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Shame on Walwyn; $1M wasted on wall; Schools begging for toilet paper!

The Facebook post that has confirmed popular reports that public schools are without basic supplies, even though Education Minister Myron V. Walwyn (AL) continues to deny these reports. Photo: Facebook
Wasting $1M on a wall around Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) has again come back to haunt the controversial Minister for Education and Culture, Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL). Photo: VINO/File
Wasting $1M on a wall around Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) has again come back to haunt the controversial Minister for Education and Culture, Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL). Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Over the past three years plus, our newsroom has been the only credible media house that has reported consistently about the poor state and confusion as it relates to the territory’s education system and how public schools have been crying out for basic supplies such as teaching tools and their inability to make photo copies, lack of toilet paper, water and at time working restrooms.

For the most part, because of blatant politics and his dislike for the press that reports the truth, the controversial Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL) has taken to the House of Assembly to tell lies about the media and fool the people that all is well in education and the schools.

In fact, almost every week our newsroom is overwhelmed with information from teachers, parents and students about the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) on the situation with fights, knives, lack of funding and even marijuana on campus, the lack of resources at the Bregado Flax Educational Centre (BFEC) and how teachers as recently as last week had to take their personal resources to help the situation.

Many of the information received by our newsroom are not published, because our media house strives to be fair, balanced and objective and gives the Ministry of Education time to address challenges, which for the most part can be addressed, if there were financial resources.

FB post begging for toilet paper! Shameful

Well yesterday February 10, 2017 a staff from the Enis Adams Primary School sent out a Facebook message begging parents for paper towel and toilet paper to be brought to the school on Monday.

This is not the first time both this school and other state-owned schools have been in this position as the Government is allegedly broke after the National Democratic Party raided the Treasury to win the 2015 snap elections, according to the Opposition, the media and civil society.

Once the information of the FB massage from the Enis Adams Primary School started circulating on social network, the Minister, whose credibility is at its lowest point ever, told some in the local media that his Ministry has the supplies, and that parents must ignore the message.

Other schools face same situation weekly

However, a teacher at the school, speaking to our newsroom on condition of anonymity, claimed that they have been begging the Ministry of Education for supplies from November of last year and questioned the Minister's truthfulness on the matter in his recent public statement.

Many other schools around the Virgin Islands, including the BFEC, have called our newsroom to say that the situation at the Enis Adams Primary School is something they face weekly, with little or no support from the Ministry or Minister Walwyn.

Mr Walwyn, who is in his second term as Minister for Education (2011-current), has been blasted for taking a million dollars of tax payers money and building a small wall around the ESHS before the 2015 snap elections, while schools and other agencies under his Ministry did not have adequate funds to operate.

45 Responses to “Shame on Walwyn; $1M wasted on wall; Schools begging for toilet paper!”

  • Judas (11/02/2017, 11:41) Like (27) Dislike (4) Reply
    • @ Judas (11/02/2017, 12:41) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
      I don’t normally read vino but they are very very correct in this piece . This government and mYron needs investigating then they need to go.
      • Mini (13/02/2017, 20:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Dear Myron please deal with the mold problem at the High School. Some students even have fungus on their skin due to the mold. Mold is serious business it can affect not only your breathing but your mental capacity as well
  • i wanna know (11/02/2017, 11:42) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    Are these things locked up in his house?
  • wow (11/02/2017, 11:47) Like (32) Dislike (0) Reply
    its like this in every school even the mighty scatliffe has to ask parents to "donate" fans for the classrooms so that their children can be comfortable, this government is a joke
    • wow (11/02/2017, 12:36) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      • Not true, very true (11/02/2017, 15:48) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
        I ain't putting the school cause the man vindictive , but some of the teachers, poor things can't get no supplies, for paper for the machine, dem a kill the yutes with writing, 3 books for 1 term-for one subject, and we just start, strupes... paper for dem @$$, fan for the scorching room, marker to write with, the teachers are sometimes given 1, for the term. MW know that it is true he should stop lying! Many supplies to teach our yute dem, come from them teacher own slim pocket, basic things. They don't have da money is what is said at PTA, which is true, so dem a kill we with fund raisers every 2 to 3 weeks. Some of we pocket not high,..but at least it ain't the College this week, At least them have toilet paper to wipe dem behind, lol. Smh
      • Imps (11/02/2017, 19:10) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        At least it's just copy paper they need...IMPS don't have a functioning copier since 2015!
  • Freedom! (11/02/2017, 12:06) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

    As long as me and my family is alive next election he will never get a vote from me or my children 

