Sharks in; Fowls out? With Feral Animal Control Plan

Hon Pickering was giving his statement on Strategic Feral Animal Control Management Plan today, June 23, 2016 during the Ninth Sitting of the First Session of the Third House of Assembly.
Part of the four-goal plan, according to Hon Pickering, is to reduce the wild fowl (chicken) population in priority areas, using efficient and applicable methods of control, to limit the spread of infectious diseases and to reduce any negative impacts that they pose to the territory.
It is not clear whether the wild fowls, which Hon Pickering said is estimated around 5000, currently present any danger of spreading any infectious diseases.
Vexing problem
“Madame Speaker, there is a vexing problem facing the Territory with respect to the feral (wild and uncultured) animal population. Through the Department of Agriculture and the Ministry I have received numerous complaints from farmers and homeowners alike of the damage these animals cause. While the Department of Agriculture has always been engaged in efforts to reduce the numbers in the stray animal population, efforts are being ratcheted up to alleviate this problem through the implementation of a Strategic Feral Animal Control Management Plan,” Hon Pickering told the House of Assembly.
According to him, his Plan provides the framework that involves actions to minimise the negative economic and environmental impacts and also takes into consideration public health issues that can be caused by wild untamed diseased animals.
Noting that there are a variety of methods, mechanical and chemical, that are available and that are currently being explored by the Department of Agriculture, to tackle the feral animal problem, Dr Pickering said as regards chickens, they are looking at a custom made device in which the chickens are trapped. This consists of a trap made out of wire mesh with a swinging door, which closes down after the chickens enter.
“There is also the tried and true method that is more familiar to us which is to wait until the chickens are roosting for the night and then snatch them. Their diminished eye sight at night makes this a viable option.”
Feral animals already being removed
Meanwhile, as it concerns the feral dog and cat populations, the Natural Resources Minister said the Department continues to set baited traps in priority areas.
“These animals are properly disposed of when caught. As it relates to the cattle population, the Department continues to use casting techniques and corralling.”
There are estimated to be some 1500 stray dogs, 2000 wild cats, and 500 roaming cattle in the territory.
“Just in the past few weeks we have captured twenty five (25) cats and eight (8) dogs in the areas of Beef Island, Greenland and Road Town; chickens have been removed from these areas at a rate of thirty (30) per day. Supplemental efforts are being made by community partners such as PAW BVI (Protecting Animal Welfare), which operates spaying and neutering programmes,” Hon Pickering said.

40 Responses to “Sharks in; Fowls out? With Feral Animal Control Plan”
All d sh*t kedric talking bout feral dis n DAT dem same wild fowl going have to feed a lot o us when dey dun run d con try deep in sh*t
He waan to kill de fowl n protect sharks yet don't waan u to catch shark
So ppl going starve
Kedric u more stupid den head strong
Can Kedrick Pickering really think of himself as being that smart and ahead of his time, when only days b4 the past election making the statement that: "he is proud to have rich white friends"?.....or considering the myriad of problems our country is facing: several tourism properties closed and others closing shortly, folks out of work and facing financial difficulties, our offshore industry under attack and increasingly competed with, local population outnumbered, water and electricity woes, crumbling infrastructure, beaches considered public domain, closed/off limits to residents serious and potentially costly challenges at Peebles etc., while he and his permanent secretary take an expensive trip, (taxpayers expense) to attend a "Shark Conference in support of a rich white friend" ?.
By the way, does anyone have any idea why Branson is pushing so strong and emphaticly on the protection and promotion of sharks in the territory?
On the North eastern side of Mosquito Island there's a shallow bar known, (especially by the folks/fishermen of North Sound, VG), for attracting healthy numbers Shellfish and lobsters. Fishermen over the years have been on many occasions able to feed their families from their catches on "mosquito bar".
By infesting the area with sharks, the area at and around (mosquito bar) will become off limits to anyone wishing to fish in the area.
Bvi people don't consider sharks a delicacy or food source, nor interested in interacting with sharks as a means of entertainment.
Sting rays in other parts are known to be used as an attraction; so to are Dolphins elsewhere and in the BVI.
Perhaps more vigorous protection of the popular Iguanas, Pelicans, ducks in the ponds and Flamingos would be a better and more productive endeavour .
he has no help no one look up to him no more not only his own district is by his side shame on you D. Pickering, you is a completed failure to your people and your country
D. Pickering every thing you touch is just failing who are you presently representing , if that is the case go and move to oil nut bay or with Branson
by the way we can't blame you, we have to blame dr.Smith for putting up with your shit so long and having is NDP government look so incapable by the way we can't wait for election in a next three years or we most say we have two more years to go lol lol lol
Fowls in Barbados, Antigua, St.kitts, St. Thomas airport... Even B'More's video has two fowls running across the screen.
Focus on things which are closer to the hearts of your constituents...clean up you district! Wha deh azz you talking bout!
No love for the teacher, farmer, fisherman...we... the un-esteemed.
How far in the future can politicians see?
Will they only rely on crony prophecy?
There is failure visible in every ministry!
Everybody singing "Give me, give me!"
We need new pillars of sustainability!
Less talk and more work to rebuild our community!
But the poor man's cries are not the rich man's emergency! What's happening in Venezuela can't happen to we...