Sensational BVI News Online attacks VINO over cartoon satire

Firstly, Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) stands by its popular cartoon section, as it continues to bring topical humour, irony, and exaggeration, particularly, in the context of contemporary politics and social issues happening in the Virgin Islands (VI).
As many believe BVI News Online continues to engage in Yellow journalism, one-sided and inaccurate stories, blogs that many claimed are libellous and now has a reputation in the VI for fake news (had to retract many articles over the years), it attacked VINO in an article published today April 1, 2021, headlined: ‘VINO publishes another racially charged cartoon of governor’.
Cartoon in question
The cartoon in question currently on VINO was taken from a statement made both publicly and privately by the outgoing Commissioner of Police, Michael B. Mathews, in which he claimed that there are residents who have ‘many houses, fast boats and cars without jobs.’ In addition, the same sentiments were shared by controversial (many labelled/claimed to be a racist) former Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert aka ‘Gus.’
Where was the tabloid BVI News Online with its outrage and article about these statements by both the former Governor and Police Commissioner, which many in the Territory found to be racially charged, offensive and insulting remarks that seek to undermine the hard work of residents who most often have to take on two and three jobs to pay back banks, friends and family members for what they have earned via sweat and tears?
It suggests to many that BVI News Online, whose readership has dropped, advertisers have stayed away, and staff situation remains unstable, was desperate for a headline and continues to write articles to divide the country along racial and political lines.
VINO will not be part of divisive agenda
VINO will not be a part of that outdated, tired and backward type of journalism that seeks to divide and engage in sensational rhetoric with a nasty, oppressive political and social agenda. Just reading many of their comments/blogs, it should demonstrate clearly to the people of the VI that BVI News Online’s agenda is antagonistic to the interest of the VI people.
In fact, many have complained to VINO that BVI News Online is in the habit of censoring blogs that are positive towards the Andrew A. Fahie (R1) led Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government.
Others see the senseless and waste of space article on VINO cartoon from BVI News Online as yet another failed attempt to attack VINO’s esteemed founder, the Honourable Julian Willock, Speaker of the House of Assembly.
Honourable Willock, as has long been established and verified, has nothing to do with VINO’s newsroom and the editorial board for the past three years; however, he still assists the site with managing advertisements and revenue.
BVI News, the new Fox News of the VI?
While many have expressed to us their disappointment in BVI News Online for trying to challenge the high standards raised by VINO in the territory, as VINO has been long associated with accurate, fair, balanced and objective reporting, we can only say that BVI News Online's ridiculous attack on VINO over a cartoon goes a far way in showing their irrelevant and outdated status in the news media space.
Many residents here have compared BVI News Online to the ‘right wing’ Fox News in the United States (many say promotes racist views). Fox News is now facing a billion-dollar lawsuit over the big Donald J. Trump lie about the 2020 election in the US being stolen. The comparison; however, is not a matter for us at the VINO news centre to make, it’s up to local readers and businesses to draw their own conclusions.
VINO continues to thank its over 50 thousand daily readers and social media followers, our loyal advertisers, the team of reporters, the staff and the many whistleblowers who continue to provide us with confidential information and most of all God for keeping the news site on the path to publishing facts, accurate articles, promoting both young people and the aged and seeking ways to actively encourage harmony for the good of the territory.

67 Responses to “Sensational BVI News Online attacks VINO over cartoon satire”
"Hello pot? This is kettle."
There is no peace among those people. Unfortunately, being born in 55 and up to about 65, when there none around, there was no hate, racism, rancor, segregated communities, business owners refusing to serve a local, and the list goes on.
Today, the Virgin Islands is a cancer of strife, conflict, racism and hate. And that news site fan the flames of all three.
It is hoped that VINO will stay the course and not fall for their evil trap. Their aim is to either shut down the site, make it diffucult to function or take it over out right.
Such a site is not what Black people are suppose to be owning in their opinion. Control of everything in the VI is their agenda..
Now it explains there racist attack on VINO
The stories reflect h** racist views.
For all the commenter that have been blocked from commenting on BVI News, where is the due process to being heard?
The unilateralism with which BVI News operates is worrisome.
Should/can the boards that regulate media transmissio in the BVI do anything about the violation of such freedoms?
They try to control the narrative by allowing one set of views & comments.
This here attack gave the perfect opportunity to set the record straight.
Even VINO censors some of the comments that are submitted for posting so they all play the same games
the owner of **** news (a white lady) once told me that she love when these people kill each other, it gives her something to write about
I hope the VIP gets a second term as I cannot see anyone else sitting in that seat right now.
It is clear also they hate the VIP and you can see it in their reporting and articles
Black people stay woke.