  • Sawda (11/02/2017, 12:35) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Anybody going St Thomas this weekend ?Please bring back couple bundles of Toilet Paper I will meet you on the dock with payment.This is madness I left school in the 80's and we had the same B S going on and it still happening today,now Premier needs to fire his A$$$ he always have a excuse..
  • John (11/02/2017, 12:40) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    Since he took office he has failed us in education and trying to spin everything...All you can do is sit back and laugh at the foolishness this Antiguan doing .
  • Sickening (11/02/2017, 12:50) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    NDP has been disappointing and we the supporters have told them this over and over again!!! but it’s amazing every time Myron speaks like his reaction to this FB message its under false pretense and claiming he love the BVI when all he does is trying to score political points or divide the country.
  • whi feels it knows it (11/02/2017, 12:55) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is an irresponsible and disgraceful comment that Myron give to the media its a LIE!
  • lord o. (11/02/2017, 12:59) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wow. Hmmm. So shameful and the wall still isn't finish.
  • Welsa (11/02/2017, 13:05) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    What is Myron’s motive for trying to cover this up? I don’t care what he says, I believe the teachers, students and parents.

    MVW should look inwards before he venture forth fighting for Premier. He will never again get one vote from me should God spare my life to see another election!!! He already lead the NDP and the MEC down the wrong path.

    Who is he trying to fool telling parents to not study the School FB page?
  • A Parent (11/02/2017, 13:06) Like (10) Dislike (13) Reply
    These news sites need to speak the truth. The teacher did not post that message on FB. It was sent in a message that was intended for parents only. As a parent, I don't see anything wrong in donating a few items that would make my child and other students more comfortable.
  • Aha (11/02/2017, 13:12) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    And the ministry is covering up the issues with mold in the classrooms especially at ESHS.
  • qc (11/02/2017, 13:13) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dear Myron,

    Provide the schools with the necessary supplies and stop having the teachers beg for stuff which they do all the time
  • Xxx (11/02/2017, 13:16) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Shame on Myron for saying the Ministry has the supplies He is peddling alternative facts as usual
  • ndp (11/02/2017, 15:34) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another reason dr smith must reshuffle his cabinet put myrun as jr minister for trade
    • @NDP (12/02/2017, 14:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

      And then what put marlan as j**k*$$ of all trade. How about get rid a all of them. All you take Government business for joke. Days of reshuffling done done done. This Government already prove incompetent. Say no more.

  • i from here (11/02/2017, 16:49) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    I cry for my country
  • Another Parent (11/02/2017, 17:01) Like (19) Dislike (27) Reply
    I am a parent of the Enis Adams Primary School for many years now and many parents, including myself, have willingly donated tiolet paper, paper towel, hand soap and other items to the school without any hard feelings. I am appauled at the parent who took this request to this level. 1st off, the request was not made to the public, neither was it put on FB. It was simply made on the school's private parent/teacher social site after parents agreed to contribute these items. This stunt was obviously done to try to embarrass our government but to me she/he did more damage than good. Obviously they have a personal gripe with the government so they need to take their personal fight on by themselves and leave the school out of it
    • Parent too (11/02/2017, 18:40) Like (11) Dislike (10) Reply
      @Another Parent, that is so correct. Someone is trying to start problems. My children went to school in the States and the teachers use to send home a note asking each parent to donate paper towel, hand soap and bathroom tissue. We as parents donated because it was a matter between parent and teachers. Again, someone is trying to start some type of problem.
  • Isola (11/02/2017, 17:14) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    I don't mind the toilet paper but my God how could this country don't have a proper public library! Even if they fixing the building you tell me they can't come up with a quicker solution. Instead of tearing your brother and sister down look a few empty spaces in town that bout to get in trouble with the banks. Shift the library until all you done fix whatever building. I went east end library with my son for he project and it's a big waste of time. These things are totally wrong man but what the heck toilet paper this time!! Come on man!!!
  • QTNA (11/02/2017, 19:03) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    A CPU manages a computer. How well is the Ministry of Education equipped to handle the growing demands of all the schools in the territory? Over-population, economics, immigration, labour, cost of living and other societal factors are all integrated in this fine boiling pot that we are faced with. However, who is collecting and processing data that can be used efficiently to make decisions regarding our education? We don't need fancy talkers more than persons who are committed to fixing these problems at their roots.

    The territory's educational needs have out-grown the government's pocket, but for some reason, a well- organized collaboration of outreach to the wider community is not being encouraged. One can't help but to question what really is the vision for the future of education in this territory and how will we practically achieve it.

