I believe Rwanda does. They shut the country down once a month on a Saturday until 12 ‘O’ Clock, businesses cannot open…and they clean the country.”

Rwanda has become one of the cleanest countries in the world due to new laws requiring every citizen to pick up litter.

President Paul Kagame decreed one morning each month in the capital city of Kigali and around the countryside, to be a public clean-up day. The last Saturday of every month, dignitaries, even the president and his cabinet, participate in the litter collection.

Additionally, plastic polythene bags are banned in Rwanda, which cuts down the trash. And, in Kigali, littering anywhere is a crime.

Build a fence!

Flax-Brutus also suggested that if the government has a challenge removing the derelict vehicles and boats, a fence should be built to keep the eyesores out.

She recalled the US Virgin Islands (USVI) preparing for a conference a few years ago. “When we drove from the ferry dock to Frenchman’s Reef, there was not a scrap of anything anywhere. Everything was very pristine, and I think that is one of the things the BVI needs to do that would make an immediate impact."

‘Fix your tourism corridor’

Flax-Brutus continued that the Virgin Islands needs to “fix the corridor” for all the islands that attract tourists, “so that the most travelled for tourism gives the guest the illusion, for lack of a better word, that this is the vacation experience that I want.”

She said the most hurtful thing to see is a gentleman, who visits Virgin Gorda every year, with a garbage bag “cleaning up our own mess.”

Meanwhile, co-host Damion C. Grange said he sees people throwing garbage “willy-nilly” all the time.

“People stop at the bin and throw from the window, miss the bin, and they just drive off.”

Grange also suggested "masking" the garbage dumpsters.

13 Responses to “‘Shut the country down’ once a month to clean up- Sharon P. Flax-Brutus”

  • No joke (09/10/2024, 11:11) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    Good idea.
  • rub a dub dub (09/10/2024, 12:00) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Shut the country down, period. That will really clean it up. Looks nice mostly, but looks are skin deep...
    Its what's inside that's making it so stinky.
  • All hands on deck (09/10/2024, 12:03) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    In parts of Africa this is done 1 Saturday per month
  • MR CLEAN (09/10/2024, 12:33) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Start by making the garbage collection contract to include making sure there are no holes in the dumpsters. Check out half the dumpsters in the territory are rotted out at the bottoms allowing trash to just fall out on the way to the dump!
  • Unbelievable (09/10/2024, 12:37) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    Clean up day, great idea but we know exactly when it became so nasty. There are people who do not care,
    do not understand the culture so there we have it. I see them all the time, with their nasty ways. I pick things
    that I didn't throw down and they look at me with disbelief. Good luck Ms. Flax.
  • Thim (09/10/2024, 12:39) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good idea. This place is really stink and dirty
  • Guest (09/10/2024, 12:44) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    This sounds good but would not not be easily operationalized in the BVI.
    First this will have to be on a voluntary basis with widespread community based and service clubs involvement. Our leaders, neither Governor nor Premier has the constitutional powers to issue decrees, plus there are constitutional limits on "forced labour".
    Secondly, choosing a Saturday exempts a significant segment of the population from participation, i.e. the Seventh Day Adventists.
    Closer to home places like Bermuda and Aruba are relatively clean. What is it that they are doing differently to us here in the BVI?
  • Stealth (09/10/2024, 12:50) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    If shutting the country down for a day a month for cleaning is what it takes to keep the country clean, presenting an aesthetically pleasing , healthy, clean and safe appearance/environment, then let’s do it.Let’s do the damn ting. But are we not more competent and effective than this? Keeping the country clean should come as easy as breathing. Is the condition of the country reflective of the leadership and management skills and ability of national leaders? Some may have that view. In another blog, I mentioned that someone mentioned that effective national leadership is an oxymoron. Tough language. Touch image. Is this a myth and if so what must we do to can it?

    Moreover, the country should be able to be governed effectively while simultaneously keeping it clean. Nevertheless, it will require a behavioral change. It will require an all hands on deck effort to pitch in to keep the territory clean.. 60,000+ hands working in concert can make it happened. It will require leadership from villages,,townships, islands, districts, HoA, Admin Building, Mount Olympus, etc.
  • NB (09/10/2024, 13:07) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
    Great idea, however does that mean that I get a cut on my taxes? Cause last time I checked, I pay taxes to cover cleanup and maintenance of the country where because of nature, maintenance is necessary, eg bush cutting. As it relates to littering, aye start fining people. This day and age cameras are all over the place to catch the litter bugs
    • TIT FOR TAT (09/10/2024, 21:41) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Here lies our problem
      Educated people can’t work unless something in it for them.
  • round rock (09/10/2024, 17:45) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The cleanliness of the country should be everyone business, as such everyone should make it as part of their civic duties to maintain some level of decency and national pride for these islands. In order to achieve this, every citizen and residents should cooperate and willing to volunteer their services and energies to contribute to the cleanliness of the islands. The very workers who are doing the bush cutting for money should at some point in time be willing to show the same enthusiasm and keep our Territory clean as volunteers. Look at Florida where the hurricanes destroyed, the residents are doing work as volunteers to restore tie state.
  • dude (09/10/2024, 20:54) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    The country is shut down enough already with all these holidays. Just clean up on each one of them.
  • Virgin Gordian (10/10/2024, 20:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    yes Sharon.

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