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SFC Report reveals BVIHSA owed BVIEC over $2M

The Standing Finance Committee Report shows that the BVI Health Services Authority owed the BVI Electricity Corporation over two million dollars. Photo: Internet Source
eneral Manager of BVIEC Dr Neil M. Smith told the Standing Finance Committee that the BVIHSA was the only government entity owing the corporation. Photo: Facebook
eneral Manager of BVIEC Dr Neil M. Smith told the Standing Finance Committee that the BVIHSA was the only government entity owing the corporation. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) had an outstanding balance of over two million dollars owed to the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC), the Report on the Deliberations of the Standing Finance Committee (SFC) appointed by the House of Assembly (HoA) of the Virgin Islands (VI) to examine the Draft Estimates for the Year 2025, has revealed.

A report presented to the SFC held in November and December 2024 showed that a BVIHSA payment plan “is not effectuated”.

BVIHSA was only gov’t entity owing

In replying to Hon Marlon A. Penn's (R8) question about the number of government entities and how much they owe the BVIEC, General Manager of BVIEC Dr Neil M. Smith confirmed that only the BVIHSA owed the corporation.

The BVIHSA, he said, made a payment the week before their appearance before the SFC in the amount of $500,000 and “before that was around $700, 000”.

The BVIEC’s policy is to extend a grace period of 30 days after the failure to make bill payments.

Further, Hon enquired if a conversation occurred on a ministry level before the decision was made to disconnect electricity from the clinics.

Dr Smith, the report stated, confirmed the BVIEC’s attempted correspondence from the managerial level included the Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Vincent O, Wheatley (R9), Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), and Minister for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5).

Reducing cost

Hon Wheatley asked if the BVIEC attempted to decipher how the BVIHSA could reduce the cost.

Dr Smith “informed the Minister of the Corporation’s willingness to help but expressed the difficulty in contacting the BVIHSA. He further explained how a solar system could substantially aid the Association and offered audits to determine if the BVIHSA can locate more efficient equipment,” the report stated.

6 Responses to “SFC Report reveals BVIHSA owed BVIEC over $2M”

  • Honestly (10/01/2025, 10:24) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    The BVIHSA is the ONLY government entity that owes BVIEC money for electricity??? Seems like BVIHSA is the government's scapegoat for outstanding electricity fees. So BVIEC was paid in full from all the party concerts held in 2024?? Hard to believe!
  • BVIHSA employee (10/01/2025, 10:54) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    Them owe electricity, them owe we, the staff. PLEASE remove PAT, shuffle the board around and come again. Hire persons qualified to fill in executive positions and not just classmates and family friends. Imagine been a essential work barely getting by, more than 50% of the staff have to work 2 jobs and on permit (the risk). TBH, BVIHSA needs both internal (primary)and external (secondary) auditing. Until then this is the cycle we going get familiar with.
  • 2024 (10/01/2025, 13:00) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    when the small man unable to make a 100 dollar payment light cut off
  • You can (10/01/2025, 14:19) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Soon and very soon we are going to the (sing please). The company going to he begging to pay its bills. Love the fact that you want to put establishment on solar power which will reduce the amount of electricity you produce at the same time put your existing plans on hold. Now add water authority to it. Yes ???? understand he say he can handle both. ????????. Hope the yes man mentality from the minister will not be your downfall again sir. #NDPplane .
  • time will tell (10/01/2025, 15:44) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Bviec hard working PWP staff got nothing for Christmas, this is the first time they experienced that. Some bosses want to look good driving around expensive vehicles on the company while their staff suffers.
  • Belonger With A Broader Perspective (12/01/2025, 01:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    So the rest of us are paying more to bridge the gap. If they're not paying and the BVI electricity corp is the only monopoly on the electricity company then they getting the money through the rest of us to pay for this trash electricity that keeps going out. Despite building a new infrastructure when Irma hit they just patched up as usual. BVIEC don't want you to know that.

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