  • jokes (11/02/2017, 19:21) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is the truth...I does make sure my child have a small pack of wipes and couple pieces of paper towel in their school bag just in case...
  • bay yute (11/02/2017, 20:49) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dont forget amps imagine my daughter in kindergarden went to use the rest room and she didnt clean reason no toilet paper when i ask her not even that the bathroom at the school is very filty im dissappointed no water to flush but still u can see water all over the bathroom my child have to use the bathroom with other filty crap in the toilet . It a shame how the school turn out .
  • staind (11/02/2017, 21:18) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    not a single ting on his mind n not even a single strand of hair.days of Mr.Elmore Stoutt were da best years.
  • Street reporter (11/02/2017, 22:04) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Both government less. That land by Qwomar was to done developed. Put the library. The post office. And The AG office. Use the rent they paying to House those placed to the loan. We have our own. Also free up some parking and congestion in town.
    • Awesome (17/02/2017, 20:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Great solution. It's refreshing to see someone offering solutions.
  • wow (11/02/2017, 22:35) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    This Government of the VI...sigh.
  • wize up (11/02/2017, 23:56) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mr Minister; don't study those folks you make sure to fill your pockets because you might not be reelected come 2019: Mr minister you make sure you collect those big buck to serve food during the sittings of the house : Mr Minister you make sure your legal firm safeguard that 5 million dollars(the pier park money) Mr Minister you need another set of money from health services(legal services): Mr Minister them just vex because that Million Dollar wall needs another Million to be completed
  • parent (12/02/2017, 00:08) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    He can't provide basic needs for Primary Schools. Then he goes and adds an extra year to the high schools which then adds more costs that he can't make. Trying to build classrooms in the ESHS campus and them yet to get off the ground.
  • i am not hand to mouth (12/02/2017, 01:17) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Good for ayo voters who put the gorrot in power now he got you all to kill..he cares nothing
  • Political Observer (PO) (12/02/2017, 11:32) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply

    Is this a malicious act by someone or a genuine need for school supplies consumables? Either way, there is a problem.

    Here is my take on public school operation. Government should appropriate adequate resources for school facilities, staffing, equipment, tools, consumables, non consumables, transportation……etc for the effective education of our children.

    Furthermore, each school should be allocated an operations and maintenance budget. And the principal should be held responsible and accountable for managing and executing allocated budget.

    Principal should be evaluated on budget management. MEC should be responsible for any capital projects budget needs.

    The principal should also be held accountable for the inventory, use, care, and security of all assigned assets. Standards, goals and expectations set, principals should be empowered to operate their schools.

    Moreover, there should be a centralized maintenance and repair unit for all schools. The outlying islands can be satellite units of the. centralize unit.
  • cay (12/02/2017, 11:54) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    myron will be reelected but he must do better
  • in the news (12/02/2017, 12:06) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The list of failure of mvw in the m of e c goes on and on.

    What were voters thinking? They weren't.
  • Concerned Parent (12/02/2017, 18:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    @PO I agree with you. There is a problem and it is with timeliness. If the department has the supplies in their basement, then why does it take soooo long to fill a requisition. In my humble opinion, this was a malicious act because if that parent really wanted to make a difference, they would not have screend shot the message and post it else where in the public. They would have had a viable discussion about how the remedy they issue the school was having. What they did solved nothing. It only created animosity, and to have the minister advise parents of the school to not pay the request no mind only makes it bad for the children if the department does not deliver the tiolet paper first thing Monday morning. Fat chance. I am a parent at that school, so I know just how some of those parents can be. Nothing you do can please some of them and those are the same ones always complaining.

    My suggestion to parents is to send their children to school tomorrow with some sort of tissue in their bags because the school may not get any supplies until after 10:00 when the government workers show up to work.
  • Dirty Laundry (12/02/2017, 21:40) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Here we go again. Asking for things for schools have been going on long donkey years. Why is this a big issue. Once it comes to schools i go the extra mile all the time. This is nothing new to me infact i am glad when i can assist because some person or persons invested in me while i was at school. Giving back is a pleasure for me. We get so petty for every little thing and make it headline news. I'm willing to contribute. will you do the same? Together We can make a difference.
  • WT F (13/02/2017, 14:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where is the Attorney General to investigate all the financial abuse against the people? Walwyn should be made to pay back every dime of that million dollars he squandered.
  • facts (13/02/2017, 18:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's clearly a lie and demonstrates that he has no scruples about both abusing power and then denying wrongdoing.
  • wize up (13/02/2017, 18:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    it looks like these politicians love to build walls to squander your tax money between they friends just before an election because the former chairman also spent a large sum of your tax on that wall(all now some of us trying to figure out the true purpose for erecting that wall)
  • facts man (14/02/2017, 13:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    How kind of VINO to use the word "misled".

    He lied

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