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Seven Seas Water Group awards prizes to water science project winners

- winners were determined @ recent National Science Fair
In recognition of World Water Day, Seven Seas Water Group (SSWG) awarded the winners of the Prize for Water Science, the highest-scoring water science projects at the recently held National Science Fair. Photo: GIS
Mr Kevon Smith, left, and Ms Noni M Georges, right, present Ms Zara Pascoe, Cedar International School, with the SSWG Prize for Water Science. Photo: GIS
Mr Kevon Smith, left, and Ms Noni M Georges, right, present Ms Zara Pascoe, Cedar International School, with the SSWG Prize for Water Science. Photo: GIS
Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports, Hon Sharie B de Castro (AL) receives Plant tour. From left: Mrs Orlandette R. Crabbe, Chief Education Officer; Hon de Castro; Kevon Smith, BVI Plant Manager- Seven Seas Water Group; and Noni M. Georges, BVI Community Relations Advisor, Seven Seas Water Group. Photo: GIS
Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports, Hon Sharie B de Castro (AL) receives Plant tour. From left: Mrs Orlandette R. Crabbe, Chief Education Officer; Hon de Castro; Kevon Smith, BVI Plant Manager- Seven Seas Water Group; and Noni M. Georges, BVI Community Relations Advisor, Seven Seas Water Group. Photo: GIS
PARAQUITA BAY, Tortola, VI- In recognition of World Water Day, Seven Seas Water Group (SSWG) awarded the winners of the Prize for Water Science, the highest-scoring water science projects at the recently held National Science Fair.

The prize celebrates students who have demonstrated outstanding scientific inquiry into water-related challenges, reinforcing the importance of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education in the British Virgin Islands. This year’s winners are:

Secondary Division Winner:

  • Student: Zara Pascoe, Cedar International School
  • Project: Dissolved Oxygen as a Marine Pollutant Indicator
    Zara’s project examined the level of pollution in the environment by testing dissolved oxygen levels at nine areas around Tortola as an indicator for the presence of bacteria or decomposing organic matter. Not only did this project address marine water quality—critical for the efficient operation of a desalination facility—but the dissolved oxygen test is conducted daily at the SSW lab to ensure compliance with safe drinking water standards.

Primary Division Winners:

  • Students: Daria Donovan and Brielle Williams, Ebenezer Thomas Primary School
  • Project: Wat-er We Drinking
    Teammates Daria and Brielle prepared bacterial growth cultures to determine how often reuseable water bottles should be washed.  The project was well presented and defended, with the students placing very highly overall.

Previously announced at the closing ceremony, the winning students visited the Paraquita Bay Water Plant to receive their prizes and to gain a behind-the-scenes look into the desalination process on an industrial scale.

'Proud moment'

According to a press release from Government Information Services (GIS), Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports Hon Sharie B. de Castro (AL) also toured the facility, acknowledging the company’s longstanding commitment to the Science Fair and congratulating the winners on their achievements.

“It is always a proud moment to witness our students being recognized for their scientific talent and curiosity,” said Minister de Castro. “On this World Water Day, I commend Seven Seas Water Group for not only investing in innovation but for investing in our young people. Their continued support of the Science Fair demonstrates the kind of meaningful public-private partnership that strengthens our education system and empowers future leaders.

"When our students explore real-world challenges—like water quality and sustainability—they aren’t just learning; they’re leading. They are demonstrating the brilliance, potential, and promise that exist within our classrooms. I encourage more companies to follow this example by creating pathways for mentorship, engagement, and opportunity in STEAM fields.”

Seven Seas Water Group has been a proud sponsor of the Science Fair for the past three years, contributing over $20,000 to date.

Seven Seas 'proud to support initiatives'

Kevon Smith, a former BVI National Science Fair winner and current Plant Manager at the SSWG Paraquita Bay facility, emphasised the significance of the partnership for the local community.

“As a company deeply committed to providing well-engineered, efficiently operated desalination services to this community, we are proud to support initiatives that promote scientific inquiry and environmental stewardship. Our future plant managers, engineers, operators, and professionals will be among the competitors, showcasing their ingenuity and commitment to building a more sustainable future.”

6 Responses to “Seven Seas Water Group awards prizes to water science project winners”

  • jack (25/03/2025, 16:19) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
    This is good stuff sharrie working mehson
  • john public (25/03/2025, 16:50) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    is about time these water companies give back!
  • Public servant (25/03/2025, 20:57) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply

    The water contract is soon up, so they're giving back! All these years, they ro**ed people, and suddenly, they're involved in the science fair.

  • Rattler (26/03/2025, 14:09) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    A safe, clean, adequate ,,and reliable water supply is a critical service and is a determining factor for domestic use and economic development.,Businesses and industries choose sites/locales based on stable and sufficient water supply.

    The territory water supply system is in a royal mess. Its potable water is not fit for drinking. How safe is it for other uses? When and how is the water tested? Has a notice ever been issued because the system has been tested and is contaminated and instruction issued for using water? Does Water and Sewage have a laboratory??

    Whatever happened to Biwater and is all well now with? For at least two election cycles, it was a campaign issue? It was a build—operate-turnover contract for 16 years? Is the government ready to assume responsibility for operating the plant ? Is no ,why not? Is BiWater going to construct the sewage treatment plants consistent with agreement? Has Water and Sewage improve its cash flow issues? The last report was its output was $26M; input $5M.
    • smh (26/03/2025, 18:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      If this is true? This is high-way robbery !!!!!!!!! The government need to operate them own plant